My Sinful Love (Sinful Men #4) (2024)

Pam Nelson

3,497 reviews107 followers

May 18, 2020

What an ending, how it all falls into place I had so many questions and they all got answered.

I will say sometimes it felt like too many characters and I would have to go back and listen to a part here or a part there but once I got more into the meat of the story it all came together.

I enjoyed Michael’s HEA he deserved it the fact that it is a second chance one gives me all the feels. I am glad he and Annalise found their way back to each other. The ocean couldn’t keep these too from each other, long distance is hard but if you can with stand then you know you are truly meant to be.

The chapters from the fathers POV were very powerful and I enjoyed those best.

I am soo glad we got a new voice for each character I don’t know if this book would have had the same impact if it hadn’t. Great narrators.

    2024_aa-challenge done-2020

book bruin

1,288 reviews338 followers

June 12, 2020

Audiobook Review
Overall 4.5 stars
Performance 5 stars
Story 4 stars

I am a huge fan of second chance romances that feature childhood/young love. There's just something so magical and sweet about them. I've been waiting for broody Michael and his "what if" girl and I was not disappointed. Annalise and Michael's story brought out all the feels and also was incredibly sexy. These two radiated heat and their chemistry was off the charts. I loved how they found their way back to each other and even when they hit a few bumps in the road, they ultimately listened, spoke openly and honestly, and handled things maturely. It was also amazing to see all the pieces finally come together for the mystery that has been unfolding the whole series. It added some great action and suspense to the story and it was so satisfying to get that resolution and to see how it all fell into place. Kudos to Lauren Blakely for masterminding that!

Sebastian York was absolutely perfect as the oldest Sloan sibling and Vanessa Edwin continues to amaze me with her talent. They both gave such emotional performances and I could really feel all the love, pain, fear, and joy our characters experienced. The sexy times were scorching and I may have had to fan myself quite a few times with this one. The entire audiobook was such a treat to listen to and featured so many incredible narrators. There are a lot of different characters and players in this series (especially in this book) and I don't think I would have been able to keep them straight without all the different narrators.

There's still one novella left, featuring John and Mindy (yay!), and I can't wait to listen to it!

    audiobooks indie-romance

3,985 reviews350 followers

June 14, 2020

My Sinful Love (Sinful Men #4) (4)
The full story has finally been revealed for the Paige/Sloan family. It was one crazy journey but one that was excellently written.

Michael had been the strong, supportive oldest brother throughout this series and it was great to finally get his story. His was an emotional second chance romance that ended up impacting his world more than any I would have imagined. I really liked the enduring love Michael and Annalise had. They met in high school but their story spanned eighteen years. They both gained a lot of life experience and were different people from when they first met by the time they get their second chance. But there was this feeling about them that just seemed meant to be.

Their romance was blended so well with the mystery unfolding. This whole series was a great mix of mystery, suspense and romance and I highly recommend it.

Micky Cox

2,115 reviews26 followers

July 23, 2020

The conclusion of the series that has followed the reopening of the 4 main characters' father's murder case. Their mother has been in prison for 18 years for setting up the hit, but professing her innocence which they now have confirmed has been a lie for 18 years. They have uncovered a lot of information, but they may not uncover the biggest piece until it is too late and the siblings or the ones they love are wiped out as well. The story line has been quite intriguing and entertaining as has the individual romance stories woven into the plot line. I'm quite intrigued that a 5th book has been added to unwind the story of the detective behind reopening the case so can't wait to listen to that book as well. I will say the narration of all have been good, but the male narrator's voice in this one is seriously divine!

Jenn Amy

895 reviews80 followers

June 25, 2020

*Audio Review*

At long last Michael’s story! I have been dying for his story since My Sinful Nights and this by far was my favourite of all the books in the series. All the questions about the Sloans’ fathers murder were answered and what an incredible cast of narrators in this one. Sebastian York and Vanessa Edwin could not have been more perfectly cast as Michael and Annalise. Michael has been the strongest brother out of all the Sloan’s. The one that everyone looked up to. He is protective, loving, kind and has a huge heart. His heart has always belonged to Annalise. The two neither got over each other so when they see each other again after being apart for many years they were inevitable. The story telling in this one was a perfect mix of romance and suspense and Lauren Blakely knocked it out of the park with this one. 5++ STARS!


Pamela Lilley

2,047 reviews34 followers

June 4, 2020

Holy moly! What I was expecting was a love story, second chance love, a little bit of down and dirty maybe. What I got was an epic conclusion to the mystery that has been surrounding the Paige-Prince/Sloane siblings for 18 years. Oh and yes, a second chance sexy romance in the mix. How does an author tie in all these stories, all these characters, all the timeframes and all those loose ends? I have no idea, but Lauren Blakely pulled it off. After I’ve lived and loved this family for the last four books I can tell you it was absolutely perfect, such a clever, flawless, intriguing story, full of suspense, drama and let’s not forget the sexy time, because, no one writes sexy time quite like Ms Blakely. So many emotions, so many clever plot twists, and a truly beautiful dedication to finish the series off.
PS - audio excellent
Sebastian York, the perfect Michael. Vanessa Edwin the perfect What If Girl, Annalise. Then we have all the additional narrators perfectly narrating all the additional characters. This story really lends itself to audio, especially with such a fantastic team of narrators.


Author13 books460 followers

January 30, 2021

This is probably the most romance-centric of the books in the series. It's a good second-chance romance too.

Michael seemed too abrupt in his appearances in the first three books but here in his own book, he’s warm and actually quite sweet. His and Annalise’s romance is also sweet and sexy.

The overarching mystery was solved neatly but there were too many POVs and the resolution got too soap-opera-ish.

    angst audio contemporary

Wendy T

2,924 reviews114 followers

October 17, 2021

I loved Michael and Annalise story and how their story of first love and being torn apart because of them living an ocean apart. Years later they meet and petty much pick up where they left off because their chemistry and love for each other was still strong. This story finally gave us the conclusion to who else was behind the death of their father beside their mother’s involvement. I was loved the ending!

    audiobooks-2021 books-read-in-2021

Kenny Aston

25 reviews

December 10, 2023

Michael has the personality of soggy cardboard


800 reviews11 followers

May 21, 2020

Michael and Analise personify what it means to be young and in love - simply beautiful! It made me remember what it was like to be 16 and in love, only this was a lost chance at something pure and amazing. Torn apart by distance and circ*mstances completely beyond their control, they both struggled with the what if for years. The lost years and lost possibilities tore me up, but Lauren completely delivers the perfect "Right person, Wrong Time" scenario in this story. They both move on with life and have experiences. They both find their rhythm and goals in life, but they always wonder. Even when they move on, they wonder. I love the pureness of this story. The absolute perfection of love blooming, waning, lying dormant, and then exploding when they come together again at the right time. Still, they have to contend with distance. But the connection is so there and I was in love with love when they fell for each other again. Their story is sweet, sensual, downright sexy and a GREAT example of adults owning up to past mistakes and doing their best to make the right decision now and for the future. For love!

The connection Michael has with his dad brought me to tears with the utter perfection of it! Again, the plot twists tore me up in all the best ways with this story. I was definitely not expecting so many twists and turns, but it just got better and better and finds not just a happy ending, but a realistic ending to that heartbreaking tragedy to make way for new love, new life, new possibilities. Lauren completely made me cry in this one!

Once again, narration was absolutely top notch. Vanessa Edwin is fairly new to me, but I was blown away by her performance and will definitely be listening to more. SebYo and the others delivered what we have all come to know and love from their performances. We experience the story through their powerful emotional performances in a way only audiobooks can deliver!

Deanie Nelder

1,131 reviews19 followers

June 29, 2021

Actually 3.5 stars

The main story of the Sinful Men ends with a story that's good, but suffers a bit from having to wrap up so much of the first book. Michael and Annalise's story, about high school sweethearts from different continents who reunite as adults, is a great story. It doesn't have a lot of conflict, however, and some of the conflict from that (like Michael's feelings about Annalise's previous marriage) seem forced. Of course, the story is derailed at various points by flashbacks, some of which matter, some of which seem superfluous. The story meanders along until it rushes at the end. I still like the book, and I love the characters, but I was hoping for more from this book.


628 reviews189 followers

July 6, 2020

Everything has fallen into place and we finally have a conclusion to the story!!

All of the questions that I had about the Sloane family and their fathers murder were answered, and along the way we got to meet the gorgeous Michael, be still my beating heart!!

Another "what if" second chance romance, which is always on my ABSOLUTELY list.

Another perfectly revamped story, that has been made even better, thank you Lauren for this crazy sexy ride!!

Narration for this is full cast, and brilliant as always.

    2020-read 4-star-books adult-content

Natasa IG: itsallaboutbooksandmacarons

1,465 reviews24 followers

November 20, 2022

I love second chance romances. Different countries but so much in common and so much regrets that hurts my heart. How they couls miss eachother and live apart. But I hope I can say there is a solution to everything. Just perfect.

Suzy (readaholicmom)

1,064 reviews20 followers

April 9, 2022

Listened to this on Audible 👍

Lisa Stinson

1,172 reviews16 followers

July 29, 2020

Really enjoying this series. Absolutely love all of the narration.



1,394 reviews9 followers

December 16, 2020

Audio -

Annalise and Michael’s story. This was my least favorite of the series. I’m not a murder mystery type of person and although the other books had that element, this book had it as the main theme throughout. It was just too much and you couldn’t focus on their relationship. I did not care for it. I’m going with a 2.5-3.

Not sure what the next book is but will read reviews to see if it’s worth the read since the case has been cracked.

    audio just-ok mfm


2,027 reviews1 follower

June 2, 2020

This is the perfect conclusion to Ms. Blakely's exhilarating and sexy Sinful Men series! I loved every romantic, sensuous, and heart-pounding moment. This second chance romance reunites Michael Sloan with his "What If?" girl, Annalise Delacroix. They met and fell in love while Annalise was a foreign exchange student in Las Vegas. When she had to return home to France they vowed to stay close and make their relationship work. When they are torn apart by time and distance, they are forced to go their separate ways with broken hearts. Now years later Michael receives a letter from Annalise that she will be in LV for work and would like to get together. Their reunion ignites the long dormant feelings they both harbor and their desire to explore the "What If's". They remember their wonderful connection as young adults but now as bolder, dirtier, and more passionate adults they fit even better than before. But is that enough for two people who don't want to risk another broken heart and who still live on different continents? This is a very exhilarating, romantic and sensuous love story that was brought to life flawlessly by a very talented cast of narrators. Sebastian York, and Vanessa Edwin were so perfect as Michael and Annelise. York nailed Michael's devotion, his thoughtful, and protective nature, and his romantic yet dominant side so perfectly. He had me in tears as he made me feel the rebirth of their love and the struggle to protect themselves. Edwin's portrayal of Annalise as a strong, loyal, and caring heroine, really tugged at my heart as well. They drew me in with a nostalgic and personal feel of their written letters, deep terms of endearment and the speaking of french, especially in the throws of passion. Their banter was fun, their chemistry was off the charts and I absolutely loved them together.
Ms Blakely expertly weaved a suspenseful mystery arc throughout this series. I was so enthralled in the flashbacks that revealed the events leading up to Michael's father's murder. With the revamping of this story, there were more twists and turns, with extra character point of views that were so riveting, it had me totally engaged as it picked up speed to it's thrilling conclusion. I cannot express how much I loved this whole series, along with the wonderful multicast narration. The character's were all so intriguing, genuine and honest that I hate to let them go. This is definitely an exceptional series that shouldn't be missed!



991 reviews

May 17, 2020

Michael, Michael, Michael! Now, Ryan is my favorite Sloan, but Michael makes a very, very close second. His rawness is so, so sexy. When he and Annalise are together, Michael is forced to kind of put away his big protector of his family mode, and does something for himself. I love Annalise, and what she gives Michael. Even though it took many, many years, they were meant to be together. They had to exist apart for their love to truly blossom and grow. You feel Michael's struggle with losing Annalise. He never got over her, but he didn't live his life as a monk, either. He saw his brothers find happiness, but he felt it just wasn't in the cards for him.

Michael is definitely the most intense of the hot Sloan brothers. With him, you get a glimpse into what a great man their father was. I loved how Lauren captured the essence of Michael, who is definitely his father Tom's son. He's the embodiment of Thomas, and he pays great homage to his father's memory. Lauren doesn't skimp on the heat, and like his younger brothers, Michael has a beautifully filthy mouth, and his dirty talk is seriously on point.

There are tears of joy and sadness in this book. Questions that started with the first book are answered. Yes, there’s the conclusion to the big mystery flowing through this series. And holy hell, what a wrap-up of that! As the truth comes closer into view, other people and their lies and deception are exposed.

I don’t think Michael could have been narrated by anyone but Sebastian York. He and Vanessa Edwin were great. I’m totally in love with this series, and I absolutely adore the updates Lauren has brought to it. You still get the same Sloan family, and their core remains intact, but it’s as if Lauren has evolved this story as readers’ have evolved with the way the like stories to be told.


961 reviews11 followers

May 20, 2020

I am loving the revamping of the My Sinful Men series. This is has been one of the best series that I have read and enjoyed. Lauren always pulls me in with her storylines and characters and this story was no different. All of the siblings had their turn to tell their stories, and now it was Michael’s turn to shine. His was a true love, second-chance story. While reading the series, Michael has always intrigued me. I just knew his book would be great. When Michael was younger, he had a connection with a french exchange student named Annalise-his one true love. When Annalise had to go back home, she and Michael tried to stay in touch. But it was hard and they did lose their way. However, they do reconnect much later in life. I really really loved Michael and Annalise together. Their story was a true romantic story. It was about two people who were meant to be together and were able to find their way back together. Life took them on a detour but they were able to get back on track. That Michael Sloan is such a sweetheart. Not only was this a story about love but there was also a mystery in the background throughout the series. Throughout the three previous books, we have been getting new information to a tragedy that affected the whole Sloan family. Well, in Sinful Love we get the last significant details that will finally solve this mystery. And it was intense! Lauren really delivered in this book to the Sinful Men series. The twists and mysteries surrounding this family were woven together perfectly with the love story. I was so engrossed in this book. I couldn’t read fast enough to see what would happen next. This was such a thrilling ride. Lauren never ceases to disappoint me. Her books are always a nice breath of fresh air when I need it. Overall, this book was fantastic.



4,378 reviews39 followers

May 29, 2020

After listening to the first 3 in the is series, I had so many unanswered questions. Not only did Lauren Blakely answer them all, but she wove the most passionate of romances into the story. We get to know the last of the Sloan brothers, Michael and his second chance at finding love with Annalise. These two are incredible together! Michael is just swoon worthy and his undying love for this girl, even years later emanates from the story. He knows what he wants and he isn't going to let her get away. Annalise has some things to work through, and I love how she gets advice that changes everything. Fantastic romance, but that is not what I really love about this book. It's the history. The flashback scenes of what happened to Tommy, how all the characters, like Sanders, Luke, Dora and Tommy are all interconnected and how things all came to fruition. It's suspenseful and so gratifying to get the answers!!!! Loved every minute of this series and how Blakely reimagined it!

This ensemble of narrators is incredible. Each one gave something to the performance, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Sebastian York as Michael always gives me that coming home feeling. Vanessa Edwin just never ceases to amaze me, and the ease of going from a French accent to American is flawless.Sean Crsiden nails Tommy. Each time he began to speak, I was drawn into the past. Add in Tim Paige, Jason Clarke, January LaVoy, Jonathan Davis, Shane East, Samantha Cook, Maxine Mitchell, Savannah Peachwood, Scott Brick and Brian Pallino and I was just loving their own narrations and then the conversations! It's so much fun and very entertaining.

Kara Hildebrand (Two Book Pushers)

1,709 reviews145 followers

December 18, 2020

Sinful Love is the final book in the Sinful Nights series. Lauren's writing just keeps getting better and better. She makes you care about these characters. You laugh with them, you cry with them. You celebrate with them. She writes the sexiest book boyfriends and the smartest leading ladies!
I have been Team Michael from the start. There was just something about his seriousness, his loyalty to his family and his heart. I've been looking forward to his book. Michael isn't the same man he was years ago. Before his father was killed, he was laid back, fun and in love. Now, years later while his father's murder is still unsolved, he gets a letter that he can't say no to. The only girl he's ever really loved wants to see him again. He says yes. Seeing her again brings back all of his memories and hers. Once he gets a taste of her he can't let her go again. Their relationship quickly becomes explosive. It's fast and hard and soft and sweet at the same time. They can't get enough of each other. Annalise is badass! She knows what she wants and she asks for it. Michael wears his heart on his sleeve and can't help but lay it out at her feet. I love all the new additions, to me it just made it perfect! I loved this story! Michael is just so…great. I love his intensity and his love for this woman. Together they are perfect! I didn't see the twists and turns coming and I loved being surprised! This is a epic second chance romance!

Audio: Sebastian was the perfect Michael with his deep voice and quiet humor. Vanessa portrayed the perfect Annalise. Vanessa is quickly becoming one of my go-to-narrators! The entire cast was fantastic and Lauren is a casting genius.

Viper Spaulding

2,990 reviews24 followers

May 15, 2020

Stunning conclusion to a fascinating conspiracy mystery!

Michael, the eldest of the Sloan siblings, reunites with his first love in this beautiful, emotionally-charged romance that also wraps up the investigation into his father’s murder. High school sweethearts, separated by too many miles and too many years, reunite as adults, but are they ready to take a chance on each other? The love story between Michael and Annalise was fraught with tension yet balanced with so much love and history. I thoroughly enjoyed the way their reconnecting helped uncover some long-forgotten, yet pivotal, details that blew the investigation wide open.

And wow, I never expected this mystery to blow up into such a vast conspiracy! The author brilliantly tied in clues from the earlier books that didn’t even look like clues at the time! To say I didn’t see the ending coming is an understatement; I had absolutely NO IDEA of the depths that it went to.

I was so happy to see all the Sloans get their HEAs and, finally, have all the answers and justice they deserved regarding their father. The multiple POV approach is used very successfully, giving us all the angles so that we, too, have all the answers we want. A few chapters were flashbacks from the father’s POV, and those were especially poignant to read.

While this, like the earlier books in the series, is a standalone romance, because all of them follow the murder mystery they definitely should be read in order. As a set, they’re a fascinating look at crime and family dynamics, and I highly recommend the entire series. I voluntarily reviewed an ARC of this book.


1,253 reviews

May 15, 2020

My Sinful Love, Book #4 in the Sinful Men Series is a sexy, emotional, and suspenseful romance that will have you hanging onto every word! It is told from present-day to the past, and back again. This is Michael Sloane and Analise Delacroix's story.

She's the one who got away. She knew me before my father's murder. Before it changed me. He has never forgotten his first love, Annalise. After his father's murder, their relationship didn't continue. It's years later and Michael never fell in love with anyone else. Annalise did but after her husband's passing, they are both single. The road should be clear right? Not so much. Michael has secrets he is keeping. Analise is still dealing with her husband's death. If he wants a chance with her, he'll have to fess up but Annalise just may hold the key to his father's unsolved murder. Their chemistry is still strong and undeniable. Can they get past the obstacles that stand in their way to find a way to be together again?

This book is the culmination of all of the books in the series. She keeps us on the edge, gripping our seats, needing to know what happens in the end. Lauren Blakely does a fantastic job of revealing who is involved and how the situation started. The secrets are revealed in an unexpected manner that had my jaw dropping open. I could not put this book down. It was the perfect ending.

***ARC generously provided in exchange for an honest review.***


788 reviews

June 17, 2020

Audio Review
The "What If" girl holds the keys. I couldn't wait to listen to Michael's story. This has been the best series and I have loved each siblings story and getting more and more clues to solving the mystery behind their father's death. This didn't disappoint the only sad part is now the series is over. I don't typically re-read or listen to books but I will with this series, they are that good.

Michael has been the protector and the broody brother but come to find out there are reasons behind his mood and her name is Annalise and she is the one that got away years ago and he has never really gotten over her. When she shows up again she will do more than heal his broken heart, she holds the keys to solving the mystery of his fathers murder.

Fantastic book, the heat and emotion between these two is heart melting and throw in the little clues that pop up as they talk and we get closer and closer to finding out what really happened and who was involved.

The all star cast of Sebastian York, Vanessa Edwin, January LaVoy, Jonathan Davis, Scott Brick, Shane East, Savannah Peachwood, Sean Crisden, Maxine Mitchell, and Brian Pallino were amazing to listen to. Everyone did a great job.

I loved this book, I loved the entire series and I highly recommend it. It is definitely one of my all time favorites and one I will listen to again.


1,007 reviews11 followers

November 15, 2020

Story - 4 stars
I was quite surprised that I was both enamoured by the romance and murder case in this installment.
Michael and Annalise’s second chance romance brought out all the feels. They shared something special but their timing was all wrong in the past and there were so many missed chances that broke my heart. Their chance of being together finally came after almost two decades.
With so many twists and turns, the murder case was finally solved and all of the parties got what they deserved. It was fulfilling to see how all the pieces came together as the mystery unfold.

Audio - 5 stars
Sebastian York and Vanessa Edwin continue to amaze me with their talent. They both gave such emotional performances and I could really feel all the love, pain, fear, and joy the couple experienced.

Follow Me: Maggie’s Escape Book Blog | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads


Cee Cee Houston

1,341 reviews27 followers

May 17, 2020

It’s been an action-packed ride to reach this last book in this four-part series, and My Sinful Love carries the torch with aplomb. This is the conclusion to the story of how the Paige-Princes became Sloans and what really happened the night their father was murdered. It’s been eighteen years since the events that left them all but orphans.
This was a compelling story from the very first page, full of drama and mystery, and of course the sassy banter and sexy scenes that Lauren writes with such ease.
This was Michael and Annalise's story. Annalise Delacroix was the girl who got away. She and Michel were sweethearts before his father’s untimely demise. But, they split afterward and now, years later they meet again.
Annalise is now a widow, and if Michel wants to win her back, he’s going to have to go all out and open up to her. He’s got a battle to win her heart again and it’s one he’ll face head-on. There’s a lot going on behind the scenes in this story, and does Annalise unknowingly hold a clue?
I really enjoyed this book and how it ended. Lauren brought all the characters and loose ends from the previous three books and tied them up in a neat little bow.


314 reviews11 followers

December 17, 2020

Lauren Blakely has finished this series with a bang!! In more ways than one. Michael Sloan is sexy, loving, determined, and dirty mouthed, and a man I would love to have-and-to-hold. Lauren has completed this series in true Blakely fashion. It has twists and turns with an ending that I didn't see coming. So in love with this series. Totally recommend all of Lauren Blakely's books. I totally love how characters from other books find their way into her new books. Love the tie-in. I have read the original story and now the re-boot as well. The reboot is even better than the original!

I listened to this re-boot of this series now called the Sinful Men Series. Sebastian York narrated Michael Sloan, ohhhh sooo yummy!! Love this voice. This book actually has a full cast of narrators which totally fit this book. All these narrators are so very talented. Highly recommend it. This is one of my first audiobooks and reviews. A great way to spend a long commute to and from work. I received an ARC kindle copy of the book for an honest review. I listened to the book through an audible subscription. 5 stars!


4,180 reviews17 followers

May 31, 2020

This is the fifth book in the Sinful Men Series. The story continues where the third book left off. This was my most anticipated story in the Series. Michael and Annalise's story is beautiful and sexy, but also suspenseful and filled with twists and turns. This is an epic conclusion to the Series. Sebastian York and Vanessa Edwin as Michael and Annalise did an amazing job with the narration. The multi cast is wonderful: Scott Brick (John Winston), Johnathan Davis (Luke Carlton), January LaVoy (Laura Reece), Savannah Peachwood (Becky), Sean Crisden (Thomas Paige), Maxine Mitchell (Dora Prince), Brian Pallino (special appearance), Samantha Cook (Mindy), Jason Clark (Lee Stephano), Lili Valente (Bianca Rosa), Tim Paige (Marcus), Zacchary Webber (Colin), Shane East (Sanders Doyle). I appreciate that each character has his or her own voice throughout the Series. I highly recommend this Series!


142 reviews

December 9, 2020

The only reason this was not a DNF was because I wanted to find out how the overarching story of the series ended. The series was pretty good. Now, onto the main characters of this book. The main female character is French but some of the French that she utters looks like it came from Google Translate! But worse is the narration. If so many French phrases are used in a book, ostensibly by a native speaker, the proper narrator should be chosen otherwise it pulls one out of the story constantly. If I as a native speaker had to listen to each French phrase multiple times to understand, then I consider that pronunciation as horrible.

Unfortunately, what had been a decent series ended not on the best note. It would have been better if I had read it instead.

    2-5-stars 2020 angst
My Sinful Love (Sinful Men #4) (2024)
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Name: Sen. Emmett Berge

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Introduction: My name is Sen. Emmett Berge, I am a funny, vast, charming, courageous, enthusiastic, jolly, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.