Sorcerer | Dragons Dogma 2 Wiki (2024)


Advanced Vocation

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Weapons Staves
Equippable by Pawns Yes
Primary Offensive Stat Magick

Sorcerer is an Advanced Vocationin Dragon's Dogma 2. TheSorcerer is an offensive magicks unit that specializes in casting powerful AoE spells with long cast times. Vocationsare the many character classes the player can choose from. The Vocation you choose for the Arisen or your Pawns dictates what Weapons and Skills they are able to use, as well as how their stats increase per level up. Some Vocations are only able to be used by the Arisen.

The Sorcerer is a vocation completely specialized in various magick attacks.
Their magick is conjured with both hands through a large staff, and can change the tide of battle at any given opportunity. As their magick spells take longer to cast, it is key for the Sorcerer to find a safe place and determine the correct moment to strike.

How to Unlock the Sorcerer Class in Dragon's Dogma 2

  • Pick up the side quest Vocation Frustrationfrom Klausat the Vernworth Vocation Guildin Vernworth.
  • Complete the side quest: Vocation Frustration. The side quest tasks the player to find and bringan archistaff and greatsword to Klaus.
  • By bringing the weapons to Klaus, that you both find inside chests inTrevo Mine, you'll gain access to the Sorcerer and Warriorvocations.
  • Acquiring or unlocking the vocation at a Vocation Guild requires 150 Dcp.

Dragon's Dogma 2 Sorcerer Guide and Builds Videos

Where to Find the Sorcerer Maister in Dragon's Dogma 2

  • Assigned Maisters: Tryshaand Myrddin
  • Related Quests: Spellboundand The Sorcerer's Appraisal
  • Maister's Locations:
    • Trysha's location:Eini's Home[See Dragon's Dogma 2 Map]
    • Myrddin's location: Myrddin's Home[See Dragon's Dogma 2 Map]

Tryshaand Myrddinare the Maister NPCs players must interact with to acquire the two different scrolls.Tryshaprovides Conjurer's Jottingswhichunlocks the MeteoronSorcerer Skill for yourself and your main pawn. While Myrddinprovides the player with Myrddin's Chronicle, that unlocks theMaelstromSorcererskill. Players must complete related quests to acquire the scroll item. These questsare Spellboundand The Sorcerer's Appraisal.

  • TIP: The fivegrimoires that Trysha asks from you are the same that Myrddinneeds for the quest "The Sorcerer’s Appraisal".
  • When you have all 5, wehighly recommendthat you have these tomes forged at the forgery shop (Ibrahim's Scrap Store) behind theVocation GuildofCheckpoint Rest Town[See Dragon's Dogma 2 Map]
  • Once you have the copies, give the originalgrimoires to Tryshaand wait a few days' time. A single day to rest should be enough.
  • Check on her after a day and you'll find her outside casting magic.AVOID THE SPELLS OR JUST MAINTAIN DISTANCE AND WAIT UNTIL SHE STOPS. DO NOT ATTACK HER. Once she stops or is exhausted run towards her to grab and pin her down with R2.
  • After this, you'll need to rest for at least a day for her to recover before you can visit her in her home. A scene with Trysha will play here and you'll get theConjurer's Jottingsscroll from her, including the Enchanter's Almanacfrom Einiupon completing the quest.
  • As for the quest, progressThe Sorcerer’s Appraisal, and give the copies to Myrddinto complete the questand receiveMyrddin's Chronicle.

Dragon's Dogma 2 Sorcerer Guide: How to Play

Sorcerers wield archistaves to incant a wide range of powerful spells. Their magickal onslaught can turn the tide of battle in an instant, dealing damage over a wide area or inflicting multiple enemies with debilitations. Incanting spells takes time, however, and must be done from a position of safety, lest the caster be left vulnerable. Hold down the heavy attack button to use Galvanizeand rapidly recover stamina. Casting powerful spells is taxing and consumes a large amount of stamina, so to ensure your magick is at your fingertips when you need it most, keep a close eye on your remaining stamina, and use galvanize as needed.

Spells must be incanted before they can be cast, and the more complex or powerful the magick, the longer the time required to incant it will be. Incanting leaves you vulnerable, however, so take care when and where you cast. You can move while incanting, but doing so will increase the time required to ready the spell. Certain magicks allow the caster to select the target of the spell. While incanting, you can select or switch between targets (be they friend or foe) by using the camera controls to center the camera on your chosen target. Attack magicks must be incanted before they can be cast, and this takes time. However, if you approach a fellow caster while they are incanting and begin intoning the same spell, you can help them to cast it more quickly. This is known as auxiliary incanting, and it will allow you to cast powerful spells with greater frequency.

Sorcerer is a beginner friendly class that specializes in dealing large amounts of damage over a wide area. In addition to the basic elemental damage spells that the Mage vocation can cast, Flagration, Levin, and Frigor, sorcerers gain access to larger elemental damage spells Salamander, Thundermine, and Hagol. Physical damage can be dealt with Seism. While these skills all have their place, the skills Meteoron, Maelstrom, and Augural Flareallow for the greatest damage when used properly. Indeed, few classes have the ability to deal as much raw damage as sorcerer.

The longincantation times of sorcerer spells can be somewhat countered by using rings that increase incantation speed, namely Ring of Recitation and Ring of Articulacy. Increasing the incantation speed is likely the best way to increase the overall damage output of sorcerer. Since being staggered will cancel the incantation, it is also important to add as much knockdown resistance to your gear as possible. Enhancing your gear with the dwarven smithing style and equipping the Constancy augment is the best way to do this.

Being attacked may cancel your spells, so it is important to have other vocations in the party that can draw the attention of enemies and tank while the spells are incanted. In particular, a Fighter, Warrior, or Trickster can all excel at drawing the attention of enemies. A Thief with Formless Feint is another option for tanking, although you may need to use augments and rings to increase their threat generation.

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DD2 Sorcerer Starting Equipment

The Sorcerer starting equipment is as follows:

  • Weapon: Grievous Horns- Favored Branches
  • Head Armor:Scale Band
  • Body Armor:Magician's Coat- Incanter's Coat
  • Leg Armor:Pilgrim's Tights- Nightfall Greaves

DD2Sorcerer Stat Growth

Stats inDragon's Dogma 2grow in two ways - temporary Stat Adjustments from choosing and adopting a Vocation, and increases that happen per level, modified by Vocation Stat Multipliers. Stat Adjustments happen instantly whenever you change into a Vocation. This means that when you chooseyour Basic Vocation during Character Creation, you'll likely already have these Stat Adjustments already applied to your Stats. Vocation Stat Multipliers are relevant whenever your character levels up.

SorcererStat Adjustments in Dragon's Dogma 2

As aforementioned, Stat Adjustments will immediately and automatically apply whenever you switch Vocations. These temporary Stat changes will reflect the Vocation's play style and will benefit the Stats that are advantageous for it. In contrast, some Stats mayreduced to balance out the Vocation's stats. When you switch to a different Vocation, these adjustments will be taken away, and then the Stat Adjustments for the newer Vocation will be conferred accordingly. Switching to theSorcererVocation will confer the following Stat Adjustments:

  • Health: -200
  • Stamina:+0
  • Strength: -20
  • Defense: -15
  • Magick:+60
  • Magick Defense: +40
  • Knockdown Power:+20
  • Knockdown Res:-50
  • Weight: -5

SorcererStat Multipliersin Dragon's Dogma 2

Whenever a character levels up, they are granted base Stat increases which are determined per level. These base Stat increases are then modified by Vocation Stat Multipliers which can be different per Stat and are different per Vocation. Like Stat Adjustments, these multipliers will reflect the Vocation's playstyles and lean towards the Stats that are advantageous to it. After the multiplier is applied to the base stat increase for each Stat, they are then rounded down before being permanently granted to your character. TheSorcererhas the following Stat Multipliers:

  • Health: x0.8
  • Stamina: x1
  • Strength: x0.7
  • Defense: x0.7
  • Magick: x1.6
  • Magick Defense: x1.5

Knockdown Power, Knockdown Res, and Weight do not have multipliers.Knockdown Resdoesn't grow at all, and Weight will stop growing after level 40.Knockdown Powerwill also stop growing after level 81. Past level 200, every Stat aside fromHealthwill grow by 1 point with each level (before Vocation modifiers).

For an in-depth guide into how Stat Levels grow and how Stat Leveling works inDragon's Dogma 2, as well as a full list of the base Stat increases per level before any multipliers, visit our page here.

Dragon's Dogma 2 Sorcerer Weapon Skills

Sorcerer | Dragons Dogma 2 Wiki (7)Flagration

  • Rank: 1
  • Cost: 0
  • Description: Unleashes a swirling jet of flame straight ahead for a period of time. The flame ignores Defense and can pass through multiple targets. While active, the caster can still move.

Sorcerer | Dragons Dogma 2 Wiki (8)High Flagration

  • Rank: 4
  • Cost: 1000
  • Description: An advanced form of Flagration that unleashes a more powerful jet of flame.

Sorcerer | Dragons Dogma 2 Wiki (9)

  • Rank: 1
  • Cost: 150
  • Description: Strikes the enemy from above with tongues of lightning. Can summon additional lightning bolts by consuming Stamina.

Sorcerer | Dragons Dogma 2 Wiki (10)High Levin

  • Rank: 4
  • Cost: 1000
  • Description: An advanced form of Levin that summons a greater number of lightning bolts when cast.

Sorcerer | Dragons Dogma 2 Wiki (11)Frigor

  • Rank: 3
  • Cost: 450
  • Description: Conjures a giant pillar of ice that lingers for a period of time and can serve as a stepping stone. After the pillar is destroyed, grabbable blocks of ice will remain.

Sorcerer | Dragons Dogma 2 Wiki (12)High Frigor

  • Rank: 6
  • Cost: 1600
  • Description: An advanced form of Frigor that unleashes a wave of cold when cast, dealing damage to any targets it touches.

Sorcerer | Dragons Dogma 2 Wiki (13)Spellhold

  • Rank: 7
  • Cost: 2500
  • Description: Temporarily stores an incanted spell in the staff, to be cast instantly at the wielder's discretion. Slows Stamina recovery while storing, and consumes increased Stamina when casting.

Sorcerer | Dragons Dogma 2 Wiki (14)High Spellhold

  • Rank: 9
  • Cost: 3000
  • Description: An advanced form of Spellhold that consumes less Stamina when casting the stored spell.


  • Rank: 1
  • Cost: 200
  • Description: Conjures a flame that slithers forward along the ground. The flame remains for a time and deals continuous damage to any targets it touches.

High Salamander

  • Rank: 5
  • Cost: 1300
  • Description: An advanced form of Salamander that extends both the flame's range and the debilitation's duration.


  • Rank: 1
  • Cost: 200
  • Description: Conjures a ball of lightning that automatically unleashes crackling bolts at foes who draw near. The bolts also knock down smaller targets. Dissipates in time or after a number of attacks.

High Thundermine

  • Rank: 5
  • Cost: 1300
  • Description: An advanced form of Thundermine that extends the spell's duration and increases the number of attacks unleashed from the ball of lightning before it dissipates.


  • Rank: 2
  • Cost: 300
  • Description: Summons a bone-chilling blizzard in the immediate vicinity that damages any targets it touches and inflicts them with frostbite.

High Hagol

  • Rank: 6
  • Cost: 1600
  • Description: An advanced form of Hagol that extends both the blizzard's range and the debilitation's duration.


  • Rank: 4
  • Cost: 700
  • Description: Saps the target's Health and grants it to the caster. The effect continues for as long as the spell is maintained, but the caster must remain stationary.

High Decanter

  • Rank: 7
  • Cost: 2000
  • Description: An advanced form of Decanter that has a greater effective range and increased healing potency.


  • Rank: 5
  • Cost: 1100
  • Description: Sends eruptions of stone high into the air, dealing physical damage. Especially effective against targets resistant to magick.

High Seism

  • Rank: 7
  • Cost: 2000
  • Description: An advanced form of Seism that causes even more eruptions of stone, inflicting greater harm over a wider area.

Prescient Flare

  • Rank: 6
  • Cost: 1800
  • Description: Affixes a target with a magickal orb that explodes after a time if it is attacked. Striking the orb adds more explosions and makes them more powerful. Orb fades if not attacked for a period of time.

Augural Flare

  • Rank: 8
  • Cost: 2500
  • Description: An advanced form of Prescient Flare that extends the duration before the orb detonates and increases the number of possible explosions.


  • Rank: Conjurer's Jottings
  • Cost: Conjurer's Jottings
  • Description: Summons a meteor shower, dealing immense damage to targets across a broad range. Prevents movement while incanting, and is unaffected by Quickspell. Most effective when cast in a wide-open space.


  • Rank: Myrddin's Chronicle
  • Cost: Myrddin's Chronicle
  • Description: Conjures a whirlwind to wreak havoc upon those caught in its path. Prevents movement while incanting, and is unaffected by Quickspell. Most effective when cast in a cramped space.

Dragon's Dogma 2 Sorcerer Core Skills

Magick Bolt

  • Rank:1
  • Cost:0
  • Description: Fires a magickal burst that differs based on active enchantment. Can be cast while moving.


  • Rank:1
  • Cost:0
  • Description: Rapidly recovers Stamina through single-minded focus. Can be employed while moving, but with reduced efficacy.

Bursting Bolt

  • Rank:1
  • Cost: 150 Dcp
  • Description: Stores up magick before unleashing it in a powerful burst that explodes sometime after connecting with the target. Effect differs based on active enchantment.


  • Rank:2
  • Cost: 250 Dcp
  • Description: Greatly hastens incantation speed. Consumes Stamina while active.


  • Rank:3
  • Cost: 400 Dcp
  • Description: Manipulates the caster's weight through magickal means, allowing them to float temporarily.

Dragon's Dogma 2 Sorcerer Augments


  • Rank: 2
  • Cost: 300
  • Description: Increases the likelihood of inflicting debilitations with your attacks by 20%.


  • Rank: 4
  • Cost: 900
  • Description: Reduces the rate at which items deteriorate by 25%.


  • Rank: 6
  • Cost: 1800
  • Description: Augments your Knockdown Resistance by 30%.


  • Rank: 8
  • Cost: 3000
  • Description: Increases damage dealt by 5% when exploiting a hostile target's elemental weakness.


  • Rank: 9
  • Cost: 5000
  • Description: Augments your Magick by 30.

DD2 Sorcerer Weapons

In Dragon's Dogma 2,SorcerersuseArchistavesas their main weapons. These are powerful and magical implements that help them cast devastating spells.

Debilitation Inflicted


65 312 0 0 45 -- Sorcerer | Dragons Dogma 2 Wiki (40)

Bane Archistaff

65 345 0 0 100 -- None 3.33

Caged Fury

120 402 0 0 110 -- None 3.99

Craos Tine

26 197 0 0 75 Sorcerer | Dragons Dogma 2 Wiki (44)
None 2.4

Dragon's Wit

126 440 0 0 120 -- None 4.21

Favored Branches

35 169 0 0 70 -- None 2.4

Grievous Horns

26 80 0 0 43 -- None 2

Helical Archistaff

45 115 0 0 47 -- None 2.47

Lion-Lord's Archistaff

120 371 0 0 104 Sorcerer | Dragons Dogma 2 Wiki (50)
None 3.68


33 145 0 0 55 -- None 2.12

Plucked Heart

48 221 0 0 83 -- None 2.53

Solar Providence

50 299 0 0 88 -- None 2.79

Talarian White

120 263 0 0 86 Sorcerer | Dragons Dogma 2 Wiki (55)
None 3

DD2 Sorcerer Other Notes & Tips

  • Additional Notes & Tips for the Sorcerergo here.
  • Sorcerer | Dragons Dogma 2 Wiki (56)Versatile:This is one of the easiest trophies to obtain, and you won't miss it. Just chance yourVocationfor another one. It doesn't matter if you stick with it. In certain Inns or Guild Halls, head to the clerk and interact to select the option to change yourVocation. It costs you 100 Discipline Points.
  • Sorcerer | Dragons Dogma 2 Wiki (57)The Specialist:You have to reach Rank 9 in anyVocation. Players will level up their Vocation as they kill enemies. As you play through the game, you will eventually reach rank 9 with, at least, one of theVocations.
Dragon's Dogma 2 All Vocations

ArcherFighterMageMagick ArcherMystic SpearhandThiefTricksterWarfarerWarrior

Sorcerer | Dragons Dogma 2 Wiki (2024)
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