This Day, July 5, In Jewish History by Mitchell A and Deb Levin Z"L – All #ourCOG News (2024)

July 5

1247: PopeInnocent IV, semi-retired by Emperor Frederick II, issued a Bull refuting bloodlibels and sent it throughout Germany and France.

1247: Today, Innocent IVdispatched a bull from Lyons to the Church dignitaries of France and Germany inwhich for the first time, the repeated baseless and fiendish imputationsagainst the Jews were officially contradicted. "Certain of the clergyand princes and nobles and great lords of your dioceses have falsely devisedcertain godless plans against the Jews, unjustly depriving them by force oftheir property and appropriating it themselves; they falsely charge them withdividing up among themselves on the Passover the heart of a murdered boy.Christians believe that the Law of the Jews prescribes this to them, whilst intheir Law the very reverse is ordained. In the face of their malice, theyascribe every murder, wherever it chance to occur, to Jews. And on theground of these and other fabrications, they are filled with rage against them,rob them of their possessions, without any formal accusation without confessionand without legal trial and conviction. Contrary to theprivileges graciously granted to them from the Apostolic chair, andopposed to god and his justice, they oppress the Jews by starvation,imprisonment and by other tortures and sufferings; they afflict them with allkinds of punishments, and sometimes even condemn them to death, so thatthe Jews, although living under Christian prices are in a worse plight thanwere their ancestors in Egypt under the Pharaohs...Since it is our pleasurethat they shall not be distressed, we ordain that ye behave towards them in afriendly and kind manner. Whenever any unjust attacks upon them comeunder your notice, redress their injuries and do not suffer them to be visitedin the future by similar tribulations." Anti-Semitism and belief andin the blood libel were so much a part of European culture that the Pope's bullwas ignored.

1345: PopeClement VI banned forced baptism of Jews. Subsequent Popes overturned thisdecree in 1597 and 1747

1377:Edward III, the second English to have no Jewish subjects because hisgrandfather had banished them at the end of the 13th century and whoborrowed 140,000 florins “on the eve of the Hundred Years’ War” from aconsortium led by Vivelin of Strasbourg, “an Alsatian Jewish financier” was buried today at Westminster Abbey.

1532: In a letter dated today, Erasmu derided the Theatreof Memory, the seminal work of Guilio Camillo who had “labored at buildinga seven level ‘memory theatre’ representing the seven sefiort (in Kabbalah,divine emanations) seven planets and plethora of Kabbalistic language imagery.”

1629: Jacob Bassevi vonTreuenberg “a Bohemian Court Jews and financier” “was a warm friend of RabbiLipmann Heller and befriended him during the latter's arrest today.

1687: SirIsaac Newton publishes Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica.Newton was also a millenarian and a theologian who thought the world would endin 2060. A treatise he wrote contains a diagram is of the Holy Temple inJerusalem. The Jewish National and University Library at Hebrew University hasan exhibit of these more unusual aspects of Newton's career, and Ha'aretz has a story on the exhibit ( For more aboutNewton and the Jewish religion see Judaismin the Theology of Sir Isaac Newton by Matt Goldish.

1687: IsaacNewton published “Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica,” the groundbreaking three volume work that included Newton’s Laws of motions andrevolutionized the field of physics.Based on documents from the Jewish National and University Library firstshown to the general public in 2007, we know that we that Newton “found time towrite on Jewish law” and used the Bookof Daniel “for clues about the” date for the end of the world. “In onemanuscript from the early 1700s, Newton used the cryptic Book of Daniel tocalculate the date for the Apocalypse, reaching the conclusion that the worldwould end no earlier than 2060. ‘It may end later, but I see no reason for itsending sooner,’ Newton wrote. However, he added, ‘This I mention not to assertwhen the time of the end shall be, but to put a stop to the rash conjectures offanciful men who are frequently predicting the time of the end, and by doing sobring the sacred prophesies into discredit as often as their predictions fail.’In another document, Newton interpreted biblical prophecies to mean that theJews would return to the Holy Land before the world ends. The end of days willsee ‘the ruin of the wicked nations, the end of weeping and of all troubles,the return of the Jews captivity and their setting up a flourishing andeverlasting Kingdom,’ he posited.” Newton also wrote “treatises on dailypractice in the Jewish temple in Jerusalem. In one document, Newton discussedthe exact dimensions of the temple — its plans mirrored the arrangement of thecosmos, he believed — and sketched it. Another paper contains words in Hebrew,including a sentence taken from the Jewish prayerbook. For more about Newton and the Jewish religionsee Judaism in the Theology of SirIsaac Newton by Matt Goldish For more on the exhibitof his papers see:

1712(1stof Tammuz, 5472): Esther de Castro, the wife of Issac Orbio de Castro, thePortuguese marrano physician and philosopher who reclaimed in his Jewishheritage when he moved to Amsterdam, passed away today.

1719(18thTammuz, 5479): Rabbi Shmuel Schotten known as the Mharsheishoch, who wasborn at Schotten in 1644 and wasappointed Rosh Yeshiva of the yeshiva in Frankfurt am Main and Rabbi of theGrand Duchy of Hesse-Darmstadt in 1685 passed away today.

1742: During“The War of Jenkins' Ear between Spain and the Kingdom of Great Britain,Spanish troops landed on St. Simons Island as part of their Invasion ofGeorgia. Most of the Sephardi Jews abandoned Savannah, fearing that if capturedthey would be treated as apostates and burnt at the stake. The Minis andSheftall families of Ashkenazi Jews were the only ones to remain” This quaintly named conflict between theSpain and Great Britain would become part of a larger conflict that engulfedmost of Europe – The War of the Austrian Succession – which would come to aclose with the Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle. This would lead in turn to theFrench-Indian War which would lead to the American Revolution.

1755: Birthdate of Bohemia native Karl Fischer,“the Christian censor of Hebrew book in Prague” who succeeded Leopold Tirsch inthis position.

1764:Birthdate of Daniel Mendoza ((often known as Dan Mendoza) an Englishprizefighter, who was boxing champion of England 1792-95. He is sometimescalled the father of scientific boxing. Mendoza's style consisted of more thansimply battering opponents into submission; his "scientific style"included much movement. His ability to overcome much heavier adversaries was aconsequence of this. In 1789 he published The Art of Boxing. Mendoza was sopopular that the London press reported news of one of his bouts ahead of thestorming of the Bastille which marked the start of the French Revolution. Hetransformed the English stereotype of a Jew from a weak, indefensible personinto someone deserving of respect. He is said to have been the first Jew totalk to the King, George III. His early boxing career was defined by threebouts with his former mentor Richard Humphries between 1788 and 1790. The firstof these was lost due to Humphries’s second (the former Champion, Tom Johnson)blocking a blow. The second two bouts were won by Mendoza. The third bout wasthe first time spectators were charged an entry payment to a sporting event.The fights were hyped by a series of combative letters in the press betweenHumphries and Mendoza. Mendoza's "Memoirs" report that he gotinvolved in three fights whilst on his way to watch a boxing match. The reasonswere: (a) someone's cart cut in; (b) he felt a shopkeeper was trying to cheathim; (c) he didn't like how a man was looking at him. In 1795 Mendoza fought "Gentleman"John Jackson for the Championship at Hornchurch in Essex. Jackson was fiveyears younger, 4 inches taller, and 42 lbs. heavier. The bigger man won in ninerounds, paving the way to victory by seizing Mendoza by his long hair andholding him with one hand while he pounded his head with the other. Mendoza waspummeled into submission in around ten minutes. Since this date boxers haveworn their hair short. After 1795 Mendoza began to seek other sources ofincome, becoming the landlord of the "Admiral Nelson" pub inWhitechapel. He turned down a number of offers for re-matches and in 1807 wrotea letter to The Times in which he said he was devoting himself chiefly toteaching the art. In 1809 he and some associates were hired by the theatremanager Kemble in an attempt to suppress the OP Riots; the resulting poorpublicity probably cost Mendoza much of his popular support, as he was seen tobe fighting on the side of the privileged. Mendoza made and spent a fortune.His Memoirs (written in 1808 but not published until 1816) report that he trieda number of ventures, including touring the British Isles giving boxingdemonstrations; appeared in a pantomime entitled Robinson Crusoe or FridayTurned Boxer; opening a boxing academy at the Lyceum in the Strand; working asa recruiting sergeant for the army; printing his own paper money; and being apub landlord. Mendoza made his last public appearance as a boxer in 1820 atBanstead Downs in a grudge match against Tom Owen; he was defeated after 12rounds. Intelligent, charismatic but chaotic, he died leaving his family inpoverty. In 1954 Mendoza was elected to the Boxing Hall of Fame. In 1990 he wasinducted into the inaugural class of the International Boxing Hall of Fame.Mendoza, who was Jewish, was inducted into the International Jewish Sports Hallof Fame in 1981. The actor Peter Sellers was a descendant of Dan Mendoza.Prints of the boxer can be seen on Inspector Clouseau’s wall in the PinkPanther films.

1777: Duringthe American Revolution, the Supreme Council of Pennsylvania appoint SolomonBush, the son of Matthias Bush, Deputy Adjutant-General of the State Militia

1778: AbrahamFurtado, the President of the Assemblee des Notables and his wife SaraRodrigues Alvares gave birth to their first child Joseph Elie.

1784:Birthdate of Abraham Sutro, the native of Brück who served as a"Landesrabbiner" and wrote protests “against religious reforms,especially the use of the organ in the synagogue.”

1791:Birthdate of Philadelphia native Myer Jacobs the son of Moses Jacobs and the husbandof Recca Lazarus whom he married in 1817.

1792: FrancisII who relied on Bernhard von Eskeles the founder of the Austrian National Bankfor financial advice began his reign as Holy Roman Emperor and King in Germany.

1796: InPhiladelphia, PA, Samuel and Richea (Gratz) Hays gave birth to their secondchild and eldest son Isaac Hays, “a nephew of Rebecca Gratz, the alleged modelfor Sir Walter Scott’s “Rebecca” in Ivanhoe,” who chose to pursue a career asan ophthalmologist instead of entering the family business.

1797:“Naphtali Moses Taylor Phillips, generally known as N. Taylor Phillips”“married Rachel Hannah, daughter of Moses Mendez Seixas, a prominent Newport,RI, merchant and banker and a brother of Gershom Mendez Seixas…

1800:Birthdate of Benjamin Dores Lazarus, the son Marks Lazarus and the husband ofMarks Lazarus and the husband Cornelia Cohen whom he married 1840.

1811:Venezuela declares its independence from Spain. According to the “VirtualJewish History Tour,” Simon Bolivar, considered Venezuela's liberator, foundrefuge and material support for his army in the homes of Jews from Curaçao.Jews such as Mordejai Ricardo, Ricardo Meza and his brother Abraham Mezaoffered hospitality to Bolivar as he fought against the Spanish, thusestablishing brotherly relations between Jews and the newly independentVenezuelan republic. Several Jews even fought in the ranks of Bolivar's armyduring the war.”

1814(17thof Tammuz, 5574):Tzom Tammuz

1814(17thof Tammuz, 5574): Joseph Moes the husband of Rachel Moses and the “father ofCatharine Oppenheim; Mordecai Moses; Sarah Hart; Col. Hart J. Moses; AdelineLyon Moses; and Hetty (Henrietta) Moses” passed away today after which he wasburied in Charleston, SC.

1814: Lyon DeSymons, the husband of Mary Goldsmid with whom he had seven children was buriedtoday at the Brady Street Jewish Cemetery.

1824(9thof Tammuz, 5584): Forty-three-year-old Amelia Leven, the wife of Jacob Levenpassed away today after which she was buried at the Lauriston Road JewishCemetery.

1825: TodaySamuel Evans known as Young Dutch Sam, the London born so Samuel Elias, the boxerknown as Dutch Sam, fought his bout beating Ned Stockman at Maiden, Bersjoe/

1826: MichaelEmanuel married Hannah Levy at the Great Synagogue today.

1832(7thof Tammuz, 5592): Fifty-three-year-old Ernst Friedrich Ludwig Robert author of“Die Macht der Verhältnisse” the 1819 play that ‘deals with the position ofJews in society.” Born Liepmann Levin,he was the brother Rahel Varnhagen, one of the most unusual women of her timewho was the subject of Hannah Arend’ts biography, Rahel Varnhagen: The Lifeof a Jewess.

1834: In“Lobau” which was at time in West Prussia, Phillip andEsther Newmark gave birth to Harris Newmark who worked in boot-blackmanufacturing enterprise until he came to Los Angeles in 1853 where worked forhis brother J.P. Newmark before founding “the wholesale grocery house of H.Newmark and Company” before moving on to San Francisco where he organized asuccessful business dealing in “hides, pelts and furs” before returning to LosAngeles where he married his niece Sarah Newmark, raised five children andserved as “Chairman of the Charity Committee of the Hebrew Benevolent Society”from which position he raised thousands of dollars for those who had beentrapped in the Johnstown Flood.

1838: The Jewsof the city of Safed came under attack from the Druze, who also had sacked anOttoman caravan capturing 300 fully loaded camels of the Sultan. "While itwas still night, the entire city was suddenly and terrified because unknown menwere seen walking around the streets, and there were signs of malice on theirfaces." The attack on the Jews was by a group men armed with rifles,knives, axes and clubs.

1843: SimonBennett married Leah Solis today.

1845: InBavaria, Germany, Therese and Jacob Weilgave birth to future Bostonian Charles (Carl) Weil the husband of Caroline(Carry ) Weil

1848:Birthdate of Leone Bolaffia, the native of Padua, who became a lawyer in Veniceand who became the editor of the judicial paper "Temi Veneta," in1876.

1848: PhilipHanau married Maria Van Goor at the Great Synagogue.

1851: In Ironton,OH, Moses and Esther Frank gave birth to “their eldest son, Henry L. Frank who “settledin Butte, MT where he “found prosperity in the retail and wholesale liquorbusiness while founding the Butte Water Co. and the Silver Bow Electric Companyand served as Mayor from 1885 to 1886.

1853:Birthdate of Cecil Rhodes one of the two dates that his Jewish rival BarneyBarnato gave as his birthdate – the other being July 5, 1852. His birthcertificate showed the date as February 21, 1851. (And you wonder why this isnot always easy to do)

1853: At theWentworth Street Synagogue, Rabbi Solomon Jacobs officiated at the wedding ofLevy Drucker and Rebecca Cohen, the youngest daughter of Aaron N. Cohen ofCharlotte, NC

1853(29thof Sivan, 5613): Sixty-two-year-old Isaac Levin Auerbach the German-Jewisheducation and reformer who was the son of Rabbi Levin Isaac Auerbach and thebrother of Baruch Auerbach, the founder of the Jewish Orphan Asylum in Berlin,passed away at Dessau.

1855: In Cincinnati,Leopold Pappenheimer, the German born “son of Salomon Pappenheimer and ZerlaPappenheimer (Wormser) and his wife Marie Pappenheimer gave birth to Sara Pfeifer,the wife of Isaac Pfeiffer.

1857: In theRussian Empire, Baron Horace Günzburg, the son of Baron Joseph Günzburg, andhis wife gave birth to Baron David Günzburg, a Jewish intellectual who had oneof the best private libraries in Europe and who was a major leader of theJewish community.

1858:In Vilna,Russian Hebraist and poet Aaron B. Zebi Jonathanson and his wife gave birthJonathan Jonanathanson who moved to New York where he became a contributor tothe Yiddish periodical press under the nom de plume "Ḳal wa-Ḥomer."

1858: TheHebrew Benevolent Society which “attend to the sick, assists members and buriesthe dead in the cemetery owned by the Society, was founded today in Alexandria,VA.

1860(15thof Tammuz, 5620): Seventy-five-year-old Amsterdam native Leonardus Levy AbrahamVerveer, the husband of Caroline Elkan passed away today in The Hague.

1861: Armedonly with hunting-whip Sir Lawrence Oliphant fought off a Japanese attacker whowas trying to kill them. If the attack had succeeded, Oliphant would not havelived to promote his project for colonizing the northern section of Palestinewith Jewish settlers; a plan that he did not begin to pursue until the 1870’s

1862(7thof Tammuz, 5622): Parashat Balak

1862:According to reports in Hanover, Germany, an un-named Jewish banker in bankerplans to present a proposal to the U.S. Secretary of the Treasury to raise thenecessary revenue to fight the Civil War by adopting the same lottery systemthat the Austrians and Russians use.

1863(18thof Tammuz, 5623(: Hannah Levy, the daughter of Simon Levy passed away today inWashington, D.C.

1863(18thof Tammuz, 5623) Tzom Tammuz observed as Union cavalry fought with Lee’s Rebelswho retreating back towards Virginia after their staggering defeat atGettysburg

1864(1stof Tammuz, 5624): Rosh Chodesh Tammuz observed on the same day that GeneralJubal Early crossed the Potomac River in what would prove to be the Rebelsfinal attempt to capture Washington, D.C. in their war to preserve slavery eventhough it meant destroying the United States of America.

1866(22ndof Tammuz, 5626): Forty-four-year-old Edmund Myer Tobias, the son of MyerTobias and Hannah Woolf passed away today in the UK.

1867: Two daysafter he passed away, 23-year-old Emanuel Israel Brandon, “the young son ofAbraham Israel Brandon” was buried today at the Balls Pond Road JewishCemetery.

1868: In Riga,Lazar b. Jacobson and Ida Cohn gave birth to Maurice Jacobson, the Librarianfor the Bureau of Statistics at the Department of Commerce and Labor in Washington,who was educated at the University of Moscow and Columbia University in NYC.

1870(6thof Tammuz, 5630): Moses Sachs, the German rabbi who settled in Jerusalem in1830 and “married Rachel, daughter of Rabbi Zadok HaLevi Cruiz” in 1832 passedaway today after spending almost four decades trying to settle “Jews as farmersin the Land of Israel under Austrian protection.”

1870: In NewYor City, Tillie Hirshkind and Meyer Goldsmith gave birth to fertilizer andchemicals broker Simon M. Goldsmith, the husband of Gertrude Levy whosephilanthropic work including member in the Business Men’s Council of theFederation of Jewish Philanthropic Societies in NYC.

1870: The New York Times published a summaryof reviews from English publication of Disraeli’s “Loathair.”

1871: Two daysafter she passed away, fifty-six-year-old Julia (nee Hyman) Phillips, the wifeof Isaac Phillips with whom she had ten children was buried today at the WestHam Jewish Cemetery.

1872: In Tula,Russia, Myron O. and Reba (Rubens) Getman-Gideon gave birth to CornellUniversity trained engineer Abraham Getman Gideon, the husband of Mary Bickford Young, whopursued his career in the Philippines where he was a Major in the U.S. Reservesand a Professor of Engineering at the University of the Philippines.

1872: Today’sForeign News Notes column cited a report by the Jewish Chronicle that the Jewsof Smyrna are being persecuted by the Greeks as a way to gain the release of agroup of “Greek ruffians now in prison.”The Greek mob has threatened to burn the city and massacre the Jews iftheir demands are not met.

1873: “CosasD’Austria” published today provides a potpourri of information about variousaspects of life in the Hapsburg Empire including a disparaging portrait of theJews. According to the author, “the Jewshave not invented anything” but they exploit in the inventions of others totheir own advantage. For example, theJews did not invent the telegraph, but Reuters profits from it by supplying allthe news to British newspapers and the Wolff Agency, founded by Berhnard Wolffdoes the same by supplying news to the newspapers of Central Europe. The AgenceHavas which is not owned by Jews but is indebted to them because they controlthe money, does the same in France. Thearticle contend that there are more Jews of Vienna are more numerous in numberthan the band that crossed the Jordan with Joshua and that there as many Jewsin the Austrian Empire today as there Jews in Judea at the time of Titus’victory. The Jews own the best ofeverything. But their wealth comes notfrom leading in combat but from being “gleaners who gather the fruits ofvictory. [This article demonstrates howanti-Semitism rose at the same time as Jewish Emancipation became more of areality. ]

1874:Birthdate of Dr. Eugene Fischer, the professor of eugenics who was a member ofthe Nazi Party and “was appointed rector of the Frederick William University ofBerlin by Adolf Hitler.”

1874(20th ofTammuz, 5634): Rabbi Julius Eckman passed away.Born in Rawicz, which was then part of Prussia, in 1805, he studied atBerlin before moving to the United States where he held pulpits in a variety ofcities including in New Orleans, Charleston, San Francisco, and Portland,Oregon and then back to San Francisco.During his first stay in San Francisco Eckman was the first rabbi employedby Temple Emanu-El and the published of a new Jewish weekly, The Gleaner, whichmerged into the Hebrew Messenger. Whenhe returned to San Francisco from Portland, Eckman served as the Superintendentof the Sabbath School at Congregation Shearith.

1875: MarcusJastrow, the Rabbi at Rodef Shalom and Lewis Abrahams addressed the members ofB’nai Brith who had gathered in Philadelphia for groundbreaking ceremonies thatmarked the start of the building of a statute to religious liberty. The statue should be ready for next year’scentennial observance. Rabbi GeorgeJacobs presided over the ceremonies and Moses Elbrigh of New York assisted him.

1875(2ndof Tammuz, 5635): Fifty-nine-year-old Henrietta L. Cohen Long, the Marylandborn daughter of Rabbi Abraha Hyam Cohen and Sarah Janette Picken Cohen and themother of William Willis who married her second husband, William Long, afterher she had divorced her first husband William Willis because “he deserted herand went to Mexico” passed away today after which she was buried in theHillcrest Cemetery in Holly Springs, MS.

1875: InLithuania, “Rabbi Abraham Bejr ad Sara Beulah Gordon gave birth to JeffersonMedical College of Philadelphia trained eye physician and co-founder of the ZOAand the American Jewish Congress ,Dr. Benjamin L. Gordon, the husband ofDorothy Cohen and the physician at the Jewish Maternity Hospital and JewishSeaside Home who served as lieutenant in Keegan’ Brigade in the SpanishAmerican War and a volunteer with the Medical Corps during WW I.

1877:Birthdate of Rabbi Judah Leib Magnes. Born in San Francisco and educated atHebrew Union College, Magnes was a life-long maverick. He was an early andardent Zionist, which was unusual among the Reform movement since it waslargely anti-Zionist at the time. He was named Rabbi at New York’s prestigiousTemple Emanu-el in 1906 but left four years later because he found it "tooassimilationist", another unusual stance for a Reform Rabbi. He was anoutspoken pacifist during World War I. (He would change his views during WorldWar II.) In 1925, he became the first Chancellor of the brand new HebrewUniversity in Jerusalem. He held the post for ten years. He was ousted asChancellor as a result of an academic squabble and "kicked upstairs to thePresidency. . Although he was a Zionist, Magnes believed in a binationalArab-Jewish state. While there were other Jews including the famous philosopherMartin Buber who supported Magnes, none of the "Moderate" Arabs wouldjoin his efforts. This did not stop Magnes from pursuing what became hisQuixotic Quest. He passed away in 1948.

1877: It wasreported today that the war between the Turks and the Russian has caused an“appalling” amount of misery as can be seen by the way Jews in Romania havebeen beaten, stabbed and “outraged in various ways.”

1878: It wasreported today that the leaders of the Romanian government are holding secretmeetings to determine how they will respond to the Congress of Berlin’s demandsthat the Romanians improve the treatment of their Jewish countryman. The Congress wants the Jews to be grant fullemancipation making them citizens in the true sense of the word.

1879:Birthdate of Wanda Landowska whose performances, teaching, recordings andwritings played a large role in reviving the popularity of the harpsichord inthe early 20th century.

1880: It wasreported today that “Alfred Simpson, alias ‘Jew Al,’ a German, and a notorious…bank thief…was arrested” in Boston.[Was Simpson really Jewish or was this a case of a tendency of somejournalists and others to deal in catchy stereotypes]

1880: “A Rushto Long Branch” published today described the great popularity enjoyed by theNew Jersey resort. All of the hotels andcottages are filled with a cross section of the nation’s “high society”including W.W.(William Waldorf) Astor and family, the Hartman Kuhn family ofPhiladelphia and former New Jersey Governor J.D. Bedle and family. The factthat Joseph Seligman occupied one of the private cottages attested to the factthat the innkeepers in Long Branch had not succumbed to the anti-Semitic policiesbeing followed in Saratoga and this fact had not harmed business.

1882: At thePennsylvania Railroad’s piers No. 35 and 38, Hungarian and Austrian Jewishfreight handlers were fired because the company could hire German workers. Thistook place during the Freight Handler’s Strike which was an example of howcompanies pitted native-born workers against immigrants and then immigrantsagainst immigrants to keep wages low and working conditions miserable.

1882: “ASpanish Novel” published today provided a review of Gloria, a novel byPerez Galdos that incorporates themes of modern day anti-Jewish attitudes withthe harsh reality of the persecution of the Jews completed with auto-de-fes andthe Expulsion of 1492. [This was an unusual topic for its time and even moreunusual one for a Spanish author to tackle.]1883(30th of Sivan,5643): Rosh Chodesh Tammuz

1883:Cartoonist Rube Goldberg was one day old today.

1884: It wasreported today that in the matter of the Parisian court found in favor of theauthor and ordered the painter not display a picture that depicted Dumas as a“Baghdad Jew.” The ruling was based on the fact that the painter had not gottenthe consent of the author to use his visage and that portraying him in thismanner (as a Jew) was “very uncomplimentary.”

1884: It wasreported today that last month in southern Russia, the Cossacks had tointervene in a conflict between the Armenians and Jews in Titlis. [Attacksagainst Russian Jews were not unusual.But all too often the Cossacks (part of the government’s “policeauthority” sat by and let the Jews be brutalized.]

1885: Todaythe Jewish congregation in in Davenport Iowa decided to “let out” a contact forthe “building of a Temple” in a year that saw the building synagogues for B’naiYershurun and B’nai Israel in Des Moines and the organization of a congregationin Sioux City, Iowa.

1886: In Kiev,Leah and Morris Dubin gave birth to future Californian Abrahm Dubin the husbandof Anna Dubin.

1887:Birthdate of Mary Gelperin Aronoff, the wife of Isaac Aronoff, with whom shehad two children – Sarah, Nathan and Louis.

1887: TheBoard of Directors of the Home for Aged and Infirm Hebrews held a specialmeeting where they adopted a resolution praising and expressing theircondolences at the passing of their colleague Jonas Heller.

1887: Grace(Colbert) Weinschenk, the wife of Albert Weischenk gave birth to a baby boytoday in New York. The father is a youngGerman Jew whose Christian in-laws had originally opposed the marriage. But they became reconciled to the fact andthe couple was living with their in-laws at the time of the birth. [ Why doesthis matter. You will have to come back and the next installment]

1888:Birthdate of Herbert Spencer Gasser, the Wisconsin born doctor who won the 1944Noble Prize In Medicine and became the director of the Rockefeller Institute.

1888: InSuwalki which at that time was part of the Russian Empire, Alexander and SoniaDaneilewicz Banov gave birth to Leon Banov who came to Charleston, SC at theage, earned a Ph.G. and an M.D. from the Medical College of South Carolinaafter which he “served as the public health officer for both the county and thecity of Charleston which time he married Minnie Monash with whom he had threechildren. (As reported by Patricia Evridge Hill)

1889: In NewYork, Regina Horowitz and Ignatiz Margareten gave birth to Carrie Unterberger,the wife of Moriss Unterberger with who she had three children – Sarella,Judith and Jersome.

1891: TheNew York Times published a review of Dr. Mendlesonn’s HebrewJurisprudence: The Criminal Jurisprudence of the Ancient Hebrews.

1891: Ameeting was held in St. Louis, MO to address the needs of the increasing numberof Russian Jews arriving in the city.The attendees decided to establish a school with daytime and nightsessions that would make the new immigrants “thorough American citizens.” They would first be taught the English languewhich the key to learning about government, politics and the “social economy”of their new home. Over one hundred ofthe attendees signed up to support such an endeavor and each paid three dollarsin dues to support the project.

1893: The1,800 people who attended the Kra Kauer Charity and Aid Society Summer-night’sfestival at Sulzer’s Harlem River Park were entertained by the Hebrew OrphanAsylum Military Band and the Hebrew Sheltering Guardian Society Drum and FifeCorps.

1894(1stof Tammuz, 5654): Seventy-nine year old Barbara Elisabeth Gluck whose father’sdeath when she was very young which forced her to turn to writing poetry toearn a living, where she used the name Betty Paoli passed away today.

1894: Two daysafter he passed away “in his 71st year, Joseph Schloss was buriedtoday at the Balls Pond Road Jewish Cemetery.

1894: Seventy-seven-year-oldBritish political leader and archaeologist Sir Austen Henry Layard, whosefamily had been close friends with Benjamin Disraeli in his youth and whosediscoveries at Niniveh helped to provide proof for the portions of the TaNaChthat dealt with the Assyrians passed away today.

1896: Herzlmet with Claude Montefiore and Frederic Mocotta of the Anglo-Jewish Associationwho are anti-Zionist.

1897(5thof Tammuz, 5657): Eighty-nine-year-old Bavarian native Dr. Emanuel M. Friedlanwho came to the United States in 1850 where he “took a prominent part inreforming Jewish ritual and served as a Grand Master of B’nai B’rith passedaway today in New York.

1897(5thof Tammuz, 5657): Flour merchant Mayer Gottlieb, a member of the ProduceExchange passed away today during his 69th year at his home on east92nd Street.

1897: Birthdate of Israeli composer Paul Ben-Haim. Born PaulFrankenburgerin Munich, “he trained at the Munich Academy of Arts from 1915 to 1920. He wasassistant conductor in Walter and Knappersbusch, 1920 to 1924, and thenconductor at Augsburg from 1924 until 1931. He then abandoned conducting anddevoted himself to teaching and composition. In 1933, he emigrated to Tel Avivand changed his name to Paul Ben-Haim. Some of his works include the ConcertoGrosso (1931), Symphony No. 1 (1940) and Symphony No. 2(1945). In 1953, he won the Israeli State Prize for the composition SweetPsalmist of Israel, scored for harp, harpsichord and orchestra. Accordingto the critics, Ben-Haim’s music can best be described as late romantic with anOriental/Mediterranean overtone. He embodies the general tendencies of thisgroup of composers who were trained in the classic late romanticism of the late19th and early 20th century. Ben-Haim died in 1984.”

1898: Thefirst convention of the FAZ came to a close.

1898:Birthdate of New York native and author Zelda F. Popkin, (née Feinberg) thewife of Louis Popkin and “the first woman general-assignment reporter on TheWilkes Barre Times Leader whose novels on Jewish subjects included QuietStreet “based on the siege of Jerusalem during the Israeli War ofIndependence.”

1898: Two daysafter he passed away, 54-year-old Phillip Uri Felsenthal was buried today atthe Plashet Jewish Cemetery in London.

1898:Wisconsin native Louis C. Wolf was promoted to the rank of 2ndLieutenant today.

1899:Birthdate of Israel Goldblatt, the native of Manchester who gained famed ascinema and television actor Harold Goldblatt.

1899: Major B.Albert Lieberman was appointed as the Surgeon for the 33rd U.S.Volunteer Infantry.

1899: PhilipS. Golderman named a 1st Lt. in 26th U.S. Infantry.

1899: Louis C.Wolf of Wisconsin who had begun his military service as a Cadet at West Pointin 1893, was made a 2nd Lieutenant.”

1900:Birthdate of Detroit native Bernard Zieger, the U of Michigan and Hebrew UnionCollege graduate who while serving as the Hillel Rabbi at the University ofNorth Carolina recited Kaddish at Duke Chapel after learning of the death of“Louis Stern, the director of the Psychological Institute of Hamburg who hadcoined the term ‘intelligence quotient’” who was the rabbi at Temple BethIsrael in Jackson, Michigan.

1901: TheConference of American Rabbis opened its annual meeting today inPhiladelphia. The major business of theday was resolving the question “Whether or not the religion of Jesus should betaught in the Jewish theological Schools.”The conference unanimously adopted the conclusions of a report preparedby Rabbis Philipson, Deutsch, Krauskopfthat stated that while some of Jesus’ message contained “beautiful moreteachings” they “cannot form part of,nor be incorporated in any official statement of declaration of Jewishbelief.” This was the defining momentfor setting boundaries of the Reform Movement.

1902(30thof Sivan, 5662): Parashat Korach; Rosh Chodesh Tammuz

1902: “TheStory of the Moors” published today provided a review of The Moors: AComprehensive Description by English journalist James Meakin that included “achapter on the literal and primitive customs of the Jews as practiced by theJews of Morocco” which “offers material for a comparative study of the socialand religious customs of Israel in Morocco with the observance of Jewishceremonial in other countries.”

1903: InCharleston, SC, Rabbi Simenhoff officiated at the wedding of George Ostermanand Rosa Pearlman.

1904:Birthdate of Baltimore, MD native and Johns Hopkins University educatedengineer Ferdinand Hamburger, Jr. who became a full professor at Hopkins in1947.

1904: The bodyof Benjamin Cohen, who had passed away on July 2 remained in the morgue waitingto be claimed by his stepson Philip Simon after it was discovered that RomanCatholic Thomas Carroll who had also died on July 2 had been mistakenly buriedat Mt. Sinai Cemetery.

1905: Thismorning’s session of the 18th annual convention of the CentralConference of American Rabbis began with a prayer by Rabbi Jacob Mielzinerfollowed by Rabbi Julian Morgenstern’s reading of “History and Functions ofCeremonies in Judaism” by Rabbi Kaufman Kohler

1906: TheExecutive Committee of the Central Conference of American Rabbis held its firstpost Conference meeting today in Indianapolis, Indiana.

1907: Today’ssession of the meeting of the Central Conference of American Rabbis opened witha prayer by Rabbi Jacob Mielziner of Cincinnati, Ohio and in the afternoonsessions heard the Report on the Geiger Centenary prepared by Rabbi KaufmanKohler and the Report of the Committee on Uniform Pronunciation of Hebrew

1908: It wasreported today that a benefit will be held on August 4 to raise funds “for theerection of a Hebrew temple and religious school in Far Rockaway.

1909: TheHebrew Ladies’ Benevolent Society of Richmond donated five dollars to theNational Conference of Jewish Charities.

1910(28thof Sivan, 5670): Eighty-five-year-old Henry Levy, the son of Joseph Levy andBlumah Jacobs passed away today in the UK.

1911: “EastSide Patriots March” published today described the participation of 75 Jewish organizations,including a unit of girls from the Hebrew Sheltering Guardian School in anIndependence Day parade for which Joseph Barondess served as Grand Marshall.

1912:Birthdate of New York native and law school drop-out Mack David, the lyricistand songwriter known for creating “themostly-English lyrics through which Édith Piaf's signature song "La Vie enrose" gained much of its familiarity among native speakers of English” whowas the husband of Beatrice David with whom he had two children – John andRosemary --- and the brother of songwriter Hal David.

1912: It wasreported today that “the United Hebrew Charities is trying to induce” New YorkCity “authorities to adopt ordinances for the control and protection ofpushcart peddlers, from whom hundreds of thousands of people buy “manynecessary articles at a much lower rate than they could be obtained even in thecheapest stores”, and having adopted them, to see to it that they are enforced”by the city.

1913: It wasreported today that Rabbi David Frankel, formerly of Scranton, PA has begunserving as the Rabbi for “the Austrian congregation on Attorney Street, in NewYork

1913: TheNational Conference of Charities and Correction which Miss Francis Taussig,Superintendent of the Relief Department of the Jewish Aid Society is attending as a delegate from Illinoisbecause of a Gubernatorial appointment, was scheduled to open today in Seattle,WA.

1913: TheNational Conference of Charities and Correction which Simon I. Blum isattending as a delegate from Illinois was scheduled to open today in Seattle,WA.

1913: Staringtoday, “and until further notice Congregation B’nai Sholom Temple Israel willhold services on Saturday morning at the new Sinai Temple” in Chicago.

1913: DetroitCollege of Medicine trained pharmacist Maurice H. Zackheim, the Poland born sonof Sundel and Rebecca Zackheim married Rea E. Kreinson today afer which hepresident of the Talmud Torah in Detroit and President of Congregation ShaareyZedek.

1913: Sincetoday was Shabbat, the Conference of American Rabbis which had begun meeting inAtlantic City since July 2, did not have any business sessions today.

1914:Birthdate of Yitzhak Rafael, a native of Galicia who made Aliyah in 1935 andeventually became an Israeli political leader who served in the Knesset and asMinister of Religion.

1914: InDetroit, at Temple Beth El, Rabbi Samuel Sale of St Louis is scheduled todeliver the opening prayer at today’s session of the “25thanniversary Conference of the Central Conference of American Rabbis which willinclude a report by Rabbi Solomon Foster of Newark, NJ on “Synagogue andIndustrial Relations” and report by Rabbi Louis Bernstein of St. Louis on“Defectives, Dependents and Delinquents.

1915: In the“Jewish neighborhood” on the Lower East Side, a part of Henry Street has beenroped off for an “impromptu jollification” that included a “great neighborhooddance” as part of the two-day celebration of Independence Day.

1916: It wasreported today that the Central Conference of American Rabbis has authorized“its committee on national cooperation to ascertain the character and purposedof the National Federation of Religious Liberals with a view of joining thisbody” next year “if deemed advisable.”

1916: InPhiladelphia, PA, at its closing session The Federation of American Zionists“endorsed the plan of the Palestine Committee of the Federation to undertakethe organization of a corporation with capital stock of one million dollars forthe purpose of aiding Jewish settlements in Palestine and developing itsresources,” voted to spend $25,000 annually for the maintenance of a hospitalunit in Palestine” and heard Hadassah President Henrietta Szold describe theneed the war in Europe had created for doctors and nurses.

1916: InWildwood, NJ, “A special commission on ‘Jews of Other Lands’” chaired by RabbiLouis Grossman of Cincinnati, “reported to the central Conference of AmericanRabbis today that conditions arising due to the war in Europe had prevent thecommission from proceeding with its work” because “it had been impossible tomaintain correspondence” so “there had been no access to sources of informationwhich ordinarily would available.”

1917:Political philosopher, Leo Strauss who would be forced to flee his country whenthe Nazis came to power, began serving in the German Army during WW I today.

1917: Former AmbassadorAbram I. Elkus was honored with a formal reception at City Hall in New YorkCity.

1918:CCNY graduate Louis Maurice Josephthal, the New Yorkborn son of Theresa Wise and Mortiz Josephthal and husband of Edyth Guggenheimwho was “one of the organizers of the Naval Militia of the State of New York inwhich he enlisted as an Ordinary Seaman in 1891” began serving with the Chiefof Bureau at the Navy Department in Washington, D.C.

1918: It wasreported today that the members of the Executive Committee of the CentralConference led by Rabbi Louis Grossman of Cincinnati includes, G.G. Fox, FortWorth, TX; E.N. Callisch, Richmond, VA; Ephraim Frisch, New York; Max J.Singer, Evansville, Indiana; Jacob Singer, Lincoln, Nebraska; W. H.Fineshriber, Memphis, TN; Joseph Stolz, Chicago, Illinois and David Lefkovits,Dayton, Ohio.

1919(7thof Tammuz, 5679): Parasaht Chukat

1919(7thof Tammuz, 5679): “Mr. Samuel Kaplan of the Hebrew Union College” is scheduledto leader Shabbat morning services at Isaiah Temple in the absences of RabbiJoseph Stotltz who is visiting in Syracuse, NY.

1919(7thof Tammuz, 5679): Thirty-six year old Eugen Leviné was executed in Munich afterit was retaken by the German Army and the right-wing Freikorps.

1919: It wasreported today that Judge Julian W. Mack has been elected to serve as a memberof “the Board of Overseers at Harvard University.”

1919: It wasreported today that “Harriet B. Lowenstein” a representative of the JointDistribution Committee working in Paris has purchased “a large quantity ofsurplus army supplies,” consisting most of clothing which have been shipped toPoland where the Jewish population is in great need of “raiment.”

1920: Attoday’s session of the Central Conference of American meeting in Rochester, theattendees “overwhelmingly rejected political Zionism” and elected officersincluding President, Leo M. Franklin of Detroit: Vice President, Edward N.Calisch of Richmond, VA; Treasurer, Louis Wolsey, Cleveland, OH; RecordingSecretary, Isaac E. Marcuson of Macon, GA and Corresponding Secretary, Felix A.Levy of Chicago.

1920: In NewYork, Charles Polakoff, the son of Louis and Annie Polakoff and his wifeRebecca Polakoff gave birth to Leah Goldman.

1920(19thof Tammuz, 5680): Bernard Cantor and Professor Israel Friedlaender togetherwith a leader of the Tarnopol Jewish community named Grossman, set out early todayto return to Lemberg. On the highway leading from Kamenets-Podolsky at theentrance to Yarmolintsy, in the vicinity of the shtetl of Sokolovka, their carwas attacked by members of a Red Army cavalry unit that had broken through asection of the frontline. Cantor and Friedlaender were mistaken for Polishofficers while Grossman was mistaken for a landowner. They were killed byBolshevik soldiers and their driver escaped.

1921: It wasreported today that Associate Supreme Court Justice Brandeis has been named“Honorary President of the Palestine Development Council” and that Dr. StephenS. Wise and Nathan Straus have been named Honorary Vice President.

1922:“Palestine Mandate Upheld in Commons” published today described the failure ofthe attack in the House of Commons on the Government’s Palestine Policy duringwhich Winston Churchill argued the case so well that the motion that attackingthe policy was defeated by 292 votes to 35.

1923: Today, SSAlbert Ballin “an ocean liner of the Hamburg-America Line named after AlbertBallin, the visionary director of the Hamburg-America line, who had committedsuicide several years earlier” began her maiden voyage.

1923(21stof Tammuz, 5683): Sixty-seven-year-old Russian born chemist Harry Mann Gordin,the holder of a Ph.D. from the University of Berne who served on the faculty ofNorthwestern in Evanston, Illinois passed away today.

1923: InFischhausen, Germany, “Herman Motulsky, a shopkeeper, and the former Rena Sass”gave birth Arno Gunther Motulsky, the “refugee from Nazi Germany who became afounder of medical genetics” and a mentor to at least one Nobel Prize winner.(As reported by Denise Grady)

1923: Thededication of Bernard Cantor’s tombstone took place today, the secondanniversary of his murder.

1923: Thirdbaseman Joe Bennett made his major league debut with the Philadelphia Phillies.

1924(3rdof Tammuz, 5684): Parashat Korach

“Sites andcities of Jewish interest in Palestine are not pointed out to their fulladvantage to tourists to the Holy Land, according to Abraham L.C. Goodall, anative of Palestine who announced today a series of distinctly Jewish tours tothat country,” the first of which will begin today.

11924:Official opening ceremonies conducted in Paris marking the start of the SummerOlympics during which Harold Abrahams won the 100 m in a time of 10.6 secondsand provided part of the plot line for “Chariots of Fire.”

1925: In “SirMoses Montefiore, Prince in Israel” published today, A.R. Ross provided adetailed review of Moses Montefiore by Paul Goodman which was publishedby JPS.

1925:Birthdate of Anna Wittner the wife of Australian Jurist Sir Zelman Cowen andmother of Yosef, Kate, Ben and Rabbi Shimon Cohen, the “Director of theInstitute of Judaism and Civilization in Melbourne.”

1926: “TheJoint Distribution Committee, of which Felix M. Warburg is the Chairman, made abitter attack today upon the Zionists in this country, whom it charges withattempting to wreck the United Jewish Campaign for $25,000,000, which the JointDistribution Committee and affiliated relief bodies recently conducted.”

1927: The 27thannual convention of the Rabbinical Assembly of the Jewish Theological Seminaryof America opened today at Asbury Park, NJ

1927: “Jewishinternes in Kings County Hospital were not summoned promptly to the bedside ofpatients in urgent need of treatment, according to Dr. Edward Katskee, who wasa witness today at Mayor Walker's investigation into alleged anti-Semitism atthe hospital.”

1927: AlfredM. Cohen of Cincinnati, the President of the International of B’nai B’rith whohas already “installed officers in the Grand Lodge comprising England, Wales,Scotland and Ireland and who has also visited lodges in Amsterdam and Rotterdamis scheduled to “be received today by Chancellor Marx of Germany which “now has102 lodges numbering 10,000 members” as well as many women’s auxiliaries

1927: AlfredM. Cohen of Cincinnati, the President of the International of B’nai B’rith whohas already “installed officers in the Grand Lodge comprising England, Wales,Scotland and Ireland and who has also visited lodges in Amsterdam and Rotterdamis scheduled to “be received today by Chancellor Marx of Germany which “now has102 lodges numbering 10,000 members” as well as many women’s auxiliaries.

1928(17th of Tammuz, 5688): TzomTammuz observed for the last time under President Calvin Coolidge.

1928: “Colone Sir John Robert Chancellor,Governor of Southern Rhodesia since 1923, was appointed High Commissioner forPalestine and Transjordania succeeding Field Marshall Lord Plumer” “who wasretiring because of a disagreement as to whether the cost of maintainingmilitary forces in Transjordania should be borne by the Imperial Government orPalestine.”

1929: “Minority stockholders of the JudeaIndustrial Corporation, of which Municipal Court Justice Jacob S. Strahl ofBrooklyn is president, brought suit today before Supreme Court Justice John L.Walsh to enjoin seventeen officers and directors of the corporation andsubsidiaries , the Judea Insurance Company, Ltd., of Palestine and the JudeaLife Insurance Company of New York from increasing the capital stock of theJudea Life Insurance Company from $150,000 to $1,000,000.”

1929: “Improvement in the relations of Arabsand Jews in Palestine during the year was reported to the Mandates Commissionof the League of Nations today by Sir John Chancellor, High Commission.”

1930(9th of Tammuz, 5690) ParashatChukat

1930: “More than forty Jews were injured, manyseriously, when gangs of hooligans attacked the Jewish quarter of Koval .”

1931: At today’s meeting of the ZionistCongress in Basle delegates learned that “a part of the Zionist Revisionists, theofficial Zionist opposition, is considering withdrawing from the ZionistCongress in the event that their two fundamental demands, namely, the rejectionof the MacDonald letter and the admission that a Jewish majority in Palestineis a fundamental of Zionism are rejected by the Congress.”

1932: In New York City “Esther (Goldberg)Navasky and Macy Navasky gave birth to Victor Saul Navasky youthful Zionist and“a professor at the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism” who helda variety of positions at the Nation from 1978 to 2005 when “he became thepublisher emeritus” and was married to Anne (Strongin) Navasky with whom he hadthree children.

1933: Anagricultural settlement, Kadima, was founded on the initiative of YehoshuaHankin. In 2003, it merged with Tzoranto become Tzoran-Kadima

1933: HeinrichBrüning who served as Chancellor from 1930 t0 1932 during the Weimar Republicdissolved his Centre Party to pre-empt the Nazis from banning the party.

1933: InBrooklyn, Harold Baumbach, “a noted painter” and Ida Baumbach, “a schoolteachergave birth to novelist Jonathan David Baumbach whose works included SeparateHours and Reruns passed away today.(As reported by Neil Genzlinger)

1934: InVancouver, the annual convention of District Grand Lodge No. 4 of the B’naiB’rith is scheduled to come an end today.

1934: InVienna, the body of Chaim Nachman Biliak, the great Hebrew poet who died lastnight of a heart attack lay in state in the ceremonial hall of the CentralJewish Cemetery surrounded by an honor guard of Jewish students from theUniversity of Vienna.

1934: Inannouncing plans for U.S. memorial services honoring the late Chaim NachmanBialik, Morris Rothenberg, President of the ZOA, described him “the foremostHebrew Poet of the last 500 years.

1935: TheBialik Institute invited authors throughout the world to compete for eightprizes with a total value of 900 pounds which will be awarded in January, 1936.The winners will be determined based on their contributions to Hebrewliterature. Submission may includeoriginal Hebrew works as well as efforts translated from the original intoHebrew.

1935: Konradvon Presying, who became “one of the strongest and most vocal opponents of theNazis and their anti-Semitic policies among Germany's Catholic hierarchy” wasmade Bishop of Berlin today. (As reported by Austin Cline)

1936: ACzechoslovak press photographer, Stephan Lux, shot himself in Geneva, duringthe League of Nations Assembly meeting, in protest against the treatment ofJews in Germany. He died in hospital the following night.

1936: “Anincrease of 300 per cent since 1934 in sums raised through Jewish welfare fundsin the United States for non-local relief and other philanthropic activitieswere reported today in Notes and Newsthe publication of the Council of Jewish Federations and Welfare Funds,

1936: The Palestine Post reported that in spiteof the six-week-long general Arab strike, work was still going on the JaffaPort improvement. A Czechoslovak press photographer, Stephan Lux, shot himselfin Geneva, during the League of Nations Assembly meeting, in protest againstthe treatment of Jews in Germany. He died in hospital the following night. Fourcars belonging to Jews were set on fire in Jerusalem. The shooting, bombthrowing and tree uprooting by Arab terrorists continued throughout the country.

1936: InProvidence, RI, “Morris Rothenberg announced at a caucus of his followers at12:30 o’clock this morning that he had accepted the compromise proposal thatwill Rabbi Stephen S. Wise head of “the Zionist Organization of America.”

1936: InJerusalem, an Arab was arrested after three Jews were wounded, two of themcritically, as they were passing the new Public Works Department as they walkedto work.

1936: As oftoday, more than 260 of food poisoning due to the consumption of tainted fruitsand fish have been reported, most of them among the Jews living in the Old Cityof Jerusalem.

1936:Delegates to the 39th annual convention of the Zionist Organizationof America meeting in Providence, RI, upset this afternoon’s schedule toprovide a final opportunity to settle the issue of who will serve as theorganization’s President.

1936: “TheMontag, a sports paper, carried a German government news service dispatchcharge that ‘Jews were conspicuous’ in the group of journalists who areasserted to have molested Arthur Karl Greiser” after he gave a speech in Geneva“attacking the control of the League of Nations over the Free City of Danzig.”

1937: Duringthe Spanish Civil, New Yorker Moe Fishman, a volunteer with the Abraham LincolnBrigade, was wounded while fighting in a battle west of Madrid.

1937: “ReformJudaism’s prospects in America are exceedingly favorable, Rabbi Joseph Ruach ofLouisville, KY, concluded today in a paper he read before the Fourth Congressof the World Union Progressive Judaism” which is meeting in Amsterdam

1937:Birthdate of New York Congresswoman Nita Melnikoff Lowey.

1938(6thof Tammuz, 5698): Sixty-eight-year -old Percy Peixotto, the Cleveland, OH bornson of Benjamin Franklin Peixotto, “the minister to Rumania under PresidentGrant” who “as president of the American Club of Paris in 1927 introducedCharles Lindbergh at luncheon following his transatlantic flight, passed awaytoday in Paris where he will be buried.

1938: Herb Caen's firstcolumn appeared in the San Francisco Chronicle.Caen’s father was Jewish, but his mother was not.

1938: In anaction by the Nazi controlled government that affects several hundreds of poorJewish families, “Jewish tenants in Vienna’s municipal dwellings have receiveda notice” ordering them to move within a fortnight.

1939(18thof Tammuz, 5699): Seventy-eight-year-old Dr. of Jurisprudence Marcus Ettinger,the Tarnow born son or Rebecca Schapiro and Isaak Ettinger and the husband ofAdele Ettinger passed away today in Vienna.

1939: “Despitedemands from all parts of the House of Lords for a more liberal policy towardrefugees, a government spokesman today reiterated its refusal either to loosenexisting restrictions on immigration or to provide public funds to aid theproposed settlement of German Jews in British Guiana” while the Parliamentary Under Secretary forColonies announced “that the Home office was discussing…the possibility ofpermitting some of the 7,000 Jewish children brought” to the United Kingdom“from German to remain here after they become 18 years old, instead of beingrequired to emigrate.”

1940: The 17thconvention of Aleph Zadik Aleph, which was formed in 1924, came to an end today in Peninsula, OH

1940: InRumania, “the press resumed Jew-baiting which had been forsaken for the pastseveral days” and “the State censor refused to permit publication of astatement of loyal by the Grand Rabbi, which he had intended to make in theSenate while “the bodies of seven Jews were found along the railway linerunning between Bucharest and Lespezile.”

1941: After 54Jews were shot the prior day, 93 more were killed in Vilna by members of theEinsatzkommando unit. The Einsatzkommando were the SS killing squads thatfollowed the Nazi Army into eastern Poland, the Baltic States and the SovietUnion. They were to round up the Jews and other undesirables and kill them. Butspecial emphasis was placed on the Jews in this next phase of the FinalSolution.

1941: InLiepāja, Latvia, Korvettenkapitan Brückner, of theKriegsmarine, “issued a set of anti-Jewish regulations including:

1.AllJews must wear the yellow star on the front and back of their clothing;

2.Shoppinghours for Jews were restricted to 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon. Jews were onlyallowed out of their residences for these hours and from 3:00 p.m. to 5:00p.m.;

3.Jewswere barred from public events and transportation and were not to walk on thebeach;

4.Jewswere required to leave the sidewalk if they encountered a German in uniform;

5.Jewishshops were required to display the sign "A Jewish-owned business" inthe window;

6.Jewswere to surrender all radios, typewriters, uniforms, arms and means oftransportation

1941: In Lvov,the local Ukrainians continued to take Jews from their homes and murder them.Among the victims were a 49-year-old ophthalmologist, Kornelia Graf-Weisenberg,and her daughter.

1941: TheNuremberg Race Law was extended to include Czech citizens.

1941:Inthe Ukraine, 3000 Jews are murdered at Chernovtsy; 600 are killed at Skalat.

1942: MargotFrank, the sister of Anne Frank, received a notice to report to a labor camp

1942(20th of Tammuz, 5702): Sixty-eight-year-old Rabbi ChaimFishel Epstein who “served as Chief Rabbi in St. Louis, MO for the Vaad Hoeirof the United Orthodox Community for 12 years from 1930 to 1942 passed awaytoday.

1943:HeinrichHimmler orders that Sobibór, a death camp, be made a concentration camp.

1943: Todayauthorities put an end to the special status granted to personnel at theWesterbork section of the Jewish Council. Half of the personnel had to returnto Amsterdam, while the other half became camp internees. Etty Hillesum joinedthe latter group: she wished to remain with her father, mother and brotherMischa, who had meanwhile been brought to Westerbork.

1943: “ThumbsUp” a musical with a score by Walter Scharf and produced by Albert J. Cohen wasreleased today in the United SAttes.

1944:Additional deportations of Jews from Budapest which had been planned to takeplace today did not take place today because Regent Miklos Horthy cancelledthem, in part because of pressure from the Pope, the King of Sweden andPresident Roosevelt.

1945: GreatBritain holds its first general election since 1935. The election pits Churchill and hisConservative Party against Atlee and the Laborites. Churchill and the Conservatives will go downto defeat. Unfortunately for the Jews,the new Laborite government will enforce the White Paper and support the Arabcause with even more tenacity than the Churchill government had.

1945: After aten year absence, Barnett Janner, the future Baron Janner, returned toParliament when was elected at the 1945 general election as Labour MP forLeicester West.

1946: “RepresentativeSol Bloom, Democrat, of New York, chairman of the House Foreign AffairsCommittee, said today he would demand United Nations action on the world Jewishproblem as a result of the anti-Semitic riots in Poland.”

1947: WilliamGreen, President of the American Federation of Labor and Philip Murray,President of the Congress of Industrial Organizations, the two leading labororganizations in the United States, sent messages tonight to the 50thAnnual Convention ZOA demanding “that the doors of Palestine be opened toJewish immigrants and that the Palestine Mandate be carried out pending thefinal decision of the United Nations.”

1947:Following the death of his first wife, Bertha Freshman who had died of acollapsed lung in 1946, movie make Mike Todd married his second wife JoanBlondell today creating a union that would not last but would lead to Todd’sthird and final marriage to movie start Liz Taylor.

1948: It wasreported today that “eight Jews were wounded and one Araba woman, a patient inthe Israeli held Norte Dame Hospice was shot fatally by an Arab bullet” whenArab snipers began shooting in Jerusalem forcing Israeli troops to return fire.

1949: “Polishsecurity police today arrested ten persons including the Rabbi of Walbrzych inLower Silesia for helpings thousands of Jews” who were said to be on their wayto Israel by of Western Germany, “to cross the frontier into Czechoslovakia.”

1950: TheKnesset, Israel’s Parliament, passed the “Law of Return” which “granted allJews the right to live in and become a citizen of Israel.” (Editor’s note- at the time most Jews did not knowthat a group of Orthodox in Israel would determine that a large number ofpeople who thought they were Jews and had lived their lives as Jews reallyweren’t Jewish; something that certainly was not part of the Zionist dream)

1951(1st of Tammuz, 5711): Rosh Chodesh Tammuz

1951: The Jerusalem Post reported thatregistration began of all the Israeli-occupied houses in Jerusalem'sno-man's-land by the joint subcommittee of the Israel-Jordan Mixed ArmisticeCommission. It was hoped that the registration would eliminate the neutralareas and all the trouble spots in which many lives were lost during the pastthree years. Israeli seamen demanded a large share in their foreign currencyearnings.

1955: As LordRussell prepared to release a anti-Nuclear message that had been signed by manyleaders including the late Albert Einstein, “it was recalled in London tonightthat sometime before his death, Dr. Einstein had said ‘At the decisive moment Ishall speak” but “I am waiting for the right moment.”

1956: It wasreported today that “President Eisenhower had personally decided againstapproval of the arms list submitted by Israel” which followed the policyoriginally recommended by Secretary of State John Foster Dulles.

1957: It wasreported today that in New York State Senator Joseph Zaretski, a Democrat, hadaccused the Republicans of using the state legislature’s watchdog committee “asa political propaganda machine.”

1959:Birthdate of Daniel Gordis, a rabbi ordained at JTS who is the President of theShalem Foundation and the founding dean of the Ziegler Rabbinical School.

1959: InIsrael, the 8th government “collapsed when David Ben Gurion resignedafter Labor Unit and Mapam had voted against the government on the issue ofselling arms to West German and refused to leave the coalition.

1959: Afterbeing first shown to a limited audience at New York in June, a film version ofGershwin’s “Porgy and Bess” directed by Otto Preminger and produced by SamuelGoldwyn opened at the Carthay Circle Theatre”

1959: “The BigCircus” a mystery “produced and co-written by Irwin Allen” was released in theUnited States today.

1960: InDetroit, Michigan, “Rhoda (Nemeth) and Archie Sills” gave birth to Universityof Michigan alum and Tony Awardnominated actor Douglas Sils

1960: The then50-year-old Jewish community of the Belgian Congo, consisting of 2500 Jews fledin the wake of riots that followed independence of that former Belgian colony.

1961: InBeersheba, Yitzhak Banai and his wife gave birth to “Israeli musician, singerand songwriter” Meir Banai, the brother of “comedian Orna Bania and singerEvitar Banai

1962: “YosselSchumacher” the central figure in a case involving his “abduction by his HarediJewish grandparents” was reunited today for the first time in two years withhis parents.

1962(3rdof Tammuz, 5722): Seventy-four-year-old Johns Hopkins trained medical doctorArthur Leonard Bloomfield, the Baltimore born so of Rose Leisler and Maurice Bloomfieldand the husband of Julie Mayer with whom he had a son, author ArthurBloomfield, who was a “senior member ofthe Editorial Board of the Archives of internal medicine passed away today

1963: “Israeltold the United Nations today that virulent ant-Semitism was being promoted inthe Soviet Union by Moscow’s denial of the huma rights to the 3,000,000 Jews insoil.”

1964: Two daysafter she had passed away, funeral services as scheduled to “be held at theHouse of Living Judaism of the Union of American Congregations” for fifty-nine-year-old“Mrs. Rosa Brown Eisendrath” the Bonham, TX born wife “Rabbi Maurice N.Eisendrath, the president of the Union of American Hebrew Congregations whogave up her career as a concert pianist to help her husband fulfill hiscalling.

1965: MosheBartur, Israel’s permanent delegate to the United Nations told the UN todaythat “virulant anti-Semitism was begin promoted in the Soviet Union by Moscow’sdenial of human rights to the three million Jews on Soviet soil.”

1965: In theU.K., premiere of “Darling” directed by John Schlesinger, produced by JosephJanni, written by Frederick Raphael and starring Laurence Harvey, bornLaruschka Mischa Skikne

1966(17thof Tammuz, 5726) Tzom Tammuz

1966(17thof Tammuz, 5726): Eighty-year-old Hungarian radiochemist and Nobel Prize inChemistry laureate, recognized in 1943 for his key role in the development ofradioactive tracers to study chemical processes such as in the metabolism ofanimals and the co-discover of theelement hafnium George Charles de Hevesy, bornGyörgy Bischitz in Budapestto Lajos Bischitz and Baroness Eugénia (Jenny) Schossberger and the husband ofPia Riis with who he had one sone and three daughters passed away today in whatwas then called West Germany.

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1968: In LongBeach, CA, Susan and Mort Stuhlbarg gave birth to Julliard trained Americanactor Michael S. Stuhlberg who played Arnold Rothstein in “Boardwalk Empire.”

1968(9thof Tammuz, 5728): Today in Findon, Sussex, England, UK, cinematographer andmovie director Mutz Greenbaum, the Berlin born son of the pioneering filmproducer Jules Greenbaum who had founded Deutsche Bioscope “who began workingas a cameraman in 1915” and was forced to flee from Nazi Germany to Englandwhere he also worked under the name of Max Greene working on such films TheStars Look Down (1940), Hatter's Castle (1942), Thunder Rock (1942), So Evil MyLove (1948), Night and the City (1950) and I'm All Right Jack (1959) passedaway.

1969(19thof Tammuz, 5729): Parashat Pinchas

1969: In“Stand on Zionism” published today Paul Boutelle of the Socialist Workers Partytakes issue with a letter written by Arnold Forster, general counsel of the ADLtaking issue “with the A.D.L.’s recent defamation of the S.W.P.” in which itlabels the organization’s “anti-Zionist stand as anti-Semitic.”

1969: In LosAngeles, novelist Rhea Kohan (née Arnold), and writer, producer, and composer,Alan W. "Buz" Kohan gave birth to television writer and producer JenjiLeslie Kohan the creator of “Weeds” and “Orange Is the New Black” and sister ofDavid and Jono Kohan.

1970: AmosZamir and Amos Levitov were captured when their FE4 Phantom was shot down byEgyptian SAM’s during the War of Attrition.

1970: “The officialfounding ceremony” for Alon Shvut, settlementin Judea-Samaria which was planned by Moshe Moskovic, who had been a member ofthe Masu'ot Yitzhak settlement in the Etzion Bloc before 1948 took place today.

1972(:Birthdate of Leningrad native Igor Semyonovich Shteyngart who, 1979, came tothe United States, graduated from Oberlin and gained fame as award winningauthor Barry Shteyngart whose “debut novel” was The Russian Debutante’sHandbook.

1974: “Leonard Cohen: Bird onthe Wire,” Tony Palmer’s documentary about the singer, songwriter, novelist andpoet was shown for the first and only time at the Rainbow Theatre in northLondon today. (As reported by Cathryn J. Prince)

1975: Sixty-seven-year-oldOtto Skorzeny, the Austrian born German Waffen-SS Lieutenant Colonel who mayhave been the only person to be decorated by Hitler with the Iron Cross and tohave worked for Mossad, passed away today.

1975(25th ofTammuz, 5735): In Jerusalem, a refrigerator that had five kilograms ofexplosives packed into its sides exploded on Zion Square, a main square leadingto Ben Yehuda Street and to Jaffa Street. Fifteen people were killed and 77were injured. After the attack, Yitzhak Rabin, then prime minister, said:"The murder serves as a warning not to get caught up in illusions aboutthe intentions of the terror organizations ... Therefore, we must follow astrict policy of not negotiating with them. We must speak to them only in thelanguage they understand, the language of the sword." Ahmad El-Sukar, theterrorist responsible for placing the bomb, was released from Israeli prison in2003 as a gesture to Arafat.

1975: “A 57page new edition of the dissident “Chronicles of Current Events” began tocirculate in Moscow.

1976: Birthdate of New York native Benjamin David “Jamie” Elman theCanadian born actor “who taught four graders at synagogue religious school inSouthern California.” (Editor’s note – having taught Jewish youngsters in morethan religious school, I can attest to the fact that all Jewish teachers don’tend up as famous thespians.)

1976: The Jerusalem Post reported on thesuccessful completion of the Entebbe rescue operation, the joy at the freeingof hostages who arrived home to a jubilant Israel. Four Israelis - thecommander of the rescue team, Yonatan Netanyahu, and three other soldiers -were killed during the operation. A number of wounded Israelis were still undertreatment in Nairobi hospital. Idi Amin, Uganda's ruler was working togetherwith Palestinian gunmen, Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin told the Knesset.

1976: TheAssociated Press published an interview with “Muki” Betser, one of theorganizers of the Entebbe Rescue Operation.According to the interview, the raid was so successful, in part, becauseof information supplied to the Israelis by the hostages who had been releasedby the terrorists.

1976: In anattempt to cover up the savage murder of Dora Bloch, Idi Amin instructed hisHealth Minister respond to any “inquiries about the sick hostage” by saying“she had been returned to the airport one hour before the Israeli commandos hadarrived and that the commandos had taken her with them.”

1976: In anattempt to thwart an attack on Kenya by Idi Amin who had been warring with hisneighbor and might know had provided a landing site to the Israelis, The UnitedStates Seventh Fleet “including the aircraft carrier USS Ranger” sailed towardEast Africa, a naval frigate docked at Mombassa and US naval patrol aircraftflew o Nairobi’s Embakasi Airport.

1978(30thof Sivan, 5738) Rosh Chodesh Tammuz

1978(30thof Sivan, 5738): In New York, Jacob Sasonkin, the husband of Millie Sasonkinand the father of Judith Lowenstein passed away today.

1978: Funeral servicesare scheduled to be held today for Frederick E. Goldstein, the husband of LillianGoldstein and President of the Men’sClub at the West Side Institutional Synagogue.

1978:Production of “Taxi” co-starring Judd Hirsh and Andy Kaufman began on Stage 23at Paramount Studios in Los Angeles.

1979(10th ofTammuz, 5739): Ninety-one-year-old Rose Alice Alschuler the daughter of Charlesand Mary Haas and the wife of Alfred Samuel Alschuler, Sr. passed away today inChicago.

1979: Sixty-seven-year-oldEdis De Philippe, who founded the Israel National Opera Company in 1947 passedaway today. (As reported by Shabtai Benaroyo)

1981: Mr. andMrs. Samuel Gorenstein announced the engagement of their daughter CornellUniversity graduate Jonina T. Gorenstein to theoretical physicist Dr. JonathanFurth Schonfeld, the son of FrancesSchonfeld and Gabriel B. Schonfeld, the educational director of Temple IsraelCenter in White Plains, NY and the grandson of the late Rabbi Lazar Schonfeldof the Bronx, a former chief rabbi of Nagy Karoly, Hungary, who broadcastsermons in Hungarian for the Voice of America.”

1983: MenachemBegin appointed Sarah Doron Minister without Portfolio.

1985(16thof Tammuz, 5745): Fifty-seven-year-old Detroit native and television producerand director Barry Crane, a world class bridge champion was murdered today inStudio City.

1988: “BenBriscoe Follows Father to Become Dublin’s 2nd Jewish Mayor”published today described the father-son relationship to the ceremonialposition of Lord Mayor.

1988(20thof Tammuz, 5748): Seventy-four-year-old Ben Irving Peason, the Palestine, TXbon son of Eva Pearlstone and Julius Hart Pearson passe away today in LosAngeles.

1989:Anexhibition entitled ''Robert Capa: Photographs From Israel, 1948-1950,''appearing at the Jewish Museum in Manhattan comes to a close. The following review entitled “Slices ofTime, Preserved in Deft Images” describes the exhibition and its importance.

A photograph, whether intended to or not,speaks of the time in which it was made. This is obvious in the case of imagestaken years ago -pictures from the first days of Israel's independence, forexample, or from the tumultuous decade of the 1960's. But it is also true ofcontemporary art photographs of the sort one finds displayed in SoHo galleries.This weekend affords an unusually rich opportunity to look at photographs ofthe past and present, and to assess how much the world has changed in the last40 years. Robert Capa's photographs of the first years of the State of Israelwere taken at a time - 1948 to 1950 - when photojournalism was in full flower.Not only was this genre the most visible and provocative manifestation ofphotography, but it was also the primary means by which the events of the worldwere conveyed. Capa, considered by many the quintessential photojournalist,made a considerable reputation by photographing the Spanish Civil War and WorldWar II. His images of those conflicts have become so well known that they couldbe considered among the lasting monuments of war. With relatively fewexceptions, however, Capa's pictures of Israel did not achieve wide currencyduring his lifetime (he died, the victim of a land mine in Vietnam, in 1954).Curiously, given the potential interest in their subject matter, they haverarely been published or seen in exhibitions. Thus the show ''Robert Capa:Photographs From Israel, 1948-1950,'' which has opened this week at the JewishMuseum has an unusual fascination. The 107 black-and-white images in theexhibition, which was organized by the Tel Aviv Museum of Art from the archivesof the Capa estate, depict an Israel in the throes of self-definition. Thereare pictures of immigrants in transient camps, of politicians electioneering,of soldiers mobilizing. We see the first meeting of the Knesset (the Israeliparliament) as well as the unloading of mattresses beside rows of tents pitchedin the desert. There are pictures of combat as well, but they do not seem asvivid or vital as Capa's earlier war work. Perhaps that is because Capa, a Jewborn in Hungary, had his heart elsewhere. The most affecting images in the showare filled with human interest, not action. For a picture called ''Funeral,''1949, Capa framed a grieving elderly woman in the foreground, but the camerafocuses behind her, on the beautiful and stoic face of a young girl. In hispictures of the transient camps, Capa concentrated on faces that bespeakoptimism and pride. Children, especially, seemed to catch his eye. In additionto depicting farmers, construction workers, soldiers and shopkeepers, hephotographed a couple dancing to the music of an accordion, a painter, severalmusicians - with the apparent aim of bearing witness to the perseverance of thenobler aspects of the human spirit. In appreciating these images as historicalartifacts, however, one might also wonder why it is that they have lain in suchdesuetude all these years. Is it that once their news value had faded, theybecame no more than relics? That doesn't seem likely, since none of Capa'sother work has remained unseen for so long. A more reasonable speculation wouldbe that Capa's attempt to put a good face on what was happening in Israel wasnot sufficiently convincing to the editorial tastes of his day, and thatconsequently the pictures never acquired the aura of news. One could alsowonder whether the photographs' focus on human interest, rather than on combator other action, made them seem dispensable. But human interest is one ofphotojournalism's perennial staples, as can be gleaned from ''Life: Through the60's,'' an exhibition at the International Center of Photography (1130 FifthAvenue, at 94th Street, through May 21). The show consists of more than 100photographers' pictures taken between 1956 and 1972 and culled from the archiveof Life magazine. ''Life: Through the 60's'' has its fair share of bedrockphotojournalism, including such ''hard news'' specimens as a view of JamesMeredith being shot during a civil-rights march, a frame from the Zapruder filmof the Kennedy assassination, and a score of examples of first-rate warphotography from Vietnam. But Life's editors, and Doris C. O'Neil, who selectedthe images in the exhibition, were savvy enough to know that the 60's could notbe encapsulated solely by cataclysmic events. So the show also includespictures of women in mini-skirts, communal-living hippies, sports figures and,of course, movie, television and rock stars like the Beatles. Compared withCapa's view of Israel at the end of the 40's, Life's retrospective of the 60'sseems well balanced to a point close to blandness. But the period itself givesthe show a flavor that is even more pronounced than the magazine's two previousforays into the past, ''Life: The First Decade'' and ''Life: The SecondDecade.'' Any review of the 60's comes complete with a hearty helping ofnostalgia to enrich its already complex, confounding texture, and the imageshere are no exception.

1989: Thesitcom “Seinfeld” aired its first episode.Much to everybody’s surprise, this sitcom built around the life of a NewYork Jewish comedian becomes a smash hit.

1991(23rd ofTammuz, 5751): Seventy-one-year-old Pulitzer Prize winning, poet laureate ofthe United States Howard Nemerov passed away today. (As reported by Eric Pace)

1993: Openingof the 14th Maccabiah

1995: SirMalcolm Leslie Rifkind, the Edinburgh born member of “a Jewish family thatemigrated to Britain in 1890s from Lithuania, completed his term as Secretaryof State for Defense.

1995: With hisparty in the opposition, Sir Malcolm Rifkind became the Shadow Secretary ofState for Work and Pensions in the United Kingdom.

1997(30th ofSivan, 5757): Rosh Chodesh Tammuz

1998(11th ofTammuz, 5758): Football great Sid Luckman passed away. Luckman gained fame asquarterback with Columbia and then with the Chicago Bear. His success earnedhim a spot in the NFL Hall of Fame.

1998:The New York Times featured books by Jewish authors and/or of specialinterest to Jewish readers including Nineteen to the Dozens: Monologues andBits and Bobs of Other Things by Sholem Aleichem.

1999(21stof Tammuz, 5759): Eighty-six-year-old Rabbi and Civil Rights leader Aaron Wisepassed away today. (As reported by Myrna Oliver)

2000: “PrimeMinister Ehud Barak of Israel and Yasir Arafat, the Palestinian leader, haveagreed to meet at Camp David next week for a summit conference intended to helpthem frame the peace agreement they hope to reach by September, PresidentClinton announced today.”

2001:Israel's securitycabinet decided today to press ahead with a policy of assassinating suspectedPalestinian militants in an effort to stop persistent killings of Israelis,officials said.”

2002:Opening of the Imperial War Museum which was designed by Daniel Libeskind

2002(25thof Tammuz, 5762): Just eight days before his 79th birthday Brazilianeconomist Samuel Isaac Benchimol whom the Brazilian government memorializedwith the creation of the Benchimol Prize, passed away today.

2003:As of the first anniversary of the opening of the Imperial War Museum designedby Daniel Libeskind 470,000 had visitedthe building.

2004:In one of those cross-cultural mixtures that is uniquely America TakeruKobayashi, a native of Japan won the “Mustard Yellow Belt at Nathan’s Famoushot-dog eating contest, an event meant to sell more of sausages originally byNathan Handwerker.

2005:Two undercover police officers in Torrance, California, noticed a car nosingslowly past a Chevron station. Two men wearing ski masks jumped from the car,one brandished a shotgun, and they stole $252 from the night clerk. Policearrested the two men without incident, but a search of their shared apartmentyielded jihadist literature and plans to bomb synagogues in Los Angeles.

2006:Today Israel responded to yesterday’s rocket attack that hit a “high school inAshkelon” “with an airstrike that caused extensive damage to offices of theInterior Ministry in Gaza City.

2007: The 24th Jerusalem International FilmFestival opens. This is one of the world’s premier film festivals,featuring dozens of films from Israel and around the world. The 2007 festivalwill inaugurate the renovatedJerusalem Cinematheque.

2007:It was announced that Ken Feinbergwould work pro bono as the chief administrator to the Hokie Spirit MemorialFund (HSMF) which was set up by the Virginia Tech Foundation in the aftermathof the massacre of students and faculty by a lone gun man on the Virginia TechCampus

2007(19th of Tammuz, 5767): SylvanR. Shemitz, whose lighting designs warmed the facade of Grand Central Terminaland flooded the Jefferson Memorial, passed away at the age of 82.

2007(19th of Tammuz, 5767): Ninety-five-year-old “DavidHilberman, whose union activities at Walt Disney Studios and brief membershipin the Communist Party led to his blacklisting and shadowed a long career thatincluded founding the innovative United Productions of America studio” passedaway today.

2008: At the Joyce Theatre in New YorkCity, the Pilobolus Dance Theater, in collaboration with Inbal Pinto DanceTheater, performs “Rushes.” The Inbal Pinto Dance Company was founded by InbalPinto and Avshalom Pollak in 1992. “Together, they have been involved in avariety of artistic endeavors - mainly the creation, direction, choreographyand design of unique and award winning, dance performances for their Company.The Israeli company consists of 12 dancer/actors working together and motivatedby the collective wish to make connections among various artistic disciplinesto convey new stage creations informed by memories, longings, ideas and imagination.”

2009(13th of Tammuz, 5769):Anita “Nita” Rabinowitz, who for 65 years was the wife or Rabbi StanleyRabinowitz, Rabbi Emeritus of Adas Israel Congregation, and a woman of uniquestyle and charm, passed away today. She is survived by two daughters, Dr.Sharon Chard Yaron of San Diego, CA and Judi Argaman of Herzlia, Israel; fourgrandchildren, Maiya Chard Yaron of San Diego, Omri, Elad and Noa Argaman ofHerzlia,Israel and her brother abrother, Kalman Lifson of Rydal, PA.

Zichrona Livracha - May Her Memory Be ABlessing

2009: The Sixth Australian Israel FilmFestival, sponsored by AICE, the Australia Israel Cultural Exchange comes to anend today.

2009(13th of Tammuz, 5769): Ninety-seven-year-old poet and “renownedauthority on Hans Christian Andersen” Naomi Lewis passed away today.

2009: The New York Times featured books by Jewish authorsand/or of special interest to Jewish readers including American Radical: The Life and Times of I. F. Stone by D. D.Guttenplan.

2009: The Washington Post featured books by Jewish authorsand/or of special interest to Jewish readers including The Sweet Science andOther Writings: The Sweet Science, The Earl of Louisiana, The Jollity Building,Between Meals, The Press by A.J. Liebling and The Waxman Report: HowCongress Really Works by Henry Waxman and Joshua Green.

2010:Beit Avi Chai is scheduled to present "TrulyVery Strange People!": The heroes of the Second Aliyah

2010(23rd of Tammuz, 5770): Ninety-year-old CCNY andprofessional basketball player Hal Friend passed away today.

2010: Today Israeli-American Amar'e “Stoudemire and the New YorkKnicks agreed in principle to a contract estimated to be worth around $99.7million over five years.”

2010: Firefighters succeeded in bringing a fire in the Yehudiahnature reserve in the Golan Heights under control this afternoon. Firefighterson the ground and in the air were still trying to control the giant fireburning out of control in the Bar'am forest north of Tzfat and the Meitzarstream. Additional crews are fighting a blaze that broke out in the area ofAlonei Habashan in the Golan Heights. Firefighters are also at work on a brushfire in the city of Nesher near Haifa.

2011(3rd of Tammuz): Yahrzeit of Rabbi Bernard (Dov)Illoway, a leader of American Orthodox Judaism, who passed away in Cincinnation 3rd of Tamuz, 5631 (June 22, 1871).

2011(3rd of Tammuz): Yahrzeit of The Lubavitcher Rebbe,Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson who passed away on 3rd of Tammuz, 5754 fromcreation (June 12, 1994)

2011: The Milwaukee Jewish Community Chorale Board of Directors isscheduled to meet at Fox Point, Wisconsin.

2011:Two bills aimed at alleviating the woes of womenwhose husbands refuse them divorces passed the Knesset Law Committee today,ahead of votes in the plenum.

2011: The Israel Air Force targeted a terror cell in Gaza today,after it was identified as attempting to fire projectiles at Israel.

2011: Israeli professional basketball player Gal Mekel signed a two-yearcontract with Italian team Benetton Treviso

2011: Sale date for Joel Levitt’s “Kishinev Pogrom.”

2012: Israeli cellist Yoed Nir isscheduled to perform at the Trianon in Paris

2012: Funeralservices for Lauren Reece Flaum (z"l) conducted by Rabbi Jeff Portman, arescheduled to be held this morning at Agudas Achim Congregation with the burialat the Agudas Achim Cemetery in Iowa City. Zichrona Livracha - May Her MemoryBe A Blessing

2012: Woody Allen's romanticcomedy, "To Rome With Love," is scheduled to open the 29th JerusalemFilm Festival.

2012: Israelwill launch a brutal war against Lebanon if provoked by Hezbollah, seniorIsrael Defense Forces officers warned today.

2012: A Tel Aviv-bound El Al plane was forced to make an emergency landingat Heathrow Airport early today morning after one of its engines caught fire.No injuries were reported

2013: PopeFrancis was scheduled to meet today at the Vatican with a delegation ofrelatives of victims of the 1994 bombing of the AMIA Jewish community buildingin Buenos Aires.The meeting between the Argentinean pope and the relativestakes place two weeks before the anniversary of the attack that killed 85people (As reported by JTA and Jersualem Post)

2013: Israeliambassador to the United States Michael Oren announced today that he wouldconclude his term as envoy to Washington in the fall, after four years on thejob. Oren wrote on his Facebook page today, "I am grateful for theopportunity to represent the State of Israel and its Government, under theleadership of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, to the United States,President Barack Obama, the Congress, and the American people." (Asreported by JPost)

2013: JonathanYardley, reviewed My New Orleans, Gone Away by New Orleans native Peter MichaelWolf, “a sixth-generation member of the Godchaux-Weis clan.”

2014: In CedarRapids, the Traditional Minyan is scheduled to celebrate Red, White & BlueShabbat with a Sundaes On Saturday Kiddush featuring that all-American treat –Kosher Ice Cream – thanks to the efforts of Deb Levin who is responsible forthese monthly culinary delights.

2014:Clarinetist Alexander Fiterstein, he founder of the Zimor Project a uniqueensemble dedicated to incorporating Jewish art music into chamber musicprograms, is scheduled to perform works by Chausson, Messian, Weinberg, Yedidiaand Weber at Bargemuisc, “New York City’s floating concert hall.”

2014: “TheTrue Story of Curious George --- The Wartime Escape: Margret and H.A. Rey’sJourney From France” an exhibition that tells how “the Jewish Couple fled Parisin June 1940, starting a five-month odyssey by bike, train and boat thateventually would bring them to American shores” opens today at The Carl &Mary Koehler History Center in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.

2014: Three rockets fired from Gaza struck atBeersheba, the largest city in southern Israel. (As reported by Itmar Sharon)

2014: Arabs continue to riot in Israel inresponse to the murder of a teenager in what was supposedly a revengekilling.

2014: This evening Hamas threatened to reach“all” of Israel’s cities with its rockets, several hours after targeting thecity of Beersheba. (As reported by Ilan Ben Zion and Itamar Sharon)

2015: “Trained Oregon Holocaust Memorialdocents” many of whom are Holocaust survivors are scheduled to host tours that“will focus on Holocaust history and the stories of Holocaust survivors andtheir families whose hard work and dedication is largely responsible for theconception, design, and construction of the Memorial.”

2015: Today,Carli Lloyd whose coach wasHolocaust survivor Rudi Kolbach scored the “opening goal against Japan in theFIFA Women’s World Cup” being held in Vancover.

2015: The curtain is scheduled to come down onthe final performance of “The Tale of the Allergist Wife” at Theatre J, sponsoredby the Washington DCJCC.

2015: In Atlanta, GA, the William Breman JewishHeritage Museum is scheduled to host a “theater workshop for Jewish girls ages11-14 developed in collaboration with Out of Hand Theater!”

2015: “From Shtetl to Swing” is scheduled to beshown at the Yiddish Book Center in Amherst, MA.

2015: TheNew York Times featured reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or ofspecial interest to Jewish readers including The Seven Good Years: A Memoirby Etgar Keret and Book of Numbers by Joshua Cohen.

2015(18th of Tammuz, 5775): Fast ofthe 17th Tammuz observed since the 17th of Tammuz fell onShabbat.

2015(18th of Tammuz, 5775): Eighty-year-oldIngram Berg “Burt” Shavitz, the Manhattan born Main beekeeper the co-founder of“Burt’s Bees” passed away today.

2015(18th of Tammuz, 5775):Eighty-five year old James Marcus the Goldman Sachs partner and managingdirector of the Metropolitan Opera passed away today. (As reported by SamRoberts)

2016: “Natural Resistance, an exhibition at theY Gallery featuring the works of Israelis Shay Arick and Tamara Kostianovsky,is scheduled to close today.

2016: Jonathan Tobin is scheduled to moderate “apanel discussion about the Entebbe rescue with one of the hostages and a formerMossad officer at Congregation Mikveh Israel and then directly after emcee the40th anniversary Commemoration ceremony at the Yoni Netanyahu Memorial off ofPhiladelphia's Independence Mall.”

2017: Brooklyn Institute for Social Research,Center for Jewish History and American Sephardi Federation are scheduled topresent the first session of “Al-Andalus: Tolerance, Culture and Violence in MedievalSpain.”

2017: In Memphis, TN at Temple Israel, RabbiFeivel Strauss is scheduled to lead a discussion on “Abraham Isaac Kook: FromChild Prodigy to Mystic and Beloved First Chief of Rabbi of Israel” which ispart the Greatest Jewish Thinkers of All Time series

2017(5th of Tammuz, 5777):Sixty-eight Bracha Garber, the Tel Aviv native who was a driving force behindthe “overhaul” of “New York City’s foster care system” passed away today. (As reported by Sam Roberts)

2017: “The Ministry of Antiquities’ ProjectSector today approved the funds for restoring and developing the Eliyahu HanaviSynagogue, according to the head of the Islamic and Coptic MonumentsDepartment, al-Saeed Helmy Ezzat,”

2017: Daniel Polisar is scheduled to presentthe first session “The Zionist Vision: A New Look at Theodor Herzl.”

2017: In Haifa, the HUB, “the Maccabiah versionof an ‘Olympic Village” is scheduled to open today.

2017: Jewish Care’s 5th annual BakeDay is scheduled to take place in the United Kingdom today.

2018: The Jerusalem Festival of Light isscheduled to come to an end tonight.

2018: “A special screening of ‘The Rocky HorrorPicture Show’ with a live shadow cast is scheduled to take place at theCinematheque Tel Aviv.”

2018: “Batsheva – The Young Ensemble isscheduled to perform Ohad Naharin's Bessie Award-winning dance, Naharin'sVirus, inspired by the great Austrian writer Peter Handke's play” at JacobsPillow today for the second time.

2018(22nd of Tammuz, 5778):Ninety-two year old Claude Lanzmann, the Paris born son of “Armand and Paulette(Grobermann) Lanzmann who served with the French Resistance during WW II andwho is best known for “Shoah,” his “1985 groundbreaking film about the Holocaust”passed away today.

2018: Following yesterday’s “4.5 earthquake and4.1 earthquake” that sent tremors from the Golan Heights to Tel Aviv, Israel’shave been cautioned “to listen only to official updates and instructions and toignore unconfirmed reports.”

2019: In Terre Haute, IN, The CANDLES HolocaustMuseum and Education is scheduled to be closed in honor of its founder “EvaMozes Kor, who underwent experiments in Auschwitz together with her twin sister”who passed away July 4, 2019

2019: InBaltimore, MD, director Aviva Kempner is scheduled to take part in a Q and Afollowing a screening of “The Spy Behind Home Plate” a biopic about Moe Berg.

2019: The Shabbat Shop, a one stop place tofill all the needs for the Sabbath which is a fundraiser Jack and ShirleySilver Center for Special Needs at the Marlene Meyerson JCC Manhattan isscheduled to be open from 8:30 to 5 at JCC Manhattan.

2019: Today, The Jerusalem Theatre is scheduledto “return to the tradition of Kabbalat Shabbat at the theatre, with theparticipation of the multidisciplinary Vocalists’ Workshop of the JerusalemAcademy of Music and Dance, led by Prof. Michael Wolpe”

2020: Michelle, Jacob and Rachel Levin will beamong those adjusting to the executive order requiring the wearing of masks inColumbus, OH, which was scheduled to go into effect this weekend.

2020: The Contemporary Jewish Museum isscheduled to livestream “Sunday Stories: Summer in the Catskills,” a talk aboutthe summer resorts, music and comedy that became symbols of mid-centuryAmerican Jewish life.

2020: TheNew York Times features reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or ofspecial interest to Jewish readers including Surviving Autocracy by MashaGessen and The Demagogue’s Playbook: The Battle for American Democracy form theFounders to Trump by Eric A. Posner as well as an essay, “The Book That ShapedForeign Policy for a Generation Has More to Say” that examines the impact ofHans Morgenthau’s Politics Among the Nations and a Podcast in which Jules Feiffer examines“His long, varied career.”

2021: An international workshop on “Livingwith…”: From the COVID-19 Pandemic to the Climate Crisis is scheduled to beingto at the Van Leer Jerusalem Institute.

2021: According to previously published report,The Israeli government is expected to reimpose some new restrictions to curbthe COVID-19 outbreak in the country this week, including limiting somegatherings and restricting access for the unvaccinated to some venues,

2021: The Tel Aviv Art Museum is scheduled tohost “America Night at the Museum.”

2021: Sam Shonkoff, Taube Family Assistant Professorof Jewish Studies, is scheduled to lecture on “Deracination and Racializationin Martin Buber's Hasidic Tales.”

2022: As part of the Yiddish CivilizationLecture Series, presented by YIVO, Gennady Estraikh is scheduled to deliver alecture in Yiddish on “Kyiv and Karkiv – Two Centers of Yiddish Culture,1917-1941.” (Editor’s note – if thenames sound familiar they should – this is where the Ukrainians led by theirJewish president are resisting theRussian invasion.

2022: Lockdown University is scheduled to hosta webinar on “The Development of Zionism in the Russian Empire with Trudy Gold.

2022: The Rehovot International Live StatuesFestival is scheduled to open today.

2023: Andrew Silow-Carroll, managing editor forIdeas at the Jewish Telegraphic Agency and editor at large at the New YorkJewish Week, is scheduled to teach the second session of "Inside Jokes:Explore the Essence of Jewish Humor.”

2023: Congregation Tifereth Israel is scheduledto host an information session on the congregations upcoming December toIsrael.

2023: Based on previously published informationIsrael is scheduled to continue its anti-terrorism in Jenin.

2023: Following yesterday’s car-ramming attackin Tel Aviv, Israelis are braced to deal with additional terrorist attacks.

2024: Kan Kol Hamusika is scheduled to broadcast “A Program of Psalms” featuringthe Ankor Choir of the Jerusalem Conservatory of Music and Dance.

2024: Director Ofir Raul Grazier is scheduledto attend the screening of “America” “anew film starring Michael Moshonov as a former champion swimmer from Israel nowliving in Chicago who returns to Tel Aviv after learning his estranged fatherhas died” at Laemmle’s Royal in Los Angeles.

2024: As July 5th beginsin Israel, an unprecedented wave of anti-Semitism that has included Hamassupporters calling for Zionist passengers on a New York subway to raise theirhands, sweeps the United States and the Hamas held hostages begin day 273 incaptivity. (Editor’s note: thissituation is too fluid for this blog to cover so we are just providing asnapshot as of the posting at midnight Israeli time.)

This Day, July 5, In Jewish History by Mitchell A and Deb Levin Z"L – All #ourCOG News (2024)
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Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.