Relationship between weight gain and survival rate in patients with metastatic lung cancer (2024)

  • Journal List
  • Med J Islam Repub Iran
  • v.35; 2021
  • PMC8214037

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Relationship between weight gain and survival rate in patients with metastatic lung cancer (1)

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Med J Islam Repub Iran. 2021; 35: 22.

Published online 2021 Feb 11. doi:10.47176/mjiri.35.22

PMCID: PMC8214037

PMID: 34169034

Farshid Fardad,1 Kobra Bagheri Valami,1 Nafiseh Ansarinejad,1 Bahareh Abbasi,2 Seide Masoomeh Khataii Khosroshahi,1 and Tayeb Ramim*3,4

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Background: Lung cancer accounts for about 13% of all cancers and about 60% of patients with lung cancer also experience weight loss during treatment. There seems to be a clear correlation between the therapeutic outcomes of patients based on their weight changes during treatment. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between weight changes during and after treatment and the therapeutic outcomes of a patient with metastatic lung cancer.

Methods: This cohort study was performed on patients with the diagnosis of non-surgical metastatic lung cancer referred to Hematology and Oncology Clinic, Rasoul-e-Akram Hospital. Patients were divided into two groups with a weight gain of more than 5% and a weight gain of 5% and less. The information was entered into the SPSS version 21 software. In the descriptive analysis, mean and standard deviation (SD) were used. To compare quantitative variables, independent samples t-test, Mann-Whitney, chi-square or Fisher exact tests were used to compare qualitative variables and correlation test was used to determine the correlation between quantitative data. Survival curves were used to show differences in two groups of studies. A regression model was used to calculate the hazard ratio. The significance level was less than 0.05.

Results: Sixty patients, including 40 males (66.7%) and 20 females (33.3%) were studied. The mean age of patients was 62.22±9.00 years (43-83 years). The mean weight changes in the patients were -1.28±6.11 kg (-16 to 16kg). Forty-seven patients (78.3%) had weight gain less than 5%. There was no significant difference in overall survival (OS) and progression-free survival (PFS) according to weight gain.

Conclusion: Finally, the findings of the study showed that, despite the fact that PFS and OS in the weight gain group were greater than 5% of the original weight; the difference was not statistically significant.

Keywords: Metastatic lung cancer, Weight gain, Overall survival, Progressive free survival

↑ What is “already known” in this topic:

About sixty percent of patients with lung cancer experience weight loss during treatment. There seems to be a correlation between the therapeutic outcomes of patients based on their weight changes during treatment.

→ What this article adds:

This study showed that overall survival and progression-free survival were higher in the weight gain of more than 5% group compared to the other group. However, there was no significant difference in the survival curve between the two groups.


Lung cancer is about 13% of all cancers in the world. Its mortality rate is highest among all cancers (1). The tumor status and stage of the disease are two important factors in determining the prognosis of lung cancer (2, 3). The studies about metastatic lung cancer show that appetite loss and weight loss are the new prognostic factors (4, 5). Also, about 60% of patients with lung cancer experience weight loss during treatment (6). It is always the question of whether the continuation of weight loss or its stabilization can be effective in overall survival (OS) or survival without progression of the disease (Progression-free survival, PFS) (7, 8). In some cancers, lowering energy consumption due to inactivity and hormonal abnormalities can lead to weight gain. There are different data on the association of weight gain with worse disease outcomes in some cancers (9, 10). Some studies have shown that instability in weight, including weight gain and weight loss, is associated with worse survival in cancer patients (11).

Some studies show that the PFS and OS in lung cancer patients who had a steady weight during treatment were about two months longer than other patients. In local cases, weight gain was associated with increased survival during the treatment (12, 13). In addition, patients with advanced stages of lung cancer with weight gain after treatment had greater survival rates (14).

There seems to be a correlation between the therapeutic outcomes of patients based on their weight changes during treatment. Therefore, the present study aims to investigate the relationship between weight changes during and after treatment and the outcomes in patients with metastatic lung cancer.


Study population

This cohort study was performed in patients with a diagnosis of non-surgical metastatic lung cancer, in Rasool Akram Hospital, Tehran, Iran from 2018 to 2019. Upon approval of the Iran University’s Ethics Committee (IR.IUMS.FMD.REC.1396.9411160003), data collection was carried out. Written consent was received from all patients. Patients’ information was collected based on clinical documentation, pathologic report, interview and follow up.


Patients were weighed and their topographic characteristics, including weight, height and body mass index, were recorded before the treatment. The patients were weighed at the beginning of each treatment period and the body mass index was calculated in the highest weight. Weight changes and body mass index were calculated after treatment, and their ratio was calculated based on the initial values. According to a similar study (15), patients were divided into two groups including weight gain of more than 5% (group 1) and weight gain of 5% and less (group 1). Progression-free survival (PFS) and overall survival (OS) were calculated at the beginning of the treatment.

Statistical analysis

After completing the checklist, their information was entered into the SPSS version 21 software. In the descriptive analysis, mean and standard deviation (SD) were used. To compare quantitative variables, independent t-test or Mann-Whitney, chi-square or Fisher exact tests were used to compare qualitative variables and correlation test was used to determine the correlation between the quantitative variables. Survival curves were used to show survival differences in the two groups of study. Univariate Cox regression was used to calculate the hazard ratio. The significance level was less than 0.05.


Sixty patients with metastatic lung cancer were enrolled in the study. Forty cases (66.7%) were male, and 20 (33.3%) were female. The mean age of patients was 62.82±9.006 years (43-83 years). The mean weight changes in the patients were -1.28±6.11 kg (-16 to 16kg). Forty-seven patients (78.3%) had weight gain less than 5% and 20 cases (21.7%) had weight gain more than 5%. The median survival in both groups is shown in Table 1.

Table 1

Distribution of overall survival (OS) and disease-free survival (PFS) Median according to weight gain

Weight gain ≤ 5%Weight gain > 5%
PFS (months) (median (95%CI))6 (5-10)7 (6-11)
OS (months) (median (95%CI))9 (6-12)9 (6-24)

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There was no statistically significant difference in mean of PFS and OS in terms of percent overweight. PFS and OS are shown in two groups (Charts 1 and ​and22).

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Fig. 1

Survival analysis of PFS in two groups

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Fig. 2

Survival analysis of OS in two groups

According to log-rank test, weight gain of 5% and less has no risk to reduce OS or PFS (HR= 1.18: 95%CI: 0.610-2.285).


In the present study, it was not found that the weight gain of more than 5% could be associated with increased OS and PFS. In other studies, obesity was one of the major causes of increased mortality due to gastric and prostate cancer in men and breast, endometrial, cervical and ovarian cancers, with 14% and 20% of case fatality rate in men and women, respectively (16, 17).

However, the progression of the disease in cancer patients and the development of metastasis can lead to complications such as bowel obstruction and metabolic problems, which can lead to severe weight loss for these patients. This situation can be effective in reducing the life expectancy of patients (18, 19). Also, the patients may become overweight due to reduced physical activity and the administration of certain chemotherapy drugs during the diagnosis and treatment of cancer (20-23). Overall, weight gain results from the patient's nutritional status and physical activity (24, 25). Many studies have shown that the occurrence or progression of underlying diseases such as diabetes and hypertension can lead to weight gain and obesity during chemotherapy in cancer patients (26, 27).

It was no significant relationship between weight gain and OS and PFS in the present study. But in some studies, such as the Patel et al, patients with breast cancer who gained more than 5% of their initial weight had more survival compared to the other patients (27). A similar finding was also observed in patients with ovarian cancer that the OS of patients with weight gain more than 5% of the initial weight was greater than the patients without weight gain (25). In this study, it seems that the responsiveness of patients to treatment and increased appetite has led to improved patient nutrition and weight gain. Also, OS and PFS increased. In group I (≤ 5 %), OS was 11.26±8.43 m and in group II (>5%), OS was 12.54±10.61 m.


Finally, the findings of the study showed that OS and PFS were higher in group I compared to the group II. However, there was no significant difference in the survival curve between the two groups.


This study was supported by the Vice-Chancellor for research of Iran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran. (Ethics code number: IR.IUMS.REC.1394.277).

Conflict of Interests

The authors declare that they have no competing interests.


Cite this article as: Fardad F, Bagheri Valami K, Ansarinejad N, Abbasi B, Khataii Khosroshahi SM, Ramim T. Relationship between weight gain and survival rate in patients with metastatic lung cancer. Med J Islam Repub Iran. 2021 (11 Feb);35:22.


Conflicts of Interest: None declared



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Articles from Medical Journal of the Islamic Republic of Iran are provided here courtesy of Iran University of Medical Sciences

Relationship between weight gain and survival rate in patients with metastatic lung cancer (2024)


Relationship between weight gain and survival rate in patients with metastatic lung cancer? ›

In addition, patients with advanced stages of lung cancer with weight gain after treatment had greater survival rates (14). There seems to be a correlation between the therapeutic outcomes of patients based on their weight changes during treatment.

How do you know the end is near with stage 4 lung cancer? ›

Complete loss of consciousness

This is usually right towards the end, maybe only a few hours or days before death. The person's breathing becomes irregular and may become noisy. You won't be able to wake them at all. Their breathing will stay irregular for some time and will stop at some point.

How long does a person have to live with stage 4 lung cancer? ›

Because the cancer is fully developed, there are fewer treatment options; therefore, the stage 4 lung cancer prognosis is less favorable. Additionally, the median survival time for those with stage 4 lung cancer is four months, meaning that 50% of patients will be alive only four months after their diagnosis.

Has anyone ever beat stage 4 lung cancer? ›

Stage IV lung cancer survivor: Targeted therapy and surgery left me cancer-free. As a retired firefighter and combat veteran, I've been in some pretty tough situations. But the hardest thing I've ever done was sit my four children down and tell them I had stage IV lung cancer.

How quickly do you deteriorate with lung cancer? ›

Studies have shown that lung cancer doubling time can vary, from 229 days to 647 days in one study, depending upon the type. 7 It's possible that some types of lung cancer progress within weeks to months, while others may take years to grow.

What are the first signs of your body shutting down from cancer? ›

Symptoms During the Final Months, Weeks, and Days of Life
  • Delirium. Delirium can have many causes at the end of life. ...
  • Fatigue. Fatigue is one of the most common symptoms in the last days of life.
  • Shortness of Breath. ...
  • Pain. ...
  • Cough. ...
  • Constipation. ...
  • Trouble Swallowing. ...
  • Death Rattle.
Jun 6, 2024

What is likely to happen 2 weeks prior to death? ›

During 1 to 2 weeks before death, the person may feel tired and drained all the time, so much so that they don't leave their bed. They could have: Different sleep-wake patterns. Little appetite and thirst.

Is chemo worth it for stage 4 lung cancer? ›

Treating extensive-stage SCLC

As with stage 4 NSCLC, treatment would likely focus on blocking the cancer's growth, relieving symptoms and extending the patient's life. Chemotherapy and immunotherapy, or a combination of both, are typically the first line of treatment at this stage.

Can you live 10 years with stage 3 lung cancer? ›

Stage 3. Around 15 out of 100 people (around 15%) with stage 3 lung cancer will survive their cancer for 5 years or more after they're diagnosed.

What is the life expectancy of a metastatic lung? ›

Without treatment, median survival is eight months, and 1-year survival is 30%. Patients who undergo surgical resection have a median survival of 36 to 50 months with a 5-year survival of 36% to 67.8%. After surgery, the recurrence rate is 68%, with the lung being the most common site of recurrence.

What is the miracle drug for stage 4 lung cancer? ›

The treatment developed by the pharmaceutical group AstraZeneca is called osimertinib and is marketed under the name Tagrisso. It targets a particular type of lung cancer in patients suffering from so-called non-small cell cancer, the most common type, and showing a particular type of mutation.

Do oncologists lie about prognosis? ›

Background: Oncologists often do not give honest prognostic and treatment-effect information to patients with advanced disease. One of the primary reasons stated for witholding this information is to “not take away hope.” We could find no study that tested if hope was influenced by honest clinical information.

Can stage 4 lung cancer go into remission? ›

Yes, it is possible for lung cancer to go into remission. Doctors define remission as a span of time when signs and symptoms of the disease are no longer as serious or are completely gone. Remission is not necessarily considered a cure.

What happens in the last month of lung cancer? ›

Your loved one's skin may become cool as body temperature lowers, and you may notice mottling (bluish, blotchy patches) on the skin. The dying person often sweats, and even though the skin is cool, it may feel wet and clammy. They usually stop eating and drinking, and this is normal.

What is the longest life expectancy for stage 4 lung cancer? ›

How long can you live with stage 4 lung cancer? A person's outlook with stage 4 lung cancer can depend on the extent of the disease, their health, and several other factors. However, the estimated 5-year relative survival rate for stage 4 NSCLC is 9%. For stage 4 SCLC, it's 3%.

How long does chemo prolong life in lung cancer? ›

Chemotherapy is unlikely to have much of an effect on Stage IV (metastatic) cancers, whereas it can add months or even years to a person's life if they have been diagnosed with Stage I – III cancer.

What happens near the end of life with lung cancer? ›

The dying person often sweats, and even though the skin is cool, it may feel wet and clammy. They usually stop eating and drinking, and this is normal. They will not feel thirsty or hungry. As death approaches, the person's breathing may change.

How long is end stage lung cancer? ›

You might have months or years to live after a stage 4 lung cancer diagnosis. Or, you could have only weeks. Your doctor will tell you what to expect based on the results of your tests. At some point, your doctor might tell you that you've reached the final stages of lung cancer.

How do you know if Stage 4 lung cancer is getting worse? ›

Other symptoms that may develop as a result of the lung cancer metastasizing to other parts of the body include: Headaches, weakness or numbness in a limb, dizziness, balance issues or seizures (if the cancer has spread to the brain) Jaundice (if the cancer has spread to the liver) Pain in the bones of the back or hips.

How long does end stage cancer last? ›

No one can predict how long the final stage of life will last or when death will happen. Sometimes death comes quickly. Other times the dying process takes longer and the person may linger. It's hard to know exactly what will happen in the final stage of life and especially near death.

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