MLP: Crystal Girls - (2024)

by RedPegasus

First published

MLP: Crystal Girls - (1)
Sunset Shimmer has crossed the mirror into an unknown world, but she has not ended up in the place we all know. This time the battlefield, it's Crystal Prep

Sunset Shimmer has abandoned her studies, and has crossed a portal into an unknown world.

But the place she has come to is not the one we all know.

It will be the Crystal Prep students who will have to deal with the influences of Sunset

And Princess Twilight will have to face the new challenges that Sunset and this school will have for her.


Important things to clarify before you read this

First, I speak Spanish, I am from Argentina. And to bring stories to this page I use a translator. Because of that this story will have terrible grammatical errors.

Second, in my stories I like to put the dialogues in bold, I like how they look like this. That's what I like and if you do not like, sorry, I want to put them like that.

With these points understood, you can read freely and leave a comment if you like, as long as you do not talk about my bad grammar or criticize the bold in the dialogues

A full moon night.

There is silence in the half-light. The moon and public lights are the only thing that gives clarity to the place

On a large and striking campus, a building stands tall.

Three floors high, crystal clear and well-kept windows. Its front part has two immense pillars that look like glass, giving the illusion of supporting the entire building.
Its imposing size is only surpassed by the elegance and sophistication of its image.

The night silence is broken by something. An impossible to compare sound, similar to a buzzing echo.

In one of the pillars of the building, something happens. The vegetation that has grown on it leaves a small free space, and at that point, it begins to emit a glow.

There is no conscious soul in the place that can witness the moment when a silhouette materializes out of apparent nothingness.

A being emerged from the pillar falls to the ground, it can hear it complaining of pain.

Little by little, this silhouette becomes aware of itself. And when she gets up enough she looks at herself, at her own body.

Moonlight shines on a girl who doesn't seem to be over 12 years old.

She is wearing dark shoes, with an orange and yellow skirt, a magenta blouse.
Her reddish and blonde hair simulate flames, and her turquoise eyes show amazement, bewilderment, and fear ...

One year later…

An older woman of refined bearing is seated at a desk.

Her purple hair is properly tied up.
her outfit is a dark jacket that barely reveals the crystal blue shirt she wears underneath. Adorned with a small choker.

The atmosphere in the room is dark and almost sinister, intoning her deeply serious countenance behind her little reddish glasses, as she looks at the documents seated in front of her.

Minutes later she raises her rough gaze and holds her glasses straight to look at the girl sitting on a bench across the desk, lit only by a dim light.

"Sunset Shimmer." The woman starts. "A month ago you applied for an entrance scholarship to our institution. Dean Cadenza has informed me of your family situation. I am surprised to see someone so young act so independently."

The girl sitting on the bench, Sunset Shimmer, stands up straight, with a calm but serious face. Her eyes never try to move away from the woman's as she speaks. Her voice reflected some nervousness.

"I forced myself to choose, to use an absurd and ineffective service, or to take up the matter myself. I don't want to a basic education with no real future, I need something more."

Little by little the nervousness in her voice lost strength, and her voice gained confidence. The woman noticed that.

"I am not interested in a cheap education." Sunset continue. "I will not get anywhere with that. I want an education that will really open the doors for me, this school, is what I need."

"I can understand that posture. And respect it." The woman still speaks with her serious voice. "Are you aware of what our school expects of its students?"

"I wouldn't be here if I didn't know."

Is silent as the woman and the girl look at each other closely.


Outside that room, a young woman dressed in a grayish blue jacket over a light blue shirt and greenish blue skirt with colorful hair is waiting, is looking towards the door with an expression that tries to look calm, but she looks worried.

It is not long until the door opens, and Sunset leaves the room. The change of light slightly stuns the girl for a moment.

The woman is surprised and although she tries to be calm, she hurries to get closer to the girl to promptly ask her

"Sunset! How did it go?"

The girl makes sure to close the door before releasing a large breath of air and lowering her shoulders, she seemed more relaxed.

Sunset looks up at the woman and shows seriousness. She takes a minute to form a small smile. "The principal approved my request."

There is a moment of surprise and disbelief, but then the woman's face lights up with a big smile and she immediately hugs the girl. To her bewilderment and shame.

"Sunset, that's wonderful!"

Sunset blinks and hesitates for a moment, before speaking.

"Uh ... Dean Cadenza ..."

Realizing what she is doing, Cadenza separates, visibly embarrassed, but no less happy.

"Sorry sorry. And you know you can call me Cadence. But that's wonderfull! I'm honest with you, Principal Cinch can be a difficult woman, I was afraid she would refuse."

Sunset looks away somewhat uncomfortable before confessing.

"Being honest, I was a little scared to be alone with her. ... What wrong with she and the lights?"

Cadence can only shrug. There is a moment in silence and then they both share a slight laugh.

When she stops laughing, Sunset gets serious and looks at the woman closely.

"Dean Cadenza, without you I couldn't have done it. Thank you very much."

Cadenza is embarrassed when the girl bows to her.

"Please, you don't need to thank. Uh! I it's right! Come with me to give you your new uniform. I'll also lend you some books from the library so you can start classes very soon."

"I really appreciate it, Dean Cadenza."

"Cadence is fine. And I want to be the first to say, welcome to Crystal Prep."

She smiles as she extends her arms. Sunset returns the smile.

Cadence begins to lead the way. Sunset follows her, but little by little her smile turns malicious.


Meanwhile, inside her dark office, Principal Cinch remains in her place.

Her attention still on the documents of her now new student.

"Sunset Shimmer. You show great ambition. I intend to see if you have what it takes to fulfill your purposes. But do not think that I will be lenient to you just because of your position." Her gaze becomes almost sharp. "Show me, you're worth my time."

It is early in the morning, and the Prep Crystal begins to come alive.

Young students begin to arrive and prepare for a new school day.

One of them stands in front of the colossal school and looks at it for a moment.

Like every student, she wears the regulation uniform. Freshly polished dark shoes, dark purple socks that lightly pass her ankles. A short skirt in a violet check pattern, a dark purple vest buttoned over a light blue crystal shirt, and a bow tie adorning her neck.

The wind slightly moves her hair which makes it look like a burning flame.

The girl takes a deep breath and walks inside without looking at anyone

~ Crystal Girls ~

The first bell of the day is heard and classes begin immediately. Except for a specific room, where the teacher takes a few seconds from his class to introduce the new girl.

"Today we are joined by a new student." Announces the teacher to the class. "Please introduce yourself."

He ask politely, but seriously to the new girl.

The girl with flaming hair takes a small step forward, stands up straight, takes a breath and smiles with joy at everyone.

"Hello to everyone! My name is Sunset Shimmer. Glad to meet you all and I hope we get along well."

The answer is, null. None of the students speak, or smile, or hint at the new girl.

Sunset keeps her smile but she becomes nervous through the silence is prolonged.

The Teacher speaks without flinching from the scene. "Thank you Miss Sunset now please takes a free seat and let's starts the class."

Sunset looks at the teacher for a moment, then at her new companions, for two seconds there is no sound or movement, until finally she decides to walk between the seats to the nearest free position.

During her walk, most of the other students ignore her. A pair of eyes follows her slightly but no one gives her too much attention.

The teacher turns around and doesn't even give Sunset time to sit down before starting to teach his class.

Sunset already seated, watches as the other students focus on their things. No one bothers to look at her.

Her face reflects bewilderment but in the end, he decides to just take out her things and attend the class.

~ Crystal Girls ~

Hours pass, and during the break, the new girl walks down the hallways looking at the other students. Although none pay attention to it.

She looks around for a moment and starts to think, quickly takes out a phone that looks very modern and she smiles.

She searches around a bit and sees a group of girls, fiddling with their own phones. So she comes over and listens to them.

"What do you think?" One of the girls asks with her phone in hand. "I already have the new Pon-I my dad bought for me."

"It's cute." The second girl answers. "But it has little memory. I got this model that has more storage capacity." Explains showing his own phone.

"Yes, but it is already a super old model." The first one complains.

The third takes the floor speaking to both. "Girls, no one cares if they are new or have memory. A good phone should be useful. And my Sumsang can connect to computers using infrared laser. So I can easily download content and access the network. It is very useful."

"Pfff, if I have a computer at hand, why do I want a phone?" Question the first.

"And you can't download that many things. It's low on memory." Mention the second.

The three look at each other for a moment and seem to want to continue their apparent discussion. But Sunset is coming.

"Nice phones." The new girl casually comments. "Do you want to see mine?"

She doesn't wait for an answer but instead shows in her hand her blue edge phone.

"It is a new model. It has not yet arrived in this country." She speaks in a somewhat smug tone, showing the device. "It has high image definition and its internet connection is faster than anyone else's."

Despite her words, none of the three girls seems interested.

"Does anyone want to prove it?" Sunset asks with some confidence.

There's no answer. And after standing there for a moment, the three girls leave, leaving Sunset alone, confused.

Sunset seems frustrated, puts the phone in her pocket and continues on her way.

~ Crystal Girls ~

At lunchtime, students line up to get their rations.

Sunset enters the place and begins to observe each table carefully.

At a table she notices an indigo-haired girl wearing googles hanging from her neck. She is meeting and talking to a group of skinny guys, one of them has a football. The girl speaks with much encouragement and makes somewhat violent gestures with her arms.

At another table she sees a girl with almost silver hair, tied in a ponytail, extremely fluffy, and wearing glasses. Next to her is a group of boys and girls, all reading books.

In another, a girl with green hair, which reaches to her waist, is sitting with others, but she ignores anyone, wears headphones on her ears, and only focuses on her own food while shaking her head.

Sunset continues to scan the tables with her eyes. On a table are some entertaining subjects on their computers and cell phones. Another where a group of apparently refined girls laugh at something. A table where nobody talks, they don't even look at each other, everyone is focused on their own lunch.

After spending a few minutes scanning each table, Sunset finally decides to line up for lunch.

Among the local foods you can see hamburgers, dishes made with potatoes, various fruits and salads. Sunset takes everything except the burgers. To which she makes a gesture of very noticeable displeasure. Finally a juice pack.

With her tray served, and paid, Sunset leaves the line and takes a few more seconds to look around. She takes a deep breath, and decides to go to the table where everyone is attentive to their digital devices.

She sits in a free seat in the corner, and looks at everyone. No one looks at her except for one side or another, but no one pays more attention to her.

Sunset takes a breath again and pulls out her own phone, starts playing with it, really doing nothing, but pretending she does.

After a minute without drawing someone's attention, she decides to do it herself. She subtly leans over to the young boy next to her to view her laptop.

"Hey, nice laptop." She comments softly.

The subject says nothing, continues to do something on his computer.

Sunset waits a moment, then speaks again. "It's a next-generation neo-nova, right?"

This time, the subject lets out air through the nose, and deigns to speak. "Yes."

That is the only answer from him.

Sunset narrows her eyes a little but retakes her smile. "I also have a nova. A nova06 to be exact."

"That old model. What a horror." He responds, more attentively, but contemptuously.

"Yeah it's something old." Sunset says without bothering. "But improved. I actually put it together myself."

As she speaks, she begins to look at her nails in a presumptuous gesture.

"I put the parts together and assembled them on my own. Of course I added improvements, a better processor, and updated the software. It works just as well as a modern model."

She looks at the student with a confident smile. But he ignores her. Sunset has a tic in her eye but tries to keep smiling.

"Oh yeah! I'm very good with digital technology. I think computing is my field."

After several seconds without getting an answer, the girl's smile dies and gives way to a gesture of annoyance. Looking at everyone at the table, no one pays attention to her. She clenches her teeth and with a grunt-like sound takes her lunch and leaves the table.

"... but what a failed girl." Says the boy when she is gone.

Sunset walks and forces herself to breathe and calm her anger. Inhale deeply and exhale, and look around another table.

~ Crystal Girls ~

"Has anyone seen the new Space Wars movie?"

Sunset asks sitting at a table as she takes snacks from her lunch. "I personally am not a fan of the franchise, but I was curious and found it interesting."

Everyone at the table gives him a dismissive look. No one speaks to him, they just follow they lunch.

Sunset is frustrated.

~ Crystal Girls ~

Sunset sits for the third time, this time receiving dismissive glances from the girls present. She is silent for a moment, then clears her throat. But it is one of the girls who wins the word.

"Does it bother you? This is a private conversation."

Sunset is slightly surprised, but responds. "Seriously? Well, what are you talking about?"

All the girls look at each other, with reproachful glances towards Sunset. One of them, with long lilac hair adorned with a sun buckle, answers her.

"We evaluate artists and movie stars looking for good marriage material."

The other girls look at the lilac-haired girl with some reproach.

Sunset for its part remains lively. "Oh! I can help. I know how to rank priorities and differentiate the best option."

She smiles confidently. The girls around see her, some with annoyance.

~ Crystal Girls ~

The cafeteria door opens and Sunset comes out with a truly frustrated look.

With a loud growl that tries to choke, she throws away what is left of her lunch, tray included inside the nearby trash can.

"Ugh! Why doesn't any of this work?!"

She screams in frustration and grabs her hair.

"I spent a month studying the behavior of high schools and preparing the most general topics of interest I even saw that strange series of monster girls!"

She complains as she walks from side to side waving her arms and head.

"By this time, I should already have the respect of some students! Why is there no use ?!"

Gruntingly, she clenches her teeth, growls, and then stops completely, takes a deep breath, and raises her hands to stop.

"Calm down Sunset, calm down ... your plan didn't work out, it's a delay. You can control this place, easily. You just need another action plan."

With a hand on her chin, the girl begins to walk while thinking aloud.

"This place is not like what those series and internet blogs describe ... what makes one popular here?"

~ Crystal Girls ~

With that thought in mind, she begins to wander around the school during each break.

A group of older boys gets together and one of them talks to another.

"Hey Shining! I heard you got the highest score on the test again."

Another young man, one who has pale skin and short bluish hair, replies.

"It wasn't a big deal, the exam was simple."

Another student who is the same age as them is speaking now.

"Everything is simple for you. You always get the best grade, the teachers are always on your side and all the girls at school want to go out with you."

"Is there something this man doesn't do well?" Asks the first jokingly.

"It's not that bad. Seriously."

Shining speaks condescendingly trying to play down the issue.

"To all this, why don't you have a girlfriend?" Question the first. "You won't be weird, will you?"

"What?! No!"

"Don't be silly." The second speaks. "Shining has no girlfriend because he is booking for the dean of the school."

Shining ends up blushing upon hearing that. "Th-that's not true!"

"We go everything in the school they know it." Says the second. "You always hang out with her."

"I am the president of the student council!" Shining defends himself. "It is normal that I see her to inform her about the student's aptitudes and the maintenance tasks of the school among ... other things."

"Damn you make me so envious." Add the first one. "Better in school, better with the girls. Lend me a bit of your luck!"

The semi-discussion talk of the three continues, but Sunset, hidden behind some lockers in the corner, pays no more attention. She withdraws thoughtfully.

~ Crystal Girls ~

A very young student stops in the middle of the hall and snaps his fingers to get attention.

Sunset like others turns. And see this boy with skin and hair, as white as snow.

"Attention please." The white boy speaks. "This weekend, my father will have an exclusive party on board his big yacht!"

He announces with a rather smug voice. Several presents caught their attention.

"And he has allowed me to invite a few friends. So who is interested?"

Not a second goes by and instantly the boy is surrounded by students, smiling and flattering him, the boy just smiles pleased with the attention.

The few who seem uninterested just follow their affairs. Sunset for her part, looks thoughtful.

~ Crystal Girls ~

During school hours, Sunset looks around her, each of her classmates too focused on their own books and notebooks. The teacher on his side, dictating his class, without even bothering to check if the students are listening.

There's only one student, aside from Sunset, who doesn't pay attention. A blonde-haired girl in a ponytail, sitting a few places away from Sunset. She is chewing on something, she is soon seen inflating a bubble gum and to the east explode, it resonates slightly due to the silence of the room.


The man shouts in fury, more than half of the students are frightened and startled by such a scream.

The blonde in question doesn't flinch and just spits out her chewing gum. When flying, it sticks to the hair of the girl in front of her.

"Lightning Dust!" Exclaims the furious teacher.

The blonde girl moans in annoyance and stands instead crossing her arms. "now what do you want?"

"Don't pretend. I know that chewing gum came from you." The man claims.

"Yeah sure. Whenever something happens in your class it's my fault right?"

"Of course it is. You don't even pay attention and you only cause problems. You are one of the worst students who has had the misfortune to teach."

"Oh wow, how hard, now I feel bad. Bu bu..."

The girl speaks with an obvious sarcasm.

Other students give her a disapproving look, while most choose to return to books on their own.

"You will stop making fun of me when I suspend you." The teacher threatens.

"Good luck. As you can see I don't have gum in my mouth."

To demonstrate his point, Lightning opens his mouth and leaves his tongue out.

"And if you still don't believe me, I invite you to check me out."

Saying this, she stands to one side of her table, leaning slightly on it in a somewhat suggestive pose.

"Sure, if you want to look like a pervert touching a girl."

At this point, some, not many, of the other students should cover their mocking laughter.

The teacher by his side turns red with fury as he clenches his teeth. "Go back to your seat."

He says in a low voice, but threatening. Lightning obeys him but at all times shows a confident and mocking smile.

"To think I should teach slags like you. They should kick you out of this school!"

Lightning ignores him, and begins to pretend to take notes from the class. The rest of the students return to class when the teacher, still growling under his breath, picks it up.

Sunset still looks at the blonde girl, keeps thinking.

~ Crystal Girls ~

The bell of the time change is heard. The students leave the room and Sunset does the same.

When she strays far enough from others, she begins to think out loud.

"I think I'm beginning to understand. My plan was not entirely misguided. I just have to approach it differently."

Taking a notebook from her things, she begins to write.

"I need to do more research, but at the moment, I think I know where to start."

~ Crystal Girls ~

The dean of the school, Cadence, leaves her office with a couple of papers in her hand.

"Dean Cadenza!"

Sunset walks hurriedly toward the woman.

"Sunset! How about your first day?"

"Um, meh, pretty good, I guess."

"Have you made friends?"

"… not really."

Cadence seems disappointed to hear that.

"Um, Dean Cadenza. I wanted to ask you for advice."

"Sure, tell me what you need."

"Well, I have seen that the classes here are quite serious."

"I warned you when you asked me to come that Crystal has a very rigorous level."

"I know, I know. And I don't doubt I'll be able to catch up. Alone, maybe I need a little help."

"Sorry Sunset, but I can't help you with your studies. It would look bad if I gave you special treatment."

"Oh no no, she wouldn't mind with something like that. I just wanted to know, if there was any, a student she would recommend talking to. To help me in class."

Cadence is slightly surprised, then thinks about it, and then smiles. "YES!"

She responds cheerfully, surprising Sunset, and herself.

"I mean. Yes, I think I know of someone."

The woman re-enters her office and leaves the door open for the girl to enter, she does.

Cadence goes to her desk and rummages around in her personal bag, much to Sunset's surprise.

"I have the ideal girl." Cadenza says and gives Sunset a picture.

Sunset takes it, again surprised to see Cadence with a girl, like her age, with purple hair, with pink. And some big black glasses.

"She is a student of the same grade as you." Cadence begins to explain. "Her name is Twilight Sparkle, and she is extremely smart. The best in her class.”

"Um, why do you have this photo with you." Sunset asks curiously.

"Well I shouldn't say so. But honestly, I used to take care of her when I was little. She's like a little sister to me." Cadence explains smiling.

Sunset smiles upon hearing that and looking aside whispers. "Great, double prize."

"Did you say something?" Cadence asks.

"That is fabulous!" Sunset responds. "Do you think if I ask her to help me?"

"I think it is possible. I know she loves to study even though she is always alone. Surely a study partner will do her great."

Sunset just smiles, little by little, showing some malice.

~ Crystal Girls ~

The final bell of the day rings, little by little the students begin to leave the school. Some stay to meet their school clubs, or others to study on their own.

So does the young Twilight Sparkle, who is in the library reviewing books. She takes the ones that catch her eye and borrows them with her library pass.

As she leaves the place she takes a couple of steps, smiling at the books she has just pulled out. Not looking at her path, she ends up bumping into something softly, she steps back and sees one of the students. A boy with spiked blue hair, and another with red hair in the same style.

"S-Sorry! I didn't notice where I was going ..."

She says in a hurry, and shyly.

"Don't worry. It happens to all of us." Says the blue boy.

"What have you got there?" Asks the red one.

Twilight hesitates for a moment before answering. "... some books, that I take out to read at home."

The one with red hair takes one of the books, and when the girl complains, he looks at it. "What a nerd you are."

"Give it to me please." Ask for Twilight. "If is damaged the libraryit will give me a penalty."

Red narrows his gaze. "Are you implying that I am going to harm it?"

"n-no, just ..."

"hey don't scare her like that." Blue scolds his partner, but not convincingly. "Excuse my friend, will you let me see what you bring?"

Blue does not wait for an answer, and takes another one of the books, although with smoothness.

He starts looking at him. Twilight remains silent as she watches both boys.

"They are good books. Do you take them to study at home?" Blue question to the girl.

"um ... I ..."

Blue doesn't let her finish. "It turns out, we also wanted to grab some books to study at home. We need a little support in class."

"That, sounds great" Twilight speaks, apparently calmer. "Take the study seriously."

She smiles slightly, although she still feels shy.

"Well, the problem is that we don't have a library card." Coments Blue.

"Oh, that's ..."

"Yes, it's a shame. But hey! You do have a card right? Wouldn't you mind checking out some books for us?"

Twilight gets nervous again. "... t-that is... I already took out all I could for this week and-"

Red interrupts her with a certain cold tone "well then you could lend them the ones you just took out."

He tries to take the rest of the books from the girl, but she stands back and holds the books to her chest.

"No! I just ... I need these books for my research ..."

Red narrows his gaze sternly. "Hey, you should help your schoolmates."

"You can take them out again whenever you want. Nothing costs you to give us a few." COmenta Blue calm, but serious.

"... n-no, sorry ... I can't. I must be responsible for the books I check out or they will take away my permission to take them."

Red gets mad. "You're saying we're going to break them. Again."

"I-I didn't say that-"

"so what?!"

The red one takes a threatening step to her and Twilight is noted to tremble with fear.

"... I-I'm sorry, I can't. I have to go, please ..."

Twilight takes the book from the blue boy, he does not object, but looks at it seriously. When she tries to take the red boy's book, he holds it and looks at her annoyed.

"Hey, you're being, very rude."

Twilight doesn't say anything, just looks at the boy worried.

Blue now speaks to him coldly. "You can take books whenever you want. You should be a good girl and help those of us who can't."

"B-but is that ..."

Red loses patience. "Look, we'll take these books with us because we need them. If you want them, you can check them out again when we're done."

With that he tries to take the books that she has in her arms, but she holds them tightly.

"No! I can't! I need them too."

"We need them more!" Red claims.

They both look seriously at the girl, who is already very scared.

"hey!" Exclaims a voice and draws everyone's attention. "She said no. Now, leave her."

The three of them turn, and see the fire-haired girl standing to the side, with both hands on her waist, in a firm pose.

Red looks at her annoyed. "what do you want?"

Sunset looks back at him seriously. "I want you both to leave the girl. Come bother me if you both like to be intimate with women."

"This does not concern you, get out!" Red demands.

"Come and make me do it, loser!"

The red was about to go face her, but his blue partner stops him.

"Look, we have nothing against you. We just seek help to study."

"What you're looking for doesn't matter to me. Leave the girl or there will be trouble."

Red is frustrated and approaches threatening Sunset, although she does not flinch.

"Get the hell out of here before I really get mad."

Sunset doesn't answer him, stays serious for a moment, and then smiles and looks beyond the red.

"Hello Principal Cinch."

Red turns around scared, also blue and even Twilight turn, but there was nobody in the place.

Sunset gives a victorious smile and delivers a blow to Red's stomach that makes him jump and hold on to the blow area.

"owww sorry, did it hurt?" Sunset asks sarcastically and then turns around and starts running.

Red gets angry and does not hesitate to follow her, blue rejects and follows them too.

Twilight sees herself alone in the hallway. The book Red took from him is now on the floor.

She falls to her knees and loses sight of them after a while.

~ Crystal Girls ~

Sunset runs through the halls, the two boys follow her closely, a couple of students who were still walking around the place see the persecution.

The fiery hair smiles as she turns her head and sees how they both follow her angrily.

"Ha ha so easy. Losers."

She speaks to herself without being heard by others.

After a few minutes and up the stairs. Sunset stops and turns to face her pursuers. When they see her stop, they both do the same, in order to recover air. All three breathe tired from the run.

"You will only get this far" Red announces in a threatening tone.

Sunset just smiles confidently. Then, to their surprise, she grabs her shirt, and pulls it sideways, tearing it in half.

The two boys are shocked by such action, and Sunset just smirks at them, and then ...


She screams loudly, her clear scream echoing in the hallway, they both freak out a bit at the surprise scream, and the way she falls to her knees and puts her hands to her face as she sobs.

Their confusion prevents them from moving, and it only takes seconds before the doors of the dean's office open and she goes out into the hallway terrified.

"What's going on?!" Cadence asks desperately.

The woman turns and sees the scene, the two boys aside, and beyond her is Sunset, on the floor, crying, her clothes torn.


The woman runs up to the girl and leans over to see her.

"Sunset! What happened to you ?!"

Sunset sobs as she speaks. "I just ... I was just looking at the school and then ... those two attacked me!"

She cries out in tears and looks with a scared face at the two who chased her.

Both boys panic at what they hear and stutter trying to speak.

Cadence looks incredulous. "But ... what are you two doing?!"

The dean recriminates angrily as she looks at them.

"we-we didn't do anything!" Blue exclaims.

"Yes! That bitch is lying!" Yell Red.

"They grabbed me and ripped my clothes...!" Sunset exclaims, still crying.

Sunset continues to sob and Cadence stands up and looks at both of them sternly.

"It's not true! She broke it herself!" Blue claims. And he soon realizes what he said. "... sh*t."

Cadence just frowns, and speaks in an authoritative tone. "Both of you. To my office, NOW!"

Both are surprised at the tone of voice, and although they want to defend themselves, the dean's gaze shuts them up. The two turn and walk to the office.

Cadene turns again and takes Sunset's shoulders. "Sunset, are you alright ...?"

"sniff, I think so ... but ... I was very scared ...!"

Cadence allows herself to hug the girl and caress her hair. "Sorry. I'm sorry this happened on your first day."

She pulls her away and wipes her eyes with her thumb. Then she helps her up, and fixes her school jacket so that the cut of the shirt is not noticeable.

"Sorry Sunset. Do you think you can go home?"

"Sniff ... yeah ... it's not the first time it's happened to me ... I'll be fine ..."

Cadence looks at her with regret, gives her another hug, and then separates.

"I'll have a new shirt for you tomorrow. Go home and rest, yes?"

Sunset just smiles and Cadence decides to go to her office, her gesture becomes severe at every step.

When the office door closes, Sunset gives a malicious smile and even allows herself a laugh that she tries to hide behind her hand.

"gg, easy."

She places her hands in her pocket and with a smile full of satisfaction, sets off to leave.

~ Crystal Girls ~

The next day comes. Students begin to enter school.

Sunset does the same and immediately scans the place with her eyes. Soon she hears Cadence's voice as she approaches.

"Sunset! I'm glad you came. Are you okay?"

She asks reluctantly. Sunset just smiles at her innocently.

"I'm fine, Dean Cadenza. Really, nothing happened."

"Well. That calms me down. I have your new shirt in my office, come with me."

The woman begins to walk, Sunset takes one last look around, but can't seem to find what she's looking for, so she follows the dean.

~ Crystal Girls ~

Only minutes later, Cadence is at the doors of her office, and it doesn't take long to see Sunset leave this office.

"Thanks for letting me change my clothes there."

"It's nothing Sunset. If you need anything else, just call me."

"Dean Cadenza, I thank you so much for all your help."

Cadence blushes and waves her hand as a sign of downplaying the matter.

Cadence returns to her office, all the time giving Sunset a kind and friendly smile. That Sunset responds. More when the doors close Sunset growls in frustration.

"Ugh ... Damn Cadenza, if I have to keep smiling like that with her I'm going to get sick." She takes a deep breath. "Buf! It doesn't matter anymore, what matters now is finding that Twilight Sparkle."

With that said, she walks away.

~ Crystal Girls ~

Her search continues through the hallways, and she finally smiles when she sees a purple bun between some lockers.

Twilight exchanges some books and notebooks, and then closes her locker. Sunset was behind it and it scares her.


"Ah! what…?!"

"Heh heh heh sorry. Hello." Sunset greets her with a soft smile.

The girl in glasses is surprised. "you are ... yesterday's girl ..."

"Yes, that's me. But better call me Sunset, Sunset Shimmer. 'Yesterday's girl' is a lousy name."

"I-I'm sorry ...! ... I'm ... Twilight, Sparkle ..."

"Nice to meet you." She continues smiling at her.

Twilight feels uncomfortable. There is silence until Sunset decides to speak.

"Yes, anyway. I wanted to come see how you were. Are you okay? Those guys didn't do anything to you, did they?"

"They ... n-no ... but ... you ..."

"Don't worry. I'm fine. Those guys didn't even catch up with me."

Sunset laughs lightly, causing Twilight to stop looking tense. Then Sunset softens her tone a little.

"Yes ... hey, I don't want it to seem like I'm profiting, but the truth is ... I was looking for you yesterday."

"looking ... for me ...?"

"Yes, Cadenza told me that you usually stop by the library after school, so, I went to see and I saw you with those guys ... well it doesn't matter now." She explain slightly.

By mentioning the woman's name, Twilight seems to calm down a bit more, but at the same time, be intrigued.

There is a slight pause until Sunset speaks again.

"I am new. Yesterday was my first day at this school. I entered with a scholarship, Cadenza helped me too."

"She helped you? Wow." Twilight is curious. "... Cadence has always been very kind to others but ... she had never helped someone with a scholarship."

"Yes ... well ... look, the point is, to maintain the scholarship, and therefore continue studying here, I need a certain academic level."

Twilight's shyness had been put aside, now she looks intrigued and interested.

Sunset continues. "And well, I was thinking that… well Cadence told me that you're smart."

"um, I guess so hehe ..."

"So, I was hoping that we could study together."

She says this with a slightly shy smile, and Twilight is truly surprised.

"You ... want to study with me?" Twilight asks incredulously.

"Yes, of course.… Can't we?" Sunset asks somewhat disappointed.

"Oh no! It's not that. It's just that… I've never had a study partner, I…"

Sunset doesn't say anything, just looks at the girl in glasses with curiosity.

Twilight seems discouraged. "Maybe you should ask someone else ... if they see you with me, the other students will annoy you too."

Sunset raises an eyebrow. "uh ... why?"

Twilight hesitates to answer. "... since elementary school, they have always bothered me. Although I tried to defend sometimes, it only made it worse ... like yesterday ..."

As she speaks, she looks down and feels hurt.

Sunset doesn't seem to know what to answer. "Jm ..."

"... better ask someone else ... if they see you with me they will start treating you badly too ..."

"Hey. That doesn't matter." Sunset puts a hand on Twilight's shoulder and she looks at her subtly. "I've already dealt with useless exploits. And you shouldn't let them oppress you either."

"... I already told you ... if I try to defend myself I only make things worse ..."

"Come on, raise that spirit." Support Sunset. "We can help each other. I really would like to study with you."

This surprises the girl in glasses again. "R-Really… ?!"

"Sure!" Answer Sunset with a smile. "And don't worry about those abusers. I'll make sure they don't bother you ... Of course, I'll respect you if you don't want to help me..."

"No no! I want to, I mean… it's okay, for me to do it…" Twilight says shyly, but smiling sincerely.


The fiery hair allows herself to put her arm around the girl's shoulders and she smiles at him friendly, a smile that Tiwlight responds with a smaller one.

Then Sunset starts walking, taking Twilight with her. "Twilight, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship."

She says kindly, and Twilight widens her smile a little. But without her noticing, Sunset puts on a rather malicious gaze...

Hello everyone, here Red Blast
I apologize for the delay, it cost me several parts to make it look good, and I think it worked.

I feel a little bad about reusing the troubled girl's cliché and the lead saving her, but honestly, I can only imagine that happening a lot in Crystal, plus it served Sunset to achieve her goal.

Anyway, a clarification that perhaps is needed. This occurs during Sunset's early years in the human world, which is why she's just starting high school, the same as Twilight, and basically the characters we know.

Also if someone asks, no, Canterlot and therefore the Rainbooms will not participate in this story. I have different plans.

Anyway I hope you liked this cap
The next chapter is sure to surprise you in more ways than one.

See you soon!

... little by little, Princess Twilight comes back to consciousness. Slowly opening her eyes her vision is blurred.

"Twilight?" A voice speaks. "Twilight is you? Wake up."

She hears a voice, a voice she knows very well ...

"Spike? What are you doing here?" She responds, managing to focus her sight. "You should not-"

Her phrase is cut off because when she manages to get up enough and focus her eyes, she sees a dog, but, somehow, it looks familiar.

"Spike? Are you a… dog?"

The dragon, now a cub, looks at his body, his paw and turns around trying to see his back. As much and more confused than his, sister mother tutor.

"I... thinks so..." he replies before looking at Twilight again. "But ... I have no idea what you are ..."

At the phrase, Twilight raises her, hands ... and looks down at her body. Immediately the surprise forces her to exhale a scream that reaches the entire campus.

All the young high school students stop what they are doing to look at the girl. The princess for her part does not notice them, too absorbed in her fingers, hands, arms. And when she grabs one of her legs, the air is gone and she has to take quick breaths.

Spike next to her sees her almost as concerned as she does. "Twilight, you have to calm down."

Twilight needs to take a deep breath, and then she stands on her hands and knees "... what does the rest of me look like?" She asks still scared.

Spike looks unsure of how to respond. "Like you, but ... without being you ... does that make sense?"


A voice suddenly yells, scaring both of them. The two look up and see a young woman dressed in Crystal's uniform, her hair is light pink, and freckles adorn her cheeks under her eyes.

The girl looks at Twilight sternly, putting both hands on her waist, "What are you doing?" She questions him with an annoyed gesture.

Twilight can't answer, still too shocked by everything she sees. "What ... what are you? Who ... what am I ...?"

She whispers under her breath and the girl doesn't listen to her or ignore her.

"Sparkle I don't have time for your nonsense." The freckled girl claims. "Where's your uniform?!" She asks, raising her voice, clearly more upset.

"My uniform…?"

Spike hits Twilight's knee with his paw and when she looks at him he points her around.

It is then that the princess realizes that in front there is a large, clean and tidy campus, full of beings equal to what she is now.
All of them wearing a unique outfit.

The princess turns to see herself, seeing the light blue blouse and purple skirt, as well as the boots on her legs.

The girl looking at her seems to be holding back her anger. His shoulders are shaking. "Sparkle ..."

The princess realizes the girl's temperament and becomes nervous. "Um, I… I think… I forgot… hee…"

She gives the most awkward smile and the effect on the girl is hers stifling a frustrated scream and then smiling happily.

"oh well it doesn't matter ~ you better go to the dean so I can give you one~" She comments with a sweet and singing voice, just like her smile and holding her hands together in a tender way. "Because I don't have time to spend with you!"

Now she screams with a voice and an expression of fury.

The princess before such a reaction can only shrink.

"I swear, I hate the day Sunset Shimmer asked me to watch over you."

That said, the girl only walks away with a hasty step.

Twilight on the other hand remains confused, until she notices something.

"She said, Sunset Shimmer?"

Spike looks at her extremely intrigued. "Twilight, how was that… well, whatever, I knew your name?"

The princess is puzzled. "... I don't know Spike, but she said she knew Sunset Shimmer. Maybe she's a minion. Sunset could have told her about me."

After that thought Twilight takes a look around. Behind her she sees a glass wall in which she is perfectly reflected.
When she sees herself, she gets upset and approaches, trying to place her hands on the reflective surface.

"But ... what am I now?!"

When she wants to touch the surface, her hands go through her and she almost falls, but Spike uses his teeth to hold her by the blouse and pull her back.

That and her own momentum help her back up, but she falls back to sit.

"Twilight! What happened?!" Asks worried the now puppy.

The princess looks incredulous, stands up on all fours again and gently touches the wall, watching her hand go through it.

"Here must be the other side of the portal."

"But ... what is it 'here' exactly?" Spike asks, still intrigued.

Seeking to find an answer to that question, Twilight turns away, walking on all fours, moving far enough away to have a view of the place.

She is surprised to see the huge structure. "It's like ... a castle. It's almost as big as Canterlot's castle. ... what will Sunset Shimmer do in a place like this?"

Uncertainty makes her serious. Spike follows her closely, but after seeing the building, he turns to look around, and touches Twilight's arm, and when she turns to see him, he points around.

The princess turns around, and notices how almost all the young people of the place are watching her, some curious, others seem annoyed, some of them end up shaking their heads and go back to their business.

"I think that's not how the new you-"

The dragon, now a dog, does not finish his sentence because his partner rushes to stand up and smile nervously.

Eventually everyone forgets about her. But Twilight makes a deep observation.

"They are bipeds."


"they walk on their hind paws, named, legs." The princess explains. "There are beings in Equestria like minotaurs that walk that way."

The puppy looks at its paw and thinks of something.

"... Twilight, if the portal transformed you into this, you think Sunset Shimmer ..."

The thought arouses the girl's concern and she looks around again.

"... how will I find Sunset Shimmer in this world ...?"

After a moment of doubt, Twilight looks back at the large building.

"... I must find the crystal heart. ... no matter what happens ..."

With that said she tries to walk, but stumbles and loses balance at every step.

When trying to climb the ladder, she ends up falling. Spike accompanies her and looks at her worriedly.

Still she doesn't give up, and she stands up, slowly gaining more control, and looks at the door.

She remains there for a moment and forces her head, places her hands at her sides.

"My magic ... doesn't work ..."

"It's normal, you don't have a horn anymore ..." says the cub.

The princess touches her forehead with the fingers of both hands and sighs. She struggles to keep her balance as she opens the door and walks in, followed by her now puppy.

The interior of the apparent castle is even more surprising than its exterior. The structure perfectly cared for in every corner. Flirting so neat that it seems to shine in the sun. Each furniture and decoration perfectly aligned in the place make the interior look very impressive.

"This castle ... is huge! ... more than that ... I can't imagine what kind of pony could live in this place."

As she talks, she approaches the banners hanging on the wall to see her illustrations, and then she sees a trophy case.

"The ruler of this place must be extremely powerful ... I can't imagine what Sunset Shimmer does in a place like this."

The now puppy also looks around, but he notices something different that points to his partner.

"Yeah ... I don't think this is a castle. Look there."

The princess looks more around. Now she focuses on the young people walking around the place. Thus, she notices that in the large corridors there are locker lines, and that each young man carries with him, backpacks, briefcases, books and pens.

The princess is silent as she processes this vision. "This place is ... a school ...?"

"It reminds me of Celestia's school." Says the puppy. "Only… much more, um, crystal clear."

The princess is lost in words. "... but if it is a school ..."

"Hey you!" A male voice yells, interrupting the girl.

Twilight sees a pale-skinned young man with spiked black hair approaching, wearing sunglasses, and a band on his left arm with the word 'monitor' written on it.

He approaches her with a countenance that seems to want to be serious and authoritarian, and with the same authorship he stands in front of her. "where's your uniform?"

The princess is a little puzzled, looks at her clothes and smiles nervously. "Uh, ah, my uniform? Ah I think, I mean, I couldn't bring it, heh heh ..."

The young man lowers his glasses and looks at her curiously, but still looking to look severe. "Hehe, the great Twiight Sparkle, breaking the rules, I have dreamed of this day."

The boy takes out his phone and takes a photo, right after that he takes a notebook where he writes something down and hands the paper to her, he does it with a gesture of hitting her chest, but without hurting her, just enough force to push her back.

"Now listen miss." He erases his smile and looks at her with a gesture of trying to be serious behind his dark glasses. "Don't think that by being the favorite of Sunset Shimmer you will get rid of complying with the school rules. Now, I suggest you get a uniform, or go home. And that I don't see you around here without it, capichi?"

The boy looks straight at her, and before leaving he points to her eyes and then to her, in a gesture of 'I watch you', he steps back, until he stumbles over another student causing them to almost fall. The other student looks at him in annoyance, he just smiles apologetically, and when the other one leaves, he keeps making the waking gesture as he walks backwards.

Neither the princess nor the cub seem to understand what they saw.

"What has happened?" asks the puppy.

The princess decides to look at the paper she handed her. It has written, 'detention. from 15:15 to 16:00. Room 202 '


Spike thinks a little more. "That guy also mentioned Sunset. And he called you ... 'her favorite'?"

The princess remains serious and thoughtful. "... Sunset Shimmer did something to this place ... it's like ... if everyone here obeyed her, she is ... it can't be ..."

"Twilight ... I think finding the heart will be more difficult than we thought ..."

Princess Twilight lowers her head, that thought worries her. "We can't give up. Come on Spike."

She begins to walk, stumbling slightly but with each step dominating the movement,

Spike follows her. "So what is the plan?"

The princess thinks for a second "well, I've already been struck twice for not having the, 'uniform'" She makes a quotation mark with her fingers. "So the first thing will be to get one. Also, wearing a uniform will serve to mix me up and not attract so much attention."

"Sounds like a plan." The little dog speaks. "... but where will you get a uniform from?"

The princess stops and talks to her cub. "Well, that pony ... girl? SHE said to go talk to the dean. So, we'll do that. We just have to find out where to find her ..."

With that dubious thought, she continues to move forward, receiving a couple of glances from some students, although none of them says or does anything more than see her for a moment and then follow her own.

The atmosphere begins to make her extremely nervous. She sees a student girl approaching walking in the opposite direction, and gestures to stop.

"Um hey, excuse me, I'm sorry to interrupt you but ... could you tell me where to find the dean?"

She smiles nervously, but kindly. The girl for her part, just frowns at him and passes her by.

"Don't bother me Sparkle."

Twilight sees the girl leave and worries quite a bit.

Keep walking looking at each student looking for a less severe face. She is not very lucky.

A semi-high-pitched voice is heard nearby. "And you better take my place in first class. You know I hate the sun hitting my eyes."

The princess is intrigued and sees two girls, they are younger than the students she has seen around the place.

The first one has faintly pink skin, slightly grayish purple hair, styled with a pair of stylized buns behind. She is on her back, looking at another girl her age, with whitish almost cream skin, light blue hair.

The latter looks concerned and somewhat intimidated by the other. "Yes Suri, I'll make sure to keep it for you."

"Very well. Take my books, and don't waste time."

Says the girl with purple hair, named Suri, as she leaves some books in the other girl's hands and closes what is apparently her locker.

"I must attend to Mr. Winter, so I'll go later. Now go, don't waste time!"

She demands from her before turning and walking around a corner.

Twilight sees the light-haired girl sigh and carry that girl's books as she walks in the opposite direction.

With some concern, she approaches her, walks a bit hastily to reach her, and being behind her speaks softly.

"um, hey, excuse me ..."

The little girl with light blue hair turns her head and when she sees Twilight she tenses a little, while turning quickly. "Mi-Miss Twilight! Um, what ... what do you want? Can I help you?"

Twilight looks doubtful. "Um yes. Sorry, are you okay?"

"S-Sure, why wouldn't I…?"

She asks uncertainly, and the princess worries a little more.

"Sorry, I saw you before and it seemed like you had problems with that ... girl."

"Um, Suri? No, it's ok. I just follow her orders as I should."

"as you...?" Question the princess. "Why should you obey her?"

"Because I'm her assigned assistant." The younger girl answers, slightly unsure.

"assistant ... assigned?"

Spike is also confused by the scene. "I don't get it, did she help you to be born or something like that?"

To the fright of both the dog and the princess, the young girl screams and throws all the books on the floor.

"the-the-the-the dog spoke...!"

She steps back a couple of steps looking with some fear at the canine.

The Princess looks doubtful and somewhat nervous. "Um ... yeah? He ... shouldn't be talking ...?"

The blue-haired girl stands in fear for a few seconds, before looking at the books on the floor and starting to pick them up in a hurry. "I-I'm sorry. Um ... okay, I know your dog is helping you, just ... well ... you was able to make him talk that's... amazing, Miss Twilight."

She congratulates her, but her smile continues to be fearful.

"… well thanks…"

Twilight takes a couple of books and hands them to her.

The girl takes them and holds the stack of books with both hands. "Um, well… do you need anything else from me?"

The princess takes advantage of the moment "oh yeah, well, could you tell me how to find the dean?"

The younger girl seems surprised and intrigued by the question, again there is a little silence.

"It's ... on the first floor, on the west side, straight down the hall ... you can see that the plaque is next to the door."

She responds, shyly, but without hesitation.

"oh great! thanks so much."

Again there is a pause, and the princess seems to be uncomfortable again. The other girl takes a step back.

"um, well, if that's all I ..."

"Oh yeah, uh, sure. You can go. Um, hey, what's your name?"

The younger one seems to hesitate a bit before responding. "I'm, Coco Pommel."

The princess smiles kindly. "Nice to meet you, Coco Pommel."

"Um ... likewise. Um, if you don't need me anymore ... I should go ..."

With another step back, Coco turns around and walks in a hurry.

Twilight by her side sighs and looks tired.

"Twilight, are you alright?" Spike asked worried

"I don't know Spike, I don't know what happens in this place, I don't know how to find Sunset Shimmer or the Crystal Heart, and time is running out ..."

Spike approaches and sticks to his partner's leg. "Don't worry, you'll make it. You always manage to fix things."

"I hope so ... come on, now we know where the dean is. Maybe when I have the uniform I can solve some things."

The princess and her assistant cub hurry to find some stairs.

~ Crystal Girls ~

Meanwhile, on the first floor of the large building. A girl with violet skin, purple hair tied in a high ponytail is seen.
She keeps some books in a locker and then takes different ones. After which, she closes the locker, adjusts her black glasses, and checks her phone for a moment.

She remains a little serious as she walks down the hall, and continues to check her phone, making her way up the stairs.

In that a male student comes running from behind, and by looking at the clock on his wrist he does not see the girl in front, he ends up colliding with her and throwing her to the ground, he also falls on his back.

The scene gains a few glances from the youngsters around, some even looking concerned.

The boy in question complains about the blow, and looks annoyed as he sits up slightly, accusingly looking at the girl he crashed into.

"Hey, look where you are going, damn it!"

He claims, but his anger is replaced by fear when the girl he collided with gets up to sit, and turns his head to see him, with a serious look.

"Tw-Twilight Sparkle!"

The girl continues to look at him seriously, and with a reproachful tone speaks to him.

"It seems to me that I should be the one to say that phrase."

She stands up and the boy is intimidated when she turns to face him directly.

"Is it possible to know what you are doing? How can you hit people and throw them like that?"

"I-I'm so sorry! Twi- ... Miss Twilight! I just had to return these books and the classes are going to start and-"

"there is no excuse."

She interrupts him curtly and continues talking and looking reproachfully. "You should better control your schedule. Also, it's not allowed to run the hallways."

"y-yeah-yeah ... I'm ... sorry."

There is silence as she crosses her arms and continues to look at the boy. "Well, I think the right thing here is for you to pick up my books."

"ah y-yeah! ... right away."

He begins to take the books off the floor, under the pretty stern gaze of the girl in glasses.

While this is happening, the princess and her canine companion have already climbed the stairs and reached the floor.

"well, the first floor" The princess speaks to herself. "West Side."

With that said she turns around, heading down the hallway opposite the other purple-haired girl.

The student finishes collecting the books and gives them to the girl with the glasses, who takes them without flinching.

"and my phone."

He gets a little upset and immediately looks for the device, takes it and delivers it after cleaning it a little on his clothes.

"You better not have broken it." She picks up her phone and looks at it for a moment before turning around and putting it in her pocket. "I want to get to my classroom before the bell rings. So I won't betray you to the principal. But this had better not happen again."

At the end of her sentence and without giving him time to speak, she already begins to walk again.

"Y-yes Miss Twilight. Th-thank you very much Miss Twilight!"

Twilight starts down the stairs, and he hurries to collect his own books before leaving, still in a hurry. At the somewhat stern gaze of some, and the slightly mocking laughter of others.

Downstairs, Twilight hears a tune, her phone is ringing, she picks it up and answers with a smile.

"Hi Sunsie!"

Hello everyone! Here a new chapter, I am liking this idea.
Well, I just wanted to mention, no doubt you will have noticed a slight, but significant change that I have made to the plot that the original movie had. It was a sudden idea that I thought would give this fic more charm.
I hope you liked it.

And, I have a question, in my country, the entrance floor of a building is called the ground floor, and the upper floor of that is called the first floor, but I know that other places are called the second floor, so, tell me in the comments if I should correct that.

Thanks for reading and I hope to have the next chapter soon.
We read us soon

It's lunchtime at the Crystal Prep.

Most students gather in the cafeteria and choose a table to sit down to eat.

So did the young girl with purple hair and large black glasses, Twilight Sparkle. She lies sitting alone at one of the tables in the cafeteria, away from the other students.
Her countenance is calm, although somewhat subdued as she takes small portions of her lunch.

"Here it is, my favorite little bookworm!"

Announcing a jubilant voice, Twilight looks up to meet the girl with red and yellow hair, Sunset Shimmer, who looks at her and greets her with a smile.

"Sunset, hi." Says with a little smile the girl with glasses.

The new girl leaves her tray with her lunch right next to the violet-haired girl and immediately drops down sitting next to her. "Hey Twily! How are you?"

"Um, fine, I suppose ... and you? How about your classes?"

"Wonderful!" Announces the fiery hair girl. "I am catching up with the classes and when the teachers ask me something they think I don't know, I shut their mouths answering each question. Ha ha!"

The young woman in glasses laughs a little. "That makes me happy."

"And all thanks to my little Twily." As she says this, Sunset puts her arm around the girl's shoulders and draws her close to her cheeks, which makes the other girl laugh.

"I didn't do anything ... anything really important." Twilight says. "You really managed to learn very fast yourself. You are smart."

"Yes I am." Sunset says with some conceit. "But without you I couldn't keep up with all the issues."

Twilight is silent for a few seconds, smiling slightly. "... I admit, it's fun to study with someone ... I've always studied alone ..."

Sunset snaps her fingers a few times. "Hey, no sad faces. We'll have to work on that downright attitude. But first, lunch. Here comes the train~ chu chu~"

She says mockingly taking a spoonful of her food and bringing it to her partner's mouth. Twilight laughs but pushes her lightly.

"ha ha leave that! I can eat alone."

"That's better." The dimensional girl says and takes the bite herself.

There is a pause as they both take a few bites, until Sunset takes the floor again.

"Mh, you know Twily, I've been thinking. Since we've covered almost all of my study problems, maybe we should stop studying so much."

The girl with glasses hears her, and stops eating, immediately her smile falls and her gaze also. "oh ... sure ... I understand ..."

The expression of the girl in glasses turns gloomy, full of sadness.

Sunset doesn't notice this and continues talking. "So I thought, we could go shopping tomorrow!"

Immediately the sadness on the purple girl's face is replaced by surprise.

"Huh? Sh- ... shopping?

"Sure! It's Friday and I have some extra money. Let's go to the mall!"

The fire-haired woman smiles looking at her companion, who shows herself, extremely surprised.

"Y-you ... want ... to shop, wi-th me ...?"

"Well yeah!" She responds with a slightly mocking tone, as if the answer was obvious. "We are friends, friends go shopping aaaaaall the time."

Twilight seems incredulous, looking at Sunset in shock. Sunset because of her silence, erases her smile and seems to decay as she touches her food with a spoon.

"Of course ... if you don't want to go out with me ..."

This alarms the girl with the glasses and hurries to respond. "NO! No! I-Lo-ove it! Really ... yes! It's just... nobody before had ... invited me to go shopping..."

"no one?"

Twilight doubts how to respond. "... only Cadence, and my mother ..."

Sunset seems to think about this and then hugs the girl with one arm. "Well then, I'll be the first."

Leaving the hug Sunset takes a hand of Twilight between her own and looks at her with a flirtatious smile.

"Twilight Sparkle, would you do me the honor of shopping with me this Friday?"

Twilight remains static, and silent, but soon she blushes and separates from Sunset giving him a slight push.

"Don't act silly!"

Sunset starts to laugh. "Oh Twily, don't be mad! But, you want to go with me?"

Twilight tries to be annoyed, but can't help but smile as she gently nods.

"Perfect! It's a date!" exclaims the fire girl and then continue her lunch.

Twilight stands there for a moment. "da- ... date ...?"

There is no answer because Sunset only resumes her lunch, quite lively. Twilight looks at her puzzled, but then she just smiles and also returns to hers.

~ Crystal Girls ~

The next day, when the last bell rang.

The young girl in glasses comes out the front door, with some books against her chest, on her face it shows her deep in thought.

This changes when her hot-haired acquaintance jogs past her down the stairs.

"Hey Twily! See you at the mall in an hour, ok?"

"Ah, yes ... um, ok ...!" She answers, she seems insecure.

Sunset smiles and hurries to run off the campus grounds. Twilight remains motionless, looking at the place where the girl disappeared.

After a minute the girl takes a deep breath and sighs.

"Calm down, Twilight. It's just a way out, with the only girl who calls you her friend ... but, you can do this."

~ Crystal Girls ~


The young scientist starts to mess up her entire room, throwing books, papers and clothes everywhere.

"What should I wear?!"

She screams as she grabs two blouses, one purple and one light blue, and exchanges them, placing them on top of herself, trying to imagine herself dressed in these.

"What should I say?! What are friends talking about when they go out?!"

She questions looking in books, and teen magazines.

"I didn't have time to make a schedule or a list of possible activities!"

She looks on the floor at several crumpled papers and some crossed out, which have written lists.


With that scream the girl throws herself to her bed and makes a roll of the blankets while she is heard moaning and wailing.

It doesn't take a minute for the bedroom door to open, and Cadence comes into the room, is slightly surprised by the mess, and then looks worriedly at the roll of blankets on the bed.

"Twily, what's wrong with you?"

"She is going to hate me..." The girl answers from her cocoon of blankets.


"mh hm..."

Cadence sighs and sits down on the edge of the bed, gently grasping the big bun with both hands and picking it up.

"Twilight, you must calm down. Sunset will not hate you."

As she speaks to her, she pulls back the covers enough to reveal the girl's head, and her face with small tears forming in her eyes.

"I'm sure you two will have fun shopping."

Twilight looks up to see Cadence sadly. "... but I don't know what to do... I have never go out with anyone... everyone always..." She doesn't finish the sentence.

"And that's why you should go." Cadence says confidently. "Sunset came to you, and offered to be her friend. Do you want her to think that you don't want to be her friend?"

Twilight looks up to see the woman, and shakes her head.

Cadence smiles. "You don't need a schedule or a plan, just go and have fun with it."

Twilight still hesitates. "But... what if I do something to upset her... What if she doesn't have fun with me?"

"Well, she definitely won't if she sees you wrapped in blankets and with that face."

Although she criticizes her, Cadence smiles kindly at her and wipes the tears from her eyes. Then she takes off the blankets and helps her to stand up.

They spend the next few minutes searching through the clothes, those that had been thrown around the place and those that are still stored in the closet, something to wear.

Finally, a pale pink blouse, white pants, and semi-open shoes are the chosen ones.

"You look so cute!" Announces the woman with a delighted smile. "Twily, I remember your mother and I bought this for you months ago, but it looks new, have you never worn it?"

Twilight turns her head away, blushing and looking down. "I've never had a chance to wear anything other than a school uniform ..."

Cadence worries a little. "Ow Twily ... well it doesn't matter!" Forget your concern and smile. "I know! Let's do something with your hair."

"my hair?"

Before she could object or ask more, Cadence sat her down in front of her dresser and unmade the bun she always carries. Her purple hair fell down her shoulders and back, and immediately Cadence began brushing her.

"Well Twily, tell me, what do you think of Sunset?" The woman asks as she brushes her purple hair.

Twilight looks down and wonders what to answer. "um... I've only known her for a few days..."

"Buuuuuuut ..."

Cadence spreads the word waiting for the girl to complete the sentence.

It takes Twilight a second to follow. "But... she is, nice. She makes me laugh and... unlike everyone else, she is sweet to me. ... It's the first time that I feel that someone likes me..."

Cadence continues to brush Twilight's hair while looking at her with a hurt look, but smiling. With one hand he takes a pink ribbon.

Twilights continues talking after a pause. "... I thought that... she just wanted me to help her study but... now... she invited me to go shopping, I... I don't even know... how to feel..."

Cadence finishes, tying Twilight's hair in a ponytail that she ties with that ribbon.

"Well, maybe you'll find out this afternoon. Come on, Sunset sure won't like it if you're late."

With that and a small nod from Twilight, they both leave the messy room.

~ Crystal Girls ~

Cadence parks her car in front of the entrance to the Mall, and with Twilight they enter the place, both looking for some fire hair.

And they find her, sitting on a bench a few meters away.

Sunset is focused on something on her phone, until she hears Twilight's voice.


In a hurry the named saves her phone, as if she was afraid of being seen. She looks up at her glasses friend approaching.

"Twily! I was waiting for you."

Sunset gets up, and Twilight sees that she's wearing a knee-length, loose-skirt dress with short sleeves, high white socks, and black shoes. Over the dress she wears a light, open sleeveless shawl in dark gray.

"I'm sorry, I was late?" The scientist asks a little worried.

"Nah! Hey, I like what you did to your hair." Sunset says with a smile.

Twilight smiles and looks away a little flushed.

"You should leave your hair like this." Sunset says. "Now come on, let's start the fun."

The fiery hair begins to walk and the girl with glasses follows her, but before she gives a glance back and a farewell to the Dean. Sunset notices that, they are surprised to see Cadence, but the woman just smiles at her and greets her, Sunset can only answer the greeting.

With that Cadence retires, and Sunset looks curiously at her partner. "Don't tell me the Dean brought you here."

"Um, yes. When I told her we were going out today, she was very excited and insisted on bringing me. Um... is that wrong...?" Twilight worries a little.

Sunset takes a second to speak, but responds cheerfully. "No! Not at all!"

She smiles and keeps walking staying ahead of Twilight.

Sunset thinks to herself while smiling maliciously. "It seems like Cadence's last defenses are falling. This is turning out to be easier than I thought."

After that thought he puts on a friendly smile and looks at his partner.

"Anyway! We have a fun day ahead!"

Twiight just smiles and nods.

~ Crystal Girls ~

Both girls walk without haste, and they don't seem to have any destination in mind.

After a few minutes without speaking, and to break her nervousness, Twilight asks. "Um, so ... what did we come to buy, exactly...?"

Sunset just shrugs. "Meh some of this some of that. I think I'll buy some new clothes. And what do you want?"

"Um, I ... I don't know ... I, well I just came to accompany you." Says the scientist girl as she shrinks on herself with a blush of embarrassment.

Sunset laughs. "Well, you will find something nice to take home."

Twilight hesitates for a moment. "I just... I didn't bring a lot of money either... I mean, Cadence gave me a little but..."

"If you lack money, don't worry, I can lend you something." Sunset assures.

As she says that, the fiery-haired girl notices how a woman sets her purse on a nearby bench table while looking at shop windows.

"I couldn't ask you that." Twilight says somewhat upset.

"nah, don't worry!"

Sunset approaches Twilight and stays by her side. So Twilight does not notice the moment when Sunset takes that woman's bag, holds it behind her back while reaching in and taking out a handbag.

"I've been saving some extra money for a while."

Sunset drops that bag on the floor, and takes the money out of her wallet, before stuffing both into opposite pockets of her shawl.

"So let me know if you need anything."

Twilight is embarrassed, but smiles. "Thanks, but I don't think I will find anything I need."

Both continue walking and strolling around. At one point Sunset tosses the wallet into a trash can, careful not to be seen by her partner.

A couple of steps later Sunset speeds up when seeing a clothing store, Twilight when seeing her does the same to reach her.

"Hey! Let's stop here for a moment, I want to see something."

She doesn't wait for an answer and enters the premises, Twilight follows her somewhat confused.
The fiery hair walks without regard between the corridors of the store, she seems to know where to go, her companion follows her still confused.

"Sunset, what are you looking for?"

Sunset continues to swing without delay. "A few weeks ago I saw something here that I liked. I want to see if they still have it."

The answer is there, but Sunset speeds up until she reaches the end of a hallway, where leather clothing is exposed.

The red and blonde hair looks around and smiles. "Yes, there it is!"

She rushes in and grabs a hanging leather jacket, it's black with little pointed spikes on the neck folded out. Sunset smiles and puts it on.

"Hey Twily! How do I look?"

Twilight is still confused, but looks closely at her partner, and notices how the leather garment exceeds the size of the fiery girl's teenage body.

"Um ... I think, it's not your size ..." She answers uncertainly.

"ha ha, yeah it's true. But that's for the best." Sunset says still animated. "I will grow inside it."

The girl from another dimension takes off her jacket and leaves it hanging on her arm.

"is that what you wanted to buy?" Asks the resident girl curiously.

"Yes, I saw her a few, two weeks ago, and decided that she must be mine." Sunset explains confidently. "So I was saving to raise the money."

"I see…"

It is the only answer because Twilight does not seem to know what to say about it.
Sunset realizes this, frowns and rolls her eyes, sooner again smiles amiably and grabs the girl by the shoulders.

"Come on! While we're here, let's find something for you!"

She doesn't even give her friend time to respond, and pulls her down the corridors between her clothes.

~ Crystal Girls ~

Twilight stares at some clothes while Sunset encourages her to buy something, in the end, and by pressure, she ends up buying some socks. Sunset frowns, but shrugs.

Thus the afternoon passes. While both look in stores, they see some scenery of the place, there is not much talk while they walk but both seem comfortable with the walk.

They arrive at a book store where they both look with interest at the shelves.

However Twilight is concerned. "um… sorry, I know buying books is no fun…"

Sunset just smiles as she looks at the bookshelves. "Nah! I like books, my problem is that I can't afford many. The most interesting books are quite expensive. And I rarely have time to go to the library and read something."

Twilight is surprised to hear this, she looks with surprise and interest at her partner, who when noticing his gaze, looks at her confused.


"Ah? Ah! No... It's... nothing..." With a blush of embarrassment the girl with glasses lowers her eyes to the books and pretends to look at them. "It's just that… I had never met someone who liked books like me…"

Sunset rolls her eyes but smiles. She doesn't say anything else and just looks on the shelves. Every time a book catches her attention, she picks it up, but when she sees its price, she just sighs and refreshes it to her place.

Twilight notices that, she says nothing, but is thoughtful.

~ Crystal Girls ~

As they both leave the store, Sunset carries a shopping bag in one hand, while in the other she holds a book wrapped in sealed protective plastic, a newly purchased book.

The red-haired blonde girl looks at the violet-haired girl. Who carries his own little bag hanging from his shoulder.

"You didn't have to buy this." She says in a somewhat dry voice.

"Well… you said you would like to read it." She responds shyly without daring to cross her gaze with that of the other.

Sunset looks away and seems a little upset. "Yes but… it wasn't… necessary for you to buy it for me… you didn't even buy one for yourself."

Although still shy, Twilight smiles a very kind smile at the other girl. "I have a lot of books at home, and I can always borrow more from the library. Actually, if you ever want I can borrow you one of mine. Just ask for it."

Sunset is silent, her face shows no reaction, she just turns to look at the book, and then leaves it in the bag, next to her also recently bought jacket.

Sunset turns slightly, turning her back on the other girl, her expression turning awkward.


She says dryly, but Twilight just smiles.

There is silence for a while, although it is not uncomfortable.

Sunset breaks the silence. "I'm hungry. Let's go get something to eat."

With that said she starts walking, with Twilight following her.

~ Crystal Girls ~

They both sit at a small food stand, a salad and fries for Sunset, and a grilled cheese and ham sandwich, also with potatoes, for Twilight. They both have a small bottle of fruit juice, with sorbet.

"Are you sure you're okay with that?" Sunset asks when she sees Twilight's food.

Twilight watches her food and responds. "Mh, I don't like greasy food. Will you just ask for salad?"

"I'm a vegetarian. I don't eat meat." Explains the fire-haired girl.

Twilight is surprised and seems to care. "oh! oh... ah... I..."

Sunset takes a potato and as she eats it she sees the girl looking at her sandwich, it takes her a moment to understand her discomfort.

"It doesn't matter" says unset. "It doesn't bother me that people eat meat, it's up to me, don't worry."

That seems to calm Twilight enough to take a bite out of her sandwich.

There is silence as they both take a couple of bites.

Sunset looks to the side, thoughtful, after a gulp of her juice, looks at her partner and speaks.

"Hey Twily."

The named, who had a bite in her mouth, stops chewing, and returns her gaze.

"I'm curious. Is there someone at school who... um... what can you tell me about other students?"

After looking at her curiously for a moment, Twilight swallows her bite and looks at her thoughtfully. "um... others, students?"

"yes! do you know someone interesting?" Sunset asks with genuine interest.

Twilight is doubtful. "um... I don't know, what do you mean, interesting..."

Sunset tries to explain herself. "Well, do you know anyone besides me?"

"Well, I guess ..." The scientist girl thinks for a moment. "Um, there, Sugarcoat."

"Sugarcoat? Who is she?" The new girl asks in a hurry.

"She is… Principal's Cinch daughter."

"WOW wow time out!" Sunset exclaims too shocked. "'Daughter'? Are you telling me that SOMEBODY f*cked that thing?"

Twilight is alarmed and even blushes. "Su-Sunset!"


Twilight looks around worriedly and lowers her voice. "... that's rude ..."

"tell me if it's not true?" She questions nonchalantly. "Whatever, Cinch has a daughter? And how is she?"

Twilight manages to blush her blush and keeps talking. "Um, Sugarcoat is a silver haired girl, she always does her hair with a really big bun. She is, very smart, although she is very serious. I met her last year when she entered high school and... well, I had heard that she liked studying, I thought we could study together or... something, but... I think he didn't like hanging out with me... "

As she recounts this, Twilight becomes depressed. Sunset notices this and throws a potato in her face making her jump in surprise.

"No long faces. what else can you tell me?" The girl orders and asks quickly.

Twilight recovers from her surprise and continues speaking thoughtfully. "Um, well… she's the principal's daughter but, she doesn't seem to care about that, she's… focused on her studies."

Sunset seems to think about that for a moment. "Mh, alright. Someone else you can tell me about?"

Now Twilight is the one who thinks for a moment "um… Indigo Zap?"

"And she is?"

"Well, she is a student who came last year too, she is… very dedicated to sports. I have gymnastics with her and, I don't understand how she can run and jump and do so many things without getting tired.… Whenever I see her she is practicing some sport, or running the race track or ... whatever. "

"So an aspiring Olympic athlete, heh, interesting."

Sunset is very interested in what she hears, and is seen thinking everything.

Twilight, for her part, looks at her and seems intrigued. "... Why your interest in other students ...?"

Sunset comes out of her thoughts. "Mh? Oh it's nothing! I'm the new one at school, I'm curious to know who in school is worth it."

"I see…"

Twilight seems concerned, but Sunset doesn't notice this, instead asks. "What about older students? Do you know anyone?"

"Um, just my brother ..." Twilight responds, still somewhat subdued.

"Your brother? Who is he?" Sunset is more interested.

"Shining Armor. He's in his final year at Crystal prep. He's actually the best student in school. Top grades, best in sports, he's ... very popular with everyone." Twilight explains thinking of her older brother.

"Heh, are you sure he is your brother?" Sunset asks with some grace. "Because he doesn't sound anything like you."

Sunset jokes and laughs as she eats her salad. But the joke has a depressing effect on the girl, and when Sunset realizes it, she is quick to speak.

"Hey, I'm just kidding, don't be like that."

"It's okay ... I know I'm not good." Twilight says somewhat depressed. "... my brother was always the star of the family. It doesn't bother me, I love my brother very much. And I know... I know I'm not like him..."

Sunset rolls her eyes and brings a couple of potatoes to her mouth before speaking again.

"You know, we'll have to do something with that very repressed attitude. But for now, is there someone else you can tell me about?"

Sunset just smiles, and Twilight seems to let go of her regret, and they keep talking.

~ Crystal Girls ~

The sun begins to set on the horizon when both girls leave the mall.
There were no more purchases from them so they both carry only the bags they already had.

The sound of a car horn makes them both look into the parking lot, Cadence greets them from the window.

There is a soft farewell between the girls, while they smile, and then the one with glasses rushes to arrive with the woman.
They say goodbye once more, Twi from the rear window, and Sunset from the entrance of the building.
Then Cadence honks his horn and starts his vehicle.

When they are out of sight, Sunset erases her smile, gets serious, and takes out her phone.

"So, Sugarcoat, and Indigo Zap. In addition to Shining Armor, but, he will be leaving at the end of the year, I don't think it matters." Says Sunset to herself. "On the other hand, this Sunny Flare, hum..."

While she is thinking, two people approach her from behind. Sunset seems to feel this, as she keeps her phone, and calmly, but in a hurry, she turns and sees two familiar faces, the two boys she had already seen in Crystal Prep, the one with blue hair and the one with red hair.

"Well if they are dump and dumper. I wasn't expecting you two." Comments the fire girl with mockery.

The two of them say nothing, just look at the girl, very upset.

"owww are you mad?" She asks wryly. "What are you looking for?"

~ Crystal Girls ~

In a remote alley, the young man with red hair is fallen to the ground, and the one with blue hair suddenly falls crashing against the wall, sitting down. Both are somewhat bruised.

"ha ha ha! oh guys. Don't feel bad, I've had to fight much bigger and stronger subjects than you." Sunset says as she looks at both boys, placing a hand on her waist. "You two never had a chance."

While the redhead can only growl lying on the floor, the blue haired man raises his head, extremely annoyed, he can only open one eye to see the girl in anger.

Sunset gets serious, and steps forward, approaching both of them. "Well, I hope it's clear to you now who's in charge here." The girl speaks with a severe gesture. "Listen, you two, I am preparing changes, big changes for the school. And I am looking for someone to help me achieve this. I think you now realize how this will end for you, so, can you help me, or… stay on the ground, you choose."

The two boys look extremely upset, furious, but neither says anything, and Sunset keeps looking at them with a superior smile.

~ Crystal Girls ~

Monday comes, and Twilight shows up at school, her hair combed into a ponytail, replacing the signature bun she always wears.

She looks relaxed, a small smile on her face as she walks around the hallways, enlarging her smile at the sight of burning hair in the lockers.

"Sunset!" Say hello as you approach the place.

"Hey Twily!" Greets Sunset, without turning around, focused on looking for her books and notebooks. "how are you?"

"Very well. Did you read, the book that… well the book that I gave you?" Asks the girl with glasses somewhat distressed.

"Sure!" The other girl responds cheerfully. "I had a lot of fun, though I question the ending." Taking her things, she turns to see the girl with glasses and smiles. "Hey! You left your hairstyle. Good."

Twilight just smiles.

Sunset closes her locker, and it is then that Twilight realizes the presence of the two boys, the one with red hair, and the one with blue hair, the latter carrying several books in his hands. Both boys are standing next to the newest student.

The moment she sees them, Twilight steps back and looks scared. "Su-Sunset ...!"

"Relax Twi, everything is fine." Sunset puts the book she just pulled out of her locker into the blue-haired boy's stack, and then puts a hand on everyone's shoulder, giving a confident smile. "I ran into them on Friday after we left the mall. And we had a little chat. And I think we came to an agreement."

Twilight looks very confused, but her fear gradually seems to fade away, to be replaced by bewilderment.

"They are not bad," says Sunset. "They're just stupid." The comment makes both of them angry, but neither says anything.

"So we agreed, that it would help them, if they helped me." At her friend's puzzled look, Sunset says. "Look at this, hey Red, take the Twi books."

Without saying anything, the redhead approaches the girl with glasses, she is scared, but he only takes the books that she had in his hands and holds them.

"I already told you that my name is-"


Shouts Sunset interrupting him and making him jump and shut up, and also the boy in blue, and Twilight.

Sooner Sunset wraps the latter around the shoulders and draws her towards her, smiling at her. "Don't worry Twily, everything will be fine now that I'm with you. These boys are going to help us, and I'm sure that together we can achieve great things in this school."

Twilight looks puzzled. "um... like what...?"

"To start, we must improve your attitude, don't take it wrong, you're super adorable." To emphasize that point she takes the other girl's cheek with her free hand and squeezes it a bit, much to her chagrin. "But we need to give you more character. Don't worry, I'm here." After saying this Sunset speaks to the two boys. "Walking boys, we have a lot to do, and very little time."

As she walks, she takes her purple-haired friend, and the two boys follow close behind without saying anything.

"We are going to do great things at this school. Truly great."

Emphasize this with a haunting look and smile.

Well hello everyone. A new chapter in this story. MLP: Crystal Girls - (2)
I suppose you will already get an idea of ​​the format that I have decided to use for this story. MLP: Crystal Girls - (3)

Finally we could see Sunset follow her apparent plans, slowly putting our cute Twily in them. Who knows what our favorite young fire-haired girl is thinking of doing. MLP: Crystal Girls - (4)

As a mini note, the matter of Sugarcoat being the daughter of Cinch, honestly it is an idea that has always been around my head. I have no evidence or anything, it is just an idea that is credible to me. MLP: Crystal Girls - (5)
Anyway. MLP: Crystal Girls - (6)

I hope you liked this chapter and I hope to see you in the next one, I love you all! MLP: Crystal Girls - (7)

MLP: Crystal Girls - (2024)
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Author: Fr. Dewey Fisher

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Author information

Name: Fr. Dewey Fisher

Birthday: 1993-03-26

Address: 917 Hyun Views, Rogahnmouth, KY 91013-8827

Phone: +5938540192553

Job: Administration Developer

Hobby: Embroidery, Horseback riding, Juggling, Urban exploration, Skiing, Cycling, Handball

Introduction: My name is Fr. Dewey Fisher, I am a powerful, open, faithful, combative, spotless, faithful, fair person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.