Black Desert Online Knowledge Guide - How to Get Max Energy (2024)

Knowledge is an important pillar of Black Desert Online because it makes up all your energy points. When you travel and interact during the game, you gain Knowledge, which in turn results in an increase in your existing energy level. (You can bring up your knowledge screen by pressing the ‘H’ key).

While this is one of its key benefits, it’s not the only one: it gives you a little extra passive profit, and you can also get Bonus Item Drop Rate with it. So in what follows, I’m going to talk about this, from the basics all the way to how to increase your knowledge so you can make the most of it.

Table of Contents

Knowledge Benefits


The most important benefit you can use to increase your knowledge is Energy. The energy level recharges 1 point every 3 minutes when you are online, and 1 point every hour when you are offline. You can also speed this up: by lying in bed at your Residence (2 energy every 3 minutes in craftable beds and 3 energy every 3 minutes in pearl shop beds) or completing quests that recharge your energy, and of course, the P2W “Kamasylvia Buff”, that gives you 3 energy every 3 minutes when online.

Your max energy & unlocked knowledge are bound to your family, so raising the cap will benefit all your characters! Each one has his own energy pool, so you can use them for different tasks! Currently, the max energy in BDO is 677 (without buffs), but this number keeps increasing as new content gets into the game.

What can I use my energy for?

  • Convenient Node Purchase
  • Level 10 Node Investment: If yourNode Levelis10, you will get a10% chance of getting 50% increased item drop rate.
  • Gathering
  • NPC Interactions
  • Object Interactions
  • Hiring Workers: you can hire workers from Work Supervisors. it costs 5 energy /roll.
  • World Chat: consumes 1 energy per message
  • Reset Boss Monster Knowledge: it costs 10 energy from Annolisa Rosie in Calpheon City Library
  • Black Spirit Combat/Life Skill Exp Buff: it costs 50 energy for 20% Combat Exp or 8% Life Skill Exp (30 min.)
  • Trade Bargain
  • Locate Another Player: for 5 energy and 10k Silver, the Black-Robed Man in Velia tell you where the character you want to hunt is
  • Altar of Blood: Spend 100 Energy to start and 20 for each new level inside Altar of Blood
  • Night Vendor (Patrigio): In exchange for some energy, it offers you items that you can buy. It costs 50 energy/roll, the NPC only appears at night.
  • Making Energy Potions: you can exchange your energy with Alchemist NPC Alustin in Velia Town, or Alejandro Farm, Glish, Port Epheria, Keplan, and Calpheon. Exchange rates: for 50 energy –Energy Potion (Small) (10 Energy), for 100 energy –Energy Potion (Medium) (20 Energy), for 150 energy –Energy Potion (Large) (30 Energy), and for 200 energy –Energy Potion (Extra Large) (50 Energy).

How can I recharge my energy?

  • Black Desert Online Knowledge Guide - How to Get Max Energy (6)Blessing of Kamasylve: increases your base Energy Recovery rate by +2
  • Energy Potion: recovers energy points. Purchasable from the Central Market, or can be exchanged from Alustin as I mentioned above.
  • Black Desert Online Knowledge Guide - How to Get Max Energy (8)Energy Tonic: recovers energy points. Purchasable from Loyalty Points or Pearls.
  • Completing missions that recover energy
  • Lie in bed at your Residence

Special Fame

Your Knowledge Points increase your passive income every day. Special Fame points are calculated from the accumulated Knowledge and Contribution Points of all of your characters. You can view your Knowledge points by pressing the H button.

  • 50-250 points: 100,000 Silver per day
  • 251-500 points: 175,000 Silver per day
  • 501-750 points: 250,000 Silver per day
  • 751-1000 points: 325,000 Silver per day
  • 1001-1250 points: 400,000 Silver per day
  • 1251-1500 points: 475,000 Silver per day
  • 1501+ points: 600,000 Silver per day

Family Fame Guide

Bonus Item Drop Rate

The Ecology topic gives you bonus drop rate chances. The more Ecology Points you obtain by gaining more and higher monster Knowledge ranks (S grade), the better your rare drop chances after defeating all creatures. You can view your Knowledge points by pressing the H button.

Applied Effect per Total Points:

  • Over 500 – Item Drop Rate +2%
  • Over 1000 – Item Drop Rate +3%
  • Over 1500 – Item Drop Rate +5%
  • Over 2000 – Item Drop Rate +7%
  • Over 3000 – Item Drop Rate +10%
  • Over 4000 – Item Drop Rate +12%
  • Over 5000 – Item Drop Rate +14%
  • Over 6000 – Item Drop Rate +16%
  • Over 7000 – Item Drop Rate +18%
  • Over 8000 – Item Drop Rate +20%

Knowledge Buffs

2 types of buffs can help you to increase your knowledge, this is the Chance to Gain Higher-grade Knowledge and the Chance to Gain Knowledge. One gives you a bonus for gaining knowledge on a topic, and the other for gaining the highest level of knowledge from a monster.

  • Special Drieghanese Meal: Chance to Gain Knowledge +5%, Chance to Gain Higher-Grade Knowledge +2%
  • Simple Cron Meal: Chance to Gain Knowledge +10%, Chance to Gain Higher-Grade Knowledge +5%
  • Savage Draught: Chance to Gain Knowledge +12%, Chance to Gain Higher-Grade Knowledge +7%
  • Black Desert Online Knowledge Guide - How to Get Max Energy (14)Glasses: Chance to Gain Knowledge +50%
  • Black Desert Online Knowledge Guide - How to Get Max Energy (15)Earrings: Chance to Gain Higher-grade Knowledge +5%
  • Black Desert Online Knowledge Guide - How to Get Max Energy (16)Guild Buff: Chance to Gain Knowledge +15%, Chance to Gain Higher-Grade Knowledge +2%
  • Weenie Elixir (Weenie Elixir and [Party] Weenie Elixir): Chance to Gain Knowledge +7% or +10%
  • Looney Elixir (Looney Elixir and [Party] Looney Elixir): Chance to Gain Higher-Grade Knowledge +3% or +5%
  • Stir-Fried Bracken: Chance to Gain Knowledge +5%
  • Savory Stir-Fried Bracken: Chance to Gain Knowledge +5%
  • Roast Marmot: Chance to Gain Higher-Grade Knowledge +2%
  • Golden Roast Marmot: Chance to Gain Higher-Grade Knowledge +2%
  • Black Desert Online Knowledge Guide - How to Get Max Energy (25)Bird pets:
    Tier 1: Chance to Gain Knowledge +5%, Chance to Gain Higher-Grade Knowledge +1%
    Tier 2: Chance to Gain Knowledge +10%, Chance to Gain Higher-Grade Knowledge +2%
    Tier 3: Chance to Gain Knowledge +15%, Chance to Gain Higher-Grade Knowledge +3%
    Tier 4: Chance to Gain Knowledge +20%, Chance to Gain Higher-Grade Knowledge +4%

If you are looking to maximize your P2W pets benefits, make sure to check our BDO pets guide.

Amity games

If you want to acquire knowledge you will often come across the need to play Amity games. This is a mini-game that allows you to earn amity points at a particular NPC after the conversation. This is useful not only because you can make interactions with the NPC that you would not otherwise be able to do, but because if the NPC has a shop, you can also purchase various special items from it. Engaging in Conversation with an NPC will increase the amity between you and that NPC. You will also need knowledge so that you have topics to talk about with the NPC.

However, if you find a particular conversation too difficult, you still have the option to choose ‘Greeting’ instead of amity games. Greeting (press F5) an NPC will use 3 energy and earn you 3 Amity. Needless to say, this is a surefire solution to more difficult cases.

How does it work?

You can begin a conversation with NPCs if you choose the Conversation option from their menu and if you have enough Energy points to begin this action. It usually costs 2 energy each time but as you gain more amity with the NPC the amount of energy you need will go higher. Then the Amity game window that you can see in the picture below will pop up.

What you should note first is the requirement in the lower-left corner. There are five ways of requirements:

1. Sparking Interest: Completing this goal requires you to get enough positive reactions from the topics during the conversation. Choose topics with a higher sparkling interest percentage, to get a better chance of success.

2. Failing to Spark Interest: Completing this goal requires you to get several negative reactions required. Choose topics with a lower sparkling interest percentage, to get a better chance of failure.

3. Minimum Favor Level: Completing this goal requires you to get a certain amount of Favor Level. Try to choose topics with a higher percentage of Sparking Interest, to gain the indicated Favor. The sparking interest is the percentage of how successful you will be if you choose the item, and the favor is how much flavor you will get from it. Of course, do not choose topics with 100% Interest and 0 Favor.

4. Accumulated Favor Level: Completing this goal requires you to get a certain amount of Accumulated Favor Level. You should pick topics with high Sparking Interest and high Interest to complete this. Place the higher Sparking Interest topics towards the beginning of the conversation to get the highest possible Accumulated Favor Level.

5. Talk Freely: Completing this goal requires you to talk freely whatever you want, and you will pass to the next round. You will get the highest amount of Amity points if you strive for the highest Accumulated Favor.

Keep talking or exit?

If you have successfully passed the turn, the game offers to continue or end the game. If you choose the exit, you will accept the Amity points you have earned so far and it will be credited to your Amity game points. If you choose the keep talking option, you can keep talking without having to use energy again, but if you do not meet the next goal then you lose all of the amity you collected (you can keep talking 2 times, making a total of 3 conversations each time). So let’s choose wisely.

There are NPCs in the game with which you can easily get high amity levels, but there are also harder nuts with which you can get a lot of trouble while scoring. For these cases, I recommend you to search for that particular NPC on Google because in many cases, players have already uploaded “bomb-proof” amity-game plans to earn the points that you need.

Amity Buffs:

  • Elixir of Amity (Elixir of Amity or [Party] Elixir of Amity): Amity +20% or Amity +30%
  • Pickled Fish: Amity +5%
  • Five-Grain Chicken Porridge: Amity +5%
  • Black Desert Online Knowledge Guide - How to Get Max Energy (32)Calpheon Noble Suit or Dress: Amity +15%
  • Black Desert Online Knowledge Guide - How to Get Max Energy (33)[Villa Buff] Turning Gates: Amity +10%
  • Black Desert Online Knowledge Guide - How to Get Max Energy (34)Pearl Costumes: Amity +10%

Knowledge Categories

H (Knowledge) window, Black Desert Online

Each major category is further divided into smaller categories. To receive the energy points for each part, it is not always necessary to obtain all the smallest parts. However, the color of the category only turns blue when you have acquired all the knowledge from it.


Subcategories: 19
Total Energy: 180

The character category is the most basic knowledge at Black Desert. This gives you the most energy points, and all you have to do for it is talk to NPCs around the world. Some NPCs will have specific requirements, such as talking to another NPC first. If you need help to know how you can reach knowledge from this topic, jump to the Reach Character Topic chapter.


Subcategories: 8
Total Energy: 51

The topography is your knowledge of the map’s locations. It’s also pretty basic knowledge, in addition, the game gives you a pretty good number of energy points for it. You’ve come across a lot of places on your travels anyway, but if you still have gaps, simply head to the unknown places (these are usually marked with fog), and when you get to an unknown area, you usually get the knowledge. In some cases it is not enough to just enter the areas, you have to speak with an NPC to give you this knowledge. Obtaining these is quite easy, however, and you will gain a lot of benefits later on from knowing all the areas, such as building your worker network, from which you can expect very good passive income. If you need help to know how you can reach knowledge from this topic, jump to the Reach Topography Sectionchapter.


Subcategories: 13
Total Energy: 21

The Sea topic is made up of how well you know the islands of the sea. You can also make a nice small number of energy points from this part in exchange for a little boat trip. Go with your ship to all the islands, talk to the NPCs on it, then enjoy free energy points. If you are a beginner in piracy, you may want to bring an Ancient Explorer’s Compass (it’s from x3 Part for Explorer’s Compass) or a [Oasis] Compass (you can buy one from an Oasis Vendor for 1 Silver if Oasis Event is in progress) with you. If you need help to know how you can reach knowledge from this topic, jump to the Reach Sea Topic chapter.


Subcategories: 10
Total Energy: 154

Ecology is the knowledge of the monsters in Black Desert. When you first encounter a monster, you will not see it’s HP bar, instead, you will only see a yellow bar that will turn red as the mob’s vitality dwindles. In order to see the HP bar, you have to recognize the weaknesses of the monster (from killing them). Although there are a lot of energy points for this category, it will be a time-consuming process to obtain them. To acquire the knowledge here, it is sufficient to acquire only the smallest (C) class of knowledge. If you need help to know how you can reach knowledge from this topic, jump to the Reach Ecology Sectionchapter.

Monster knowledge ranks benefits:

  • S:+% rare drop chance
  • A+:++damage
  • A:+damage
  • B:-damage received
  • C:view monster HP %

If you want to reset your knowledge in an attempt to gain a higher rank, you can do it if you go to Calpheon library and find NPC Annalisa. In the Knowledge Management option, you can choose the knowledge that you would like to reset and simply click Delete Knowledge.

Adventure Journal

Subcategories: 13
Total Energy: 149

The Adventure Journal section is also a bit more complicated, as in this chapter you can gain the necessary knowledge from 3 sources: simply talk with NPCs, do Amity games for the knowledge, or do long questlines to reach the necessary knowledge. But in return for these, the game rewards a very nice number of energy points for you. If you need help to know how you can reach knowledge from this topic, jump to the Reach Adventure Journalchapter.


Subcategories: 20
Total Energy: 38

Academic knowledge is mostly gainable by interacting with objects or talking with NPCs. This also includes knowledge of books that can be found throughout the Black Desert, most of them in the libraries of large cities. Compared to how easy it is to get them, we get a fair number of energy points for these pieces of knowledge. But in order not to make everything so simple, you also have to play amity games to get energy points. If you need help to know how you can reach knowledge from this topic, jump to the Reach Academics Topic chapter.

Life Skill

Subcategories: 12
Total Energy: 0

Life Skills knowledge is made up of your professions. This category does not give energy points, but it is essential for further crafting and processing actions. Here you will mainly find preparation instructions for different items.

Learning the Ropes of Black Desert

Subcategories: 8
Total Energy: 0

Learning the ropes of Black Desert knowledge is discovered by following tutorial quests throughout the game. Since it does not give energy points, it is only important for gaining experience.


Subcategories: 2
Total Energy: 0

Trade knowledge is discovered by collecting various trade materials.


Class: Dark Knight; Costume: Kibelius Armor at Black Desert Online

Bookshelves provide a good opportunity if you want to gain knowledge in „AFK” mode as well. It gives you random knowledge acquired within a subcategory. Read a book on your alt at your Residence, while you are active on your other character. It takes one hour per knowledge chance and does not automatically keep reading afterward, you should do it manually. This process not guarantee a knowledge/rank you don’t have already, and you can’t switch servers while reading.

There are various bookshelves in the game: pearl items or crafted ones. Whichever you choose, you must put it in your Residence. Bookshelves have different durability, once they run out of durability, you can’t repair them.

Here you will find some bookshelves that are not pearl items:

[Manor] Olvian BookshelfBookshelf with Knowledge on Monsters of Hexe SanctuaryBookshelf with Knowledge on Monsters of the Quint HillBookshelf with knowledge on the Steppes (Kamasylvia)Bookshelf with Knowledge on RhutumsBookshelf with Knowledge on Harpies

Do it step-by-step:

1, Obtain a Bookshelf and place it in your Residence. If you don’t already have a residence, buy one in one of the cities using contribution points. Press M, select a city and click on its Node. At the top right of your screen, select “Residence” from the middle menu from the list. Select the house you wish to purchase and click the Purchase button. Go inside your Residence and at the Place Mode, and put it down on your bookshelf.

2, Go in front of your bookshelf, and press ‘R’ to start reading the books.

3, If your character started reading, press ESC, and then press the Change button, and select your character that you wish to play.

4, If everything was successful, the ESC menu shows how much time is left from reading.

Tips on how to start increasing your knowledge points

I suggest you start with the Character and Topography sections. These are the two simplest and most basic knowledge in the game. After that, I recommend the Sea section, of course, if you have a boat at your disposal. It’s a little more time-consuming but quite fun. After that, I continued my adventures with the Adventure Journal, which is the knowledge that can be gained from quests, so it is also a bit more demanding to acquire them. It consists of reading academic books, so I think it’s also easy to accomplish, It may be harder to find certain pieces of knowledge in the game because some are so well hidden, but it’s also a completely enjoyable part of the game. I would start Ecology after all this and use a lot of buffs mentioned above. If you get stuck in any part, visit YouTube where you can choose from plenty of helpful tutorial videos created by content producers.

And at the very end, I left behind the 3 topics that no longer give Energy: Life Skill, Learning the ropes of the Black Desert, and the Trade topics. Since they don’t give you energy, so I’d say it’s not important to start separately, but of course, if you’re trying to maximize your Knowledge, you’ll go for it. If you’ve been a more experienced player and have been playing the game for a long time, you’ve already gotten most of them anyway.

Character Topic

Black Desert Online Knowledge Guide - How to Get Max Energy (45)

… and take a pic with NPC Maopan!

If you want to expand your Character topic, select the Character topic in the Knowledge window in the game and see what is still missing from each topic. The game indicates missing NPCs with “??????” The easiest way to find them is to look at the full list on this site (in the same order as the game writes your own knowledge), to find out which NPC you are missing, then visit our NPC collection where you will find the locations of all NPCs. Go there and talk to the NPC so you can get to know each other. Some NPCs have a condition that you already need to know someone in order for them to talk to you as well. In that case, just do it.

Topography Section

Black Desert Online Knowledge Guide - How to Get Max Energy (47)

If you still find gaps in the Topography section, check out our interactive map where you can easily see which Nodes are still missing from your knowledge base. Getting all the Nodes is essential because you can make a significant profit if you employ Workers, and it is essential to know the Nodes in the game. When a new territory enters the game, new Nodes come along, with new raw materials and new benefits. If you prefer to search for Nodes by name, check out our Node Collection.

Sea Topic

Black Desert Online Knowledge Guide - How to Get Max Energy (48)

Grab a ship and go to sea, pirate! If you are a beginner in piracy, you may want to bring an Ancient Explorer’s Compass (it’s from x3 Part for Explorer’s Compass) or a [Oasis] Compass (you can buy one from an Oasis Vendor for 1 Silver if Oasis Event is in progress) with you. In this chapter you have to explore the islands of the sea, so let’s get our interactive map again. Simply sail to the island, get out, and walk until a message pops up that you have explored the area. If you’re already here, be sure to talk to all the NPCs on the islands.

Ecology Section

Black Desert Online Knowledge Guide - How to Get Max Energy (49)

All you have to do in this chapter is learn about the monsters in the world. In this section, our monster collection can help you. You can gain knowledge from monsters by killing them or if you harvest their corpse with a tool. Some monsters make it difficult to get the knowledge you need, use buffs (I have already listed these in the Knowledge Buffs section) in such cases.

Adventure Journal

Black Desert Online Knowledge Guide - How to Get Max Energy (50)

Use this siteto find out what the name of the knowledge you still lack is. I have no better idea than searching Google on how to get what you are looking for. There are a number of knowledge in this section that you can only gain by completing questlines. And sometimes these questlines also have a prerequisite (another quest)… So get ready to search?!

Academics Topic

Black Desert Online Knowledge Guide - How to Get Max Energy (51)

Use this site to find out what the name of the knowledge you still lack is. As I mentioned above, academic knowledge is mostly gainable by interacting with objects or talking with NPCs. Sometimes you need to play Amity games (or use Greeting) to obtain the knowledge. I have already described this above in the Amity games chapter.


Energy Potion (Small)

Black Desert Online Knowledge Guide - How to Get Max Energy (52)

Weight: 0.40 LT

  • - Personal Transaction Unavailable
    • - Marketplace Information
    • Market Price: 1,260,000 Silver
    • Warehouse Capacity: 1.00 VT
  • - Description: An ordinary Energy potion.
    • - Effect
    • Replenishes 10 Energy
    • - Duration: Instant
  • - How to obtain

    Talk to NPC Alustin

    • - Price: Silver 45,000


Energy Potion (Medium)

Black Desert Online Knowledge Guide - How to Get Max Energy (53)

Weight: 0.75 LT

  • - Personal Transaction Unavailable
    • - Marketplace Information
    • Market Price: 2,400,000 Silver
    • Warehouse Capacity: 1.00 VT
  • - Description: An ordinary Energy potion.
    • - Effect
    • Replenishes 20 Energy
    • - Duration: Instant
  • - How to obtain

    Talk to NPC Alustin

    • - Price: Silver 90,000


Energy Potion (Large)

Black Desert Online Knowledge Guide - How to Get Max Energy (54)

Weight: 1.25 LT

  • - Personal Transaction Unavailable
    • - Marketplace Information
    • Market Price: 4,190,000 Silver
    • Warehouse Capacity: 1.00 VT
  • - Description: An ordinary Energy potion.
    • - Effect
    • Replenishes 30 Energy
    • - Duration: Instant
  • - How to obtain

    Talk to NPC Alustin

    • - Price: Silver 135,000


Energy Potion (Extra Large)

Black Desert Online Knowledge Guide - How to Get Max Energy (55)

Weight: 2.50 LT

  • - Personal Transaction Unavailable
    • - Marketplace Information
    • Market Price: 5,350,000 Silver
    • Warehouse Capacity: 1.00 VT
  • - Description: An ordinary Energy potion.
    • - Effect
    • Replenishes 50 Energy
    • - Duration: Instant
  • - How to obtain

    Talk to NPC Alustin

    • - Price: Silver 180,000


Special Drieghanese Meal

Black Desert Online Knowledge Guide - How to Get Max Energy (56)

Weight: 0.10 LT

  • - Personal Transaction Unavailable
    • - Marketplace Information
    • Market Price: 48,600 Silver
  • - Description: An assembly of various Drieghan cuisines
    • - Effect
    • Knowledge Gain Chance +5%
    • Chance to Gain Higher-Grade Knowledge +2%
    • Down Attack Damage +5%
    • Weight Limit +100LT
    • - Duration: 90 min.
  • - How to obtain

    > You can produce this item through Cooking Utensils at your residence if your cooking level is Master 1 or up.

    • - Crafting Materials
    • Black Desert Online Knowledge Guide - How to Get Max Energy (57)Stir-Fried Bracken(1)
    • Black Desert Online Knowledge Guide - How to Get Max Energy (58)Skewered Llama Cheese Melt(1)
    • Black Desert Online Knowledge Guide - How to Get Max Energy (59)Roast Marmot(1)
    • Black Desert Online Knowledge Guide - How to Get Max Energy (60)Ghormeh Sabzi(1)
    • Black Desert Online Knowledge Guide - How to Get Max Energy (61)Honey Wine(2)


Simple Cron Meal

Black Desert Online Knowledge Guide - How to Get Max Energy (62)

Weight: 0.10 LT

  • - Can be placed in the Family Inventory
  • - Personal Transaction Unavailable
    • - Marketplace Information
    • Market Price: 382,000 Silver
    • Warehouse Capacity: 1.00 VT
  • Supplied rations on ship: 22,000
  • - Description: A dish made for Cron Knights of the past to easily carry and eat.
    • - Effect
    • Extra AP against Monsters +13
    • Combat EXP +10%
    • Skill EXP +5%
    • Attack Speed +1
    • Casting Speed +1
    • Movement Speed +2
    • Max HP +150
    • Chance to gain Knowledge +10%
    • Chance to Gain Higher-Grade Knowledge +5%
    • Weight Limit +100LT
    • Down Attack Damage +5%
    • Damage from Monsters -6%
    • Heatstroke, Hypothermia Resistance +10%
    • - Duration: 120 min.
    • - Cooldown: 10 sec.
  • - How to obtain

    Use Simple Cooking in the Processing window (L) to combine Knight Combat Rations x1, Mediah Meal x3, Valencia Meal x3, Ancient Cron Spice x1.
    Use Simple Cooking in the Processing window (L) to combine Serendia Meal x3, Special Drieghanese Meal x1, Mediah Meal x3, Ancient Cron Spice x1.
    ※ Higher-grade versions of the same food item can be used as a substitute at a 1:3 ratio.

  • * While this item is in effect the effects of other food items will not be applied, except Health EXP gain.
    * Only the effects of the last Cron Meal used will be applied (e.g. Seafood Cron Meal, Simple Cron Meal, Exquisite Cron Meal).

    • - Crafting Materials
    • Black Desert Online Knowledge Guide - How to Get Max Energy (63)Knight Combat Rations(1)
    • Black Desert Online Knowledge Guide - How to Get Max Energy (64)Mediah Meal(3)
    • Black Desert Online Knowledge Guide - How to Get Max Energy (65)Valencia Meal(3)
    • Black Desert Online Knowledge Guide - How to Get Max Energy (66)Ancient Cron Spice(1)

Offensive Elixir

Savage Draught

Black Desert Online Knowledge Guide - How to Get Max Energy (67)

Weight: 0.50 LT

  • - Personal Transaction Unavailable
    • - Marketplace Information
    • Market Price: 725,000 Silver
  • - Description: An Elixir with an offensive function.
    • - Effect
    • Extra AP against Monsters +15
    • Knowledge Gain Chance +12%
    • Chance to Gain Higher-Grade Knowledge +7%
    • Recover HP +1 on Attack
    • Damage from Monsters -10%
    • Critical Hit +3
    • Weight Limit +100 LT
    • - Duration: 15 min.
    • - Cooldown: 10 sec.
  • - How to obtain

    Use Simple Alchemy in the Processing window (L) to combine Weenie Elixir x3, Looney Elixir x3, Helix Elixir x3, and Tears of the Falling Moon x1.
    * Higher-grade versions of the same elixir can be used as a substitute at a 1:3 ratio.

  • * While this item is in effect the effects of elixirs will not be applied, excluding those of Perfume of Courage, Perfume of Swiftness, Elixir of Deep Sea, Khalk's Elixir, Spirit Perfume Elixir, Whale Tendon Elixir or Tough Whale Tendon Elixir.
    * Only the effects of the last draught used will be applied.

    • - Price: Silver 35,780
    • - Crafting Materials
    • Black Desert Online Knowledge Guide - How to Get Max Energy (68)Weenie Elixir(3)
    • Black Desert Online Knowledge Guide - How to Get Max Energy (69)Looney Elixir(3)
    • Black Desert Online Knowledge Guide - How to Get Max Energy (70)Helix Elixir(3)
    • Black Desert Online Knowledge Guide - How to Get Max Energy (71)Tears of the Falling Moon(1)

Functional Elixir

Weenie Elixir

Black Desert Online Knowledge Guide - How to Get Max Energy (72)

Weight: 0.50 LT

  • - Personal Transaction Unavailable
    • - Marketplace Information
    • Market Price: 21,200 Silver
  • - Description: Elixir with a practical function.
    • - Effect
    • Knowledge Gain Chance +7%
  • - How to obtain

    It can be produced by using an Alchemy Tool in your Residence if Apprentice 1 or above in Alchemy.
    There is a slight chance of obtaining Surging Weenie Elixir when producing Weenie Elixir if your Alchemy level is Professional 1 or above.

    • - Crafting Materials(Apprentice 1)
    • Black Desert Online Knowledge Guide - How to Get Max Energy (73)Moss Tree Sap(4)
    • Black Desert Online Knowledge Guide - How to Get Max Energy (74)Blue Umbrella Mushroom(2)
    • Black Desert Online Knowledge Guide - How to Get Max Energy (75)Powder of Time(3)
    • Black Desert Online Knowledge Guide - How to Get Max Energy (76)Monk's Branch(5)
    • Black Desert Online Knowledge Guide - How to Get Max Energy (77)Sky Blue Flower(1)
    • - Crafting Byproducts
    • Black Desert Online Knowledge Guide - How to Get Max Energy (78)Surging Weenie Elixir(Professional 1)

Functional Elixir

[Party] Weenie Elixir

  • - Personal Transaction Unavailable
    • - Marketplace Information
    • Market Price: 48,100 Silver
    • Warehouse Capacity: 1.00 VT
  • - Description: Elixir with a practical function.
    • - Effect
    • Knowledge Gain Chance +7%
    • - Duration: 10 min.
    • - Cooldown: 10 sec.
  • - A party elixir made with Aal's tear.
    - For up to 5 party members.

    • - Price: Silver 1,623
    • - Crafting Materials
    • Black Desert Online Knowledge Guide - How to Get Max Energy (80)Weenie Elixir(2)
    • Black Desert Online Knowledge Guide - How to Get Max Energy (81)Aal's Tear(1)

Functional Elixir

Looney Elixir

Black Desert Online Knowledge Guide - How to Get Max Energy (82)

Weight: 0.50 LT

  • - Personal Transaction Unavailable
    • - Marketplace Information
    • Market Price: 44,300 Silver
  • - Description: Elixir with a practical function.
    • - Effect
    • Chance to Gain Higher-Grade Knowledge +3%
    • - Duration: 5 min.
    • - Cooldown: 10 sec.
  • - How to obtain

    >It can be produced by using an Alchemy Tool in your Residence if Apprentice Lv. 1 or above in Alchemy.
    >There is a slight chance of obtaining Reliable Looney Elixir when producing Looney Elixir if your Alchemy level is Professional Lv. 1 or above.

    • - Crafting Materials(Apprentice 1)
    • Black Desert Online Knowledge Guide - How to Get Max Energy (83)Moss Tree Sap(4)
    • Black Desert Online Knowledge Guide - How to Get Max Energy (84)Volcanic Umbrella Mushroom(2)
    • Black Desert Online Knowledge Guide - How to Get Max Energy (85)Powder of Flame(3)
    • Black Desert Online Knowledge Guide - How to Get Max Energy (86)Red Tree Lump(5)
    • Black Desert Online Knowledge Guide - How to Get Max Energy (87)Violet Flower(1)
    • - Crafting Byproducts
    • Black Desert Online Knowledge Guide - How to Get Max Energy (88)Crude Crystal Fragment(Beginner 1)
    • Black Desert Online Knowledge Guide - How to Get Max Energy (89)Reliable Looney Elixir(Professional 1)

Functional Elixir

[Party] Looney Elixir

Black Desert Online Knowledge Guide - How to Get Max Energy (90)

Weight: 0.75 LT

  • - Personal Transaction Unavailable
    • - Marketplace Information
    • Market Price: 29,500 Silver
    • Warehouse Capacity: 1.00 VT
  • - Description: Elixir with a practical function.
    • - Effect
    • Chance to Gain Higher-Grade Knowledge +3%
    • - Duration: 10 min.
    • - Cooldown: 10 sec.
  • – A party elixir made with Aal's tear.
    For up to 5 party members.

    • - Price: Silver 1,623
    • - Crafting Materials
    • Black Desert Online Knowledge Guide - How to Get Max Energy (91)Looney Elixir(2)
    • Black Desert Online Knowledge Guide - How to Get Max Energy (92)Aal's Tear(1)


Stir-Fried Bracken

Black Desert Online Knowledge Guide - How to Get Max Energy (93)

Weight: 0.10 LT

  • - Personal Transaction Unavailable
    • - Marketplace Information
    • Market Price: 19,700 Silver
  • - Description: A Bracken side-dish that imparts a garlic aroma
    • - Effect
    • Knowledge Gain Chance +5%
    • - Duration: 60 min.
  • - How to obtain

    > You can produce this item through Cooking Utensils at your residence if your cooking level is Professional 1 or up.
    > If you are a Cooking Master 1 or up, you have a slight chance of acquiring a Savory Stir-Fried Bracken when making Stir-Fried Bracken.

    • - Crafting Materials
    • Black Desert Online Knowledge Guide - How to Get Max Energy (94)Bracken(8)
    • Black Desert Online Knowledge Guide - How to Get Max Energy (95)Garlic(5)
    • Black Desert Online Knowledge Guide - How to Get Max Energy (96)Salt(2)
    • Black Desert Online Knowledge Guide - How to Get Max Energy (97)Mineral Water(5)
    • Black Desert Online Knowledge Guide - How to Get Max Energy (98)Olive Oil(2)
    • - Crafting Byproducts
    • Black Desert Online Knowledge Guide - How to Get Max Energy (99)Savory Stir-Fried Bracken(Master 1)


Savory Stir-Fried Bracken

Black Desert Online Knowledge Guide - How to Get Max Energy (100)

Weight: 0.10 LT

  • - Personal Transaction Unavailable
    • - Marketplace Information
    • Market Price: 42,700 Silver
  • - Description: A Bracken stir fry side-dish that brings out the flavors and aromas
    • - Effect
    • Knowledge Gain Chance +5%
    • - Duration: 75 min.
  • - How to obtain

    > If you are a Cooking Master 1 or up, you have a slight chance of acquiring a Savory Stir-Fried Bracken when making Stir-Fried Bracken.

    • - Price: Silver 1,200
    • - Byproduct of Crafting(Master 1)
    • Black Desert Online Knowledge Guide - How to Get Max Energy (101)Stir-Fried Bracken


Roast Marmot

Black Desert Online Knowledge Guide - How to Get Max Energy (102)

Weight: 0.10 LT

  • - Personal Transaction Unavailable
    • - Marketplace Information
    • Market Price: 28,500 Silver
  • - Description: A whole, flame-grilled mamott.
    • - Effect
    • Chance to Gain-Higher Grade knowledge +2%
    • - Duration: 60 min.
  • - How to obtain

    > You can produce this item through Cooking Utensils at your residence if your cooking level is Professional 1 or up.
    > There is a slight chance of obtaining Golden Roast Marmot when making Roast Marmot if your cooking level is Master 1 or up.

    • - Crafting Materials
    • Black Desert Online Knowledge Guide - How to Get Max Energy (103)Marmot Meat(5)
    • Black Desert Online Knowledge Guide - How to Get Max Energy (104)Hot Pepper(3)
    • Black Desert Online Knowledge Guide - How to Get Max Energy (105)Salt(2)
    • Black Desert Online Knowledge Guide - How to Get Max Energy (106)Red Sauce(1)
    • Black Desert Online Knowledge Guide - How to Get Max Energy (107)Cooking Wine(3)
    • - Crafting Byproducts
    • Black Desert Online Knowledge Guide - How to Get Max Energy (108)Golden Roast Marmot(Master 1)


Golden Roast Marmot

Black Desert Online Knowledge Guide - How to Get Max Energy (109)

Weight: 0.10 LT

  • - Personal Transaction Unavailable
    • - Marketplace Information
    • Market Price: 25,600 Silver
  • - Description: A golden, roast Marmot.
    • - Effect
    • Chance to Gain-Higher Grade knowledge +2%
    • - Duration: 75 min.
  • - How to obtain

    > There is a slight chance of obtaining a Golden Roast Marmot when making Marmot Roast if your Cooking level is Master 1 or up.

    • - Price: Silver 1,090
    • - Byproduct of Crafting(Master 1)
    • Black Desert Online Knowledge Guide - How to Get Max Energy (110)Roast Marmot

Functional Elixir

Elixir of Amity

Black Desert Online Knowledge Guide - How to Get Max Energy (111)

Weight: 0.50 LT

  • - Personal Transaction Unavailable
    • - Marketplace Information
    • Market Price: 32,700 Silver
  • - Description: Elixir with a practical function.
    • - Effect
    • Amity Gain +20%
    • - Duration: 5 min.
    • - Cooldown: 10 sec.
  • - How to obtain

    >It can be produced by using an Alchemy Tool in your Residence if Apprentice Lv.1 or above in Alchemy.
    >There is a slight chance of obtaining Improved Elixir of Amity when producing Elixir of Amity if your Alchemy level is Professional Lv.1 or above.

    • - Crafting Materials(Apprentice 1)
    • Black Desert Online Knowledge Guide - How to Get Max Energy (112)Legendary Beast's Blood(1)
    • Black Desert Online Knowledge Guide - How to Get Max Energy (113)Fire Flake Flower(5)
    • Black Desert Online Knowledge Guide - How to Get Max Energy (114)Ash Sap(6)
    • Black Desert Online Knowledge Guide - How to Get Max Energy (115)Black Stone Powder(3)
    • - Crafting Byproducts
    • Black Desert Online Knowledge Guide - How to Get Max Energy (116)Crude Crystal Fragment(Beginner 1)
    • Black Desert Online Knowledge Guide - How to Get Max Energy (117)Improved Elixir of Amity(Professional 1)

Functional Elixir

[Party] Elixir of Amity

Black Desert Online Knowledge Guide - How to Get Max Energy (118)

Weight: 0.75 LT

  • - Personal Transaction Unavailable
    • - Marketplace Information
    • Market Price: 75,000 Silver
    • Warehouse Capacity: 1.00 VT
  • - Description: Elixir with a practical function.
    • - Effect
    • Amity Gain +20%
    • - Duration: 10 min.
    • - Cooldown: 10 sec.
  • - A party elixir made with Aal's tear.
    - For up to 5 party members.

    • - Price: Silver 1,918
    • - Crafting Materials
    • Black Desert Online Knowledge Guide - How to Get Max Energy (119)Elixir of Amity(2)
    • Black Desert Online Knowledge Guide - How to Get Max Energy (120)Aal's Tear(1)


Pickled Fish

Black Desert Online Knowledge Guide - How to Get Max Energy (121)

Weight: 0.10 LT

  • - Personal Transaction Unavailable
    • - Marketplace Information
    • Market Price: 855 Silver
  • - Description: Fish pickled in vinegar.
    • - Effect
    • Amity +5%
    • - Duration: 60 min.
  • - How to obtain

    > It can be produced by using the Cooking Utensil in your residence if your cooking level is Apprentice Lv.1 or up.
    > There is a slight chance of obtaining Sour Pickled Fish when making Pickled Fish if your cooking level is Skilled Lv.9 or up.

    • - Crafting Materials(Apprentice 1)
    • Black Desert Online Knowledge Guide - How to Get Max Energy (122)Fish(1)
    • Black Desert Online Knowledge Guide - How to Get Max Energy (123)Vinegar(2)
    • Black Desert Online Knowledge Guide - How to Get Max Energy (124)Salt(4)
    • Black Desert Online Knowledge Guide - How to Get Max Energy (125)Leavening Agent(2)
    • - Crafting Byproducts
    • Black Desert Online Knowledge Guide - How to Get Max Energy (126)Sour Pickled Fish(Skilled 9)


Five-Grain Chicken Porridge

Black Desert Online Knowledge Guide - How to Get Max Energy (127)

Weight: 0.10 LT

  • - Personal Transaction Unavailable
    • - Marketplace Information
    • Market Price: 497 Silver
  • - Description: A delicate porridge with chicken to add a bit of flavor.
    • - Effect
    • Amity +5%
    • - Duration: 60 min.
  • - How to obtain

    > It can be produced by using the Cooking Utensil in your residence if your cooking level is Beginner Lv.6 or up.
    > There is a slight chance of obtaining Thick Five-Grain Chicken Porridge when making Five-Grain Chicken Porridge if your cooking level is Skilled 5 or up.

    • - Crafting Materials(Beginner 6)
    • Black Desert Online Knowledge Guide - How to Get Max Energy (128)Ground Bird Meat(2)
    • Black Desert Online Knowledge Guide - How to Get Max Energy (129)Mineral Water(2)
    • Black Desert Online Knowledge Guide - How to Get Max Energy (130)Cereals(3)
    • - Crafting Byproducts
    • Black Desert Online Knowledge Guide - How to Get Max Energy (131)Thick Five-Grain Chicken Porridge(Skilled 5)

Wardrobe / Bookshelf

[Manor] Olvian Bookshelf

Black Desert Online Knowledge Guide - How to Get Max Energy (132)

Weight: 15.00 LT

  • Interior Points: 10 Point
  • - Personal Transaction Unavailable
    • - Marketplace Information
    • Market Price: 58,000,000 Silver
    • Warehouse Capacity: 0.30 VT
  • - Description: An Olvian Bookshelf crafted by Wocester, the Olvian furniture dealer. He said he crafted the furniture while reminiscing about the charming, timeless town of Olvia. Both Sturdy Maple and Pine Plywood were used to make this furniture, but the grain on each piece of wood matches the others perfectly. You can truly feel Wocester's fondness for Olvia.
    • - Price: N/A
    • - Workload(300)

      About 60 min. based on Worker Speed 50 (with 100% Farming Resources)

    • - Crafting Materials
    • Black Desert Online Knowledge Guide - How to Get Max Energy (133)Design: Olvian Bookshelf(1)
    • Black Desert Online Knowledge Guide - How to Get Max Energy (134)Sturdy Maple Plywood(40)
    • Black Desert Online Knowledge Guide - How to Get Max Energy (135)Translucent Crystal(20)
    • Black Desert Online Knowledge Guide - How to Get Max Energy (136)Moss Tree Sap(160)
    • Black Desert Online Knowledge Guide - How to Get Max Energy (137)Plywood Hardener(16)
    • Black Desert Online Knowledge Guide - How to Get Max Energy (138)Sturdy Pine Plywood(40)

Wardrobe / Bookshelf

Bookshelf with Knowledge on Monsters of Hexe Sanctuary

Black Desert Online Knowledge Guide - How to Get Max Energy (139)

Weight: 25.00 LT

  • Interior Points: 47 Point
  • - Personal Transaction Unavailable
    • - Marketplace Information
    • Market Price: 280,000 Silver
    • Warehouse Capacity: 1.00 VT
  • - Description: A bookshelf filled with knowledge on monsters in Hexe Sanctuary.
    • - Price: Silver 6,990
  • - Durability
  • 10 / 10

Wardrobe / Bookshelf

Bookshelf with Knowledge on Monsters of the Quint Hill

Black Desert Online Knowledge Guide - How to Get Max Energy (140)

Weight: 25.00 LT

  • Interior Points: 46 Point
  • - Personal Transaction Unavailable
    • - Marketplace Information
    • Market Price: 226,000 Silver
    • Warehouse Capacity: 1.00 VT
  • - Description: A bookshelf filled with knowledge on the monsters of Quint Hill.
    • - Price: Silver 6,930
  • - Durability
  • 10 / 10

Wardrobe / Bookshelf

Bookshelf with knowledge on the Steppes (Kamasylvia)

Black Desert Online Knowledge Guide - How to Get Max Energy (141)

Weight: 25.00 LT

  • Interior Points: 47 Point
  • - Personal Transaction Unavailable
    • - Marketplace Information
    • Market Price: 373,000 Silver
    • Warehouse Capacity: 1.00 VT
  • - Description: A bookshelf containing knowledge of the meadows (Kamasylvia).
    • - Price: Silver 6,870
  • - Durability
  • 10 / 10

Wardrobe / Bookshelf

Bookshelf with Knowledge on Rhutums

Black Desert Online Knowledge Guide - How to Get Max Energy (142)

Weight: 25.00 LT

  • Interior Points: 47 Point
  • - Personal Transaction Unavailable
    • - Marketplace Information
    • Market Price: 224,000 Silver
    • Warehouse Capacity: 1.00 VT
  • - Description: A bookshelf filled with knowledge on Rhutums.
    • - Price: Silver 6,990
  • - Durability
  • 10 / 10

Wardrobe / Bookshelf

Bookshelf with Knowledge on Harpies

Black Desert Online Knowledge Guide - How to Get Max Energy (143)

Weight: 25.00 LT

  • Interior Points: 47 Point
  • - Personal Transaction Unavailable
    • - Marketplace Information
    • Market Price: 187,000 Silver
    • Warehouse Capacity: 1.00 VT
  • - Description: A bookshelf filled with knowledge on Harpies.
    • - Price: Silver 7,020
  • - Durability
  • 10 / 10

Black Desert Online Knowledge Guide - How to Get Max Energy (2024)
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Author: Trent Wehner

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Author information

Name: Trent Wehner

Birthday: 1993-03-14

Address: 872 Kevin Squares, New Codyville, AK 01785-0416

Phone: +18698800304764

Job: Senior Farming Developer

Hobby: Paintball, Calligraphy, Hunting, Flying disc, Lapidary, Rafting, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.